Slime Rancher 2

a game by Monomi Park
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 7.4/10 - 37 votes
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See also: Download First Person Shooter Games, Download Cute Games, Games like Counter-Strike Global Offensive, Games Like CS, Games Like Modern Warfare, Download Quest Games, Slime Rancher Series
Slime Rancher 2
Slime Rancher 2
Slime Rancher 2

I cannot believe how excited I am for Slime Rancher 2! I have to be honest and say that if it was not for the first game being added to Game Pass, I probably would never have played it. I thought, what the heck, tried it out and found myself addicted to it. With this amazing looking sequel that is due out in 2022, it looks like more slimes than ever before are waiting for me to catch them! Today I wanted to take a look at some of the things we know about this game so you can have a better idea of what to expect before it is released.

Beatrix Is Back!

The setting for Slime Rancher 2 is a new mysterious place that is called Rainbow Island…. hmm I wonder if this will have anything to do with the classic Taito arcade game? Anyway, Beatrix is here to find all kinds of new and adorable slimes, but there is a real mystery to this island.

As she finds slimes and valuable resources, she will come across ancient technology and discover what this island really is all about. I love the mystery aspect of the story here and I feel the game could be much more story-driven than the first.

So, Freaking Adorable!

How can you look at the trailer for Slime Rancher 2 and not smile! This has to be one of the most adorable looking games coming out next year. The slimes are very cute and there are many new ones added here. Out of the ones that have been shown so far the Angler Slime is my personal favorite. It is not just the slimes, the whole game has a bright, colorful, and very Pixar kind of look to the visuals.

Getting Out And About

Rainbow Island looks to be much larger and more diverse than what we had in the first game. This place is pretty mysterious and you are going to have to do a lot of exploring. You will be able to find all kinds of resources that you can use to make sure your VacPack is upgraded properly. You can also build new gadgets and best of all, make your conservatory massive. Expanding the conservatory is one of the things that I am most excited about in this game! With its massive glass walls, you get to see the interesting Rainbow Island outside and also get an idea if there are any hidden surprises coming your way.

I can appreciate that they are keeping many things about Slime Rancher 2 under wraps right now and I get that. However, even with the little bits that they have shown us, this game looks fantastic. I thought that the original was a lot of fun (even if I was very late to the party) and this one looks like it is going to be even better.


Without a doubt, this is still Slime Rancher, but it looks like they have greatly expanded on what everyone loved about that first game.


  • There are many new slimes for you to collect
  • I love the idea of building this epic conservatory that serves as your home base
  • The game looks phenomenal
  • It certainly looks like the game is going to be a bit more story-driven


  • They are being very stingy with the details right now!
  • Just how story-driven will it end up being?

Download Slime Rancher 2


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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