Hot Pussy College 2

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a game by Taboo Tales
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 7.5/10, based on 1 review
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See also: Eroge Games, Visual Novel, Nudity Category
Hot Pussy College 2
Hot Pussy College 2
Hot Pussy College 2
Hot Pussy College 2

Hot Pussy College 2 is a game that has such an attention grabbing title that I fired this up and I had even heard of the first game! This is a lewd visual novel and to be honest with a title like that you knew you were in store for some real XXX shenanigans. This is a rather short game, but it is a game that I enjoyed, even if there was not exactly a whole lot of depth to it. If you want a game with hot realistic looking chicks, you can certainly do a great deal worse than this game.

The Big Man On Campus

I always get a kick out of a game that has a raunchy college type setting and that is exactly what we have here with Hot Pussy College 2. There is not exactly a ton of depth to this game as far as the story goes if I am being honest with you. I am pretty sure that you know what the deal is. We are living our best campus life, trying to get laid, trying to perhaps find that special one, getting into misadventures, and let me say getting laid just one more time for good measure. The fact that the story wraps up in under an hour makes its rather basic premise more fun and as it is more of a comedy, I think the shorter length works in its advantage.

Woody By Name Woody By Nature

Ok, so there is nobody called Woody in Hot Pussy College 2, but let me tell you what I am talking about here. The dude in this game has the weirdest penis I have ever seen! Not because it is bigger and thicker than the snake Jake the Snake Roberts used to bring down to the ring, but because it looks like it is fake, like it is made out of wood! The female character models are decent enough, although they do have a kind of shiny plastic look to them, but you do not really notice it. The XXX scenes are animated and the animation I felt was far smoother than many people give it credit for.

Campus Life Sure Isn’t Easy!

I already let it slip that Hot Pussy College 2 is a lewd visual novel and as far as playing the actual game goes, the fact that they brag you can play this one handed lets you know how deep it is! Anyone that has played any type of visual novel here will be able to figure this one out. You just pick what you want to say or do and most of the time it is very easy what you need to say or do in order to get with the girl. I think the fact that this is such a short game works in its favor as it does not overstay its welcome. If it were any longer then perhaps you would notice more how shallow it is.


I know that the reaction to Hot Pussy College 2 online is mixed at best, but I enjoyed my time with this and thought it was a pretty funny and quirky kind of college campus romp. The XXX content was pretty hot and I liked how I was able to blast through the game in around an hour and that was that. Sometimes these shorter lewd experiences are better as you just plow through them and then move onto the next XXX game in your backlog!


  • I liked the campus setting
  • There are some very attractive ladies in this game
  • I liked how I was able to see all the XXX content in one playthrough
  • I found the story to be rather amusing


  • The game is very shallow and short
  • The dude needs to get his penis checked out for termites!

Download Hot Pussy College 2


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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