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a game by Geometric Interactive
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Puzzle Games, Exploration Games, 3D Platformer Games, Space Games

COCOON is an exciting new puzzle adventure game developed by Jeppe Carlsen. As the curtains rise on this captivating new title, we are invited to traverse through worlds within worlds, wielding the power of interdimensional mechanics to uncover a cosmic enigma. With its innovative gameplay mechanics, captivating environments, and challenging puzzles, COCOON promises an experience that will keep players engaged and enthralled from start to finish.

Gamers that enjoy his previous work as the lead gameplay designer of Limbo and Inside will love this game. Be sure to add it to the wishlist and get notified on release!

World-Leaping Mechanics

COCOON introduces an intriguing twist to the puzzle adventure genre, presenting us with the unique ability to carry entire worlds within orb-like structures. Traverse these interconnected realms, leaping between them to manipulate, combine, and unravel their mysteries. Unearth the secrets of ancient alien machinery, harness orb abilities to unlock hidden pathways, and confront formidable guardians that stand between you and cosmic revelations. COCOON is a journey beyond imagination, where puzzles and worlds intertwine in a symphony of innovation and discovery.

Alien Wonders and Biomechanical Puzzles

Within the depths of COCOON's universe lies a captivating array of alien environments and biomechanical devices, remnants of an ancient civilization that once thrived across these otherworldly landscapes. From sprawling industrial structures to vast, organic caverns, each biome holds its secrets, waiting for intrepid players to discover their interconnected stories. The game's meticulous attention to detail in environmental design ensures that every step of the journey is a feast for the senses, immersing players in a visually stunning and intriguingly mysterious world.

Unveiling Orb Abilities

An essential element that sets COCOON apart is the unique abilities housed within each orb. As players progress through the game, they have the opportunity to unlock these capabilities, transforming the orbs into versatile tools that can be harnessed within other worlds. These newfound abilities are pivotal in uncovering hidden passages, manipulating the environment, and activating switches that are crucial to advancing through the multifaceted puzzles. From launching projectiles to trigger mechanisms to altering the very fabric of the worlds themselves, mastering these abilities adds layers of complexity and satisfaction to the gameplay.

Confrontation with Monstrous Guardians

COCOON does not solely rely on brain-teasing puzzles to captivate players—formidable guardians guarding each world demand skillful combat and strategic thinking. These epic battles, each uniquely crafted, force players to adapt to new mechanics and techniques, ensuring that the gameplay remains fresh and engaging throughout. Conquering these monstrous adversaries is a test of not only one's reflexes but also their mastery over the various mechanics introduced throughout the game.

Personal rating: 9/10

COCOON emerges as a shining example of innovation and creativity. With its mesmerizing world-leaping mechanics, awe-inspiring environments, and multifaceted puzzles, this game stands as a testament to Jeppe Carlsen's mastery in crafting unforgettable gaming experiences.


COCOON is poised to transport players into a realm of wonder, intrigue, and discovery that will linger in their minds long after the final credits roll. Prepare to embark on an adventure like no other, where the boundaries of reality blur and the mysteries of the cosmos await your exploration.


  • The game's meticulously designed alien environments and diverse biomes create a visually captivating experience that immerses players in a mesmerizing universe
  • Epic boss battles and confrontations with monstrous guardians provide thrilling and dynamic combat encounters
  • Interconnected storytelling unveils a mysterious narrative that keeps players engaged and invested


  • The pacing of the game might vary, with periods of intense action followed by more contemplative puzzle-solving moments, which might not suit all player preferences
  • Limited exploration - the focus on puzzle-solving might limit the degree of open-world exploration that some players might desire
  • The necessity of repeatedly utilizing orb abilities in different worlds might lead to a sense of repetition

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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