B.O.B Cheats
SNES Cheats
Start your game with all weapons powered-up to the max and the remotes filled to 9. To do this, go to the Continue option at the beginning of the game, and put in the following code: 196420. The game will tell you that this is an invalid password, but the code will still work. Just start the game to get powered-up.
Level Passwords
These passwords will get you very far in B.O.B. for the Super NES. Just go to the screen where it lets you choose a new game or to continue. Let B.O.B.'s hand point to the Continue option and press START.
- 171058
- 950745
- 472149
- 672451
- 272578
- 652074
- 265648
- 462893
- 583172
- 743690
- 103928
- 144895
- 775092
- 481376
Maximum Power-Up
Start your game with all weapons powered-up to the max and the remotes filled to nine. To do this, go to the Continue Option at the beginning of the game, and put in the following code: 196420. The game will tell you that this is an invalid password, but the code will still work. Just start the game to get powered-up.