Holdfast: Nations At War

a game by Anvil Game Studios
Platform: PC (2017)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 6.2/10 - 19 votes
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See also: Download Strategy Games
Holdfast: Nations At War
Holdfast: Nations At War
Holdfast: Nations At War

Are you looking for an online multiplayer shooter game with that demands a combination of strong teamwork and personal skill? These “historical” battles take place on land and sea, waged by what were the greatest powers in the Napoleonic Era. With over 150 players per server, these battles are immense. So join in on the combative fun in Holdfast: Nations at War by Anvil Game Studios.


With the ability to move between first and third person, this game provides an interesting immersion to large scale conflict that I haven’t properly seen before in a game; at least not to this quality. You have a few different options in regards to gameplay, ranging from what battlefield role you decide to fill from line infantry to surgeon.

With a selection of 21 classes, each one comes with its own traits and abilities which work alongside your teams abilities, creating an interesting and realistic element of using your wits and skills to help your team survive and your nation win.

Alongside the classes, there are also different styles of combat to experience. The standard army where you work with your team to take enemy strongholds, you could manning the artillery and providing cover fire or you could lead the charge as an officer and take it to the enemy yourself right on the front line. You can take the battle to the open ocean by joining the navy. Sail a military vessel and engage in waterborne battles for that sweet sea superiority. Finally, as a nice bridge between the two, you can join the Coast Guard. Fight off naval vessels and enemy rowboats with grape shots, round shots and chain to defend your position.

There are both sword and gun play here and both feel very realistic and at home within the setting and the game itself. The large scale battles have a great atmosphere. The daunting moments as you line up right to the mad panic as the battle commences and everything turns into an all or nothing battle to survive. Its style and execution is somewhat similar to PlayerUnknown’s Battleground with combat on a huge map with lots of players. Thankfully, Holdfast doesn’t make you feel so painfully alone throughout and I really liked the difference in tone.

War is for Everyone

I had a lot of fun playing this with friends. Forming a battalion with your pals and running into the fray with naught but a trusty musket in your hands and the artillery at your back. The size of these battles is really what makes this game unique and the community that makes up those battles is what gives the game its spirit.

Roleplaying Element

This game has a strong role playing element. In that it doesn’t work for you to go all one-man-army all on your lonesome and try to defeat the enemy alone. You chose a class, you stick to that class and use your abilities have an impactful and useful position within the team. Yes, there are people running around pretending its real but I found that to be charming and it helps keep you grounded in exactly who you are and what you’re supposed to be doing and lets you have a real laugh while doing it.


This game is a hilarious romp through a large scale battle with some truly amusing and interesting characters. The player base is really what makes this game as fun as it is.


  • Hilarious gameplay
  • Amazing community


  • Poor controls
  • A little low res

Download Holdfast: Nations At War


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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