
a game by Ultra Soft
Genre: Adventure/RPG
Platform: NESNES
Editor Rating: 5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Pirates Games
  • Type: RPG
  • Release: November 1991
  • Difficulty: Hard

Take to the high seas, mate! Ultra's Pirates lets you become the swashbuckling captain of a pirate ship. Your mission has you looting towns and attacking other ships on your journey. You can explore many different towns to increase your booty. Cruise around the high seas looking for ships to loot as well as the towns. Ultra's Pirates lets anyone become a famous captain of a pirate ship. Aye Aye, Captain!

People say:


Although Pirates is daring enough to try new things with the NES, the lack of action and the repetitive nature that's found in most of the game play just slows down what could have otherwise been an enjoyable diversion. The whole package just comes apart in the end.


I can't get too excited about floating around, out on the sea. The ship to ship battles are OK but there just isn't enough action. It's a fair simulation however it moves too slow and it was hard to keep my interest. For military battle fans only. Too dry.


Pirates was a fun game to get into for awhile. The graphics are OK, and the sounds be a little better. The concept behind the game is original and can be involving. The game gets repetitive after awhile and will only appeal to computer game players.


I'll admit that Pirates is not the type of game that I get into, but giving it credit, the game does take some unique play mechanics and roll them together into a cohesive game. The action does get too repetitive, however, and overall any real excitement is seldom found.

Download Pirates!


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • P-200, 32 MB RAM

Snapshots and Media

NES/Famicom/Dendy Screenshots