Pro Evolution Soccer 2015

a game by PES Productions
Platforms: XBox 360, Playstation 3 (2014)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.3/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Download Sport Games, Sports Management Games, Soccer Video Games, Pro Evolution Soccer Games
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015

I have to be honest and say that when Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 was released I feel that it is was pretty overshadowed by a certain other football game. The PES series is decent enough and I remember when it was the best football game around, offering a far more better experience than what FIFA from EA was offering. However, when EA got it all together, PES never really recovered and this game came out right in the middle of EA’s dominant run.

Mastering The League

As you would expect from a PES game, Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 and the main game mode that it is offering is the Master League. Here you need to guide your team to football glory by making the right decisions on and off the pitch. If you have played a Pro Evolution Soccer game before you know what to expect here. While nothing majorly new was added, it is still a fun and addictive experience.

Didn’t You Used To Be?

This was the year where Konami tried to make it so the “next gen” versions of the game on the PS4 and Xbox One had a different game engine. As a result, I found that the gameplay of Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 was not as tight as it was the year before. The main way that I noticed this was that the superstar players who felt like superstars in the previous games played just like everybody else.

Footballing Rivalries

The AI on the whole feels kind of off in this year’s game. It is not bad by any means, but playing against the CPU is not as much fun as it has been in previous games. The AI can either be like a team full of Ronaldo’s or just make dumb decision after dumb decision. Where Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 really shines is when playing against other players. Here the technical aspect of the gameplay really shines and it can be such an exciting experience to play against a like minded opponent.

Watching On A CRT!

One area where FIFA has always dominated the PES series is the presentation and that is the same here. This is not a bad looking game by any means, but it lacks a real level of polish. The FIFA games always have that TV style presentation and here it is like they go for that, but it comes across as old and dated rather than cutting edge. The commentary is also horrible and I am pretty sure the majority of it is copied and pasted from the previous year. Of course, the lack of many licenses does not help the game either!


If you are a die-hard PES fan then I do not doubt that Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 gave you another solid year of entertainment. I would not say that this is a bad game at all, but it certainly felt like Konami was trying to figure out how to make PES on the PS4 and Xbox One more than anything else. I would say that you are far better off playing FIFA 15 as that offered a more complete football experience.


  • Master League is as addictive as ever
  • They did manage to get a few more licenses
  • I appreciate that they were trying with a new game engine
  • Playing against another person is a lot of fun


  • The lack of licenses is always an issue with the PES series
  • The whole game feels like it is lacking polish in every area

Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2015

XBox 360

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
Playstation 3

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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