Age of Wushu 2

Download Age of Wushu 2 and experience the beauty and intrigue of ancient China! Master martial arts, explore an immersive open world, and forge your path in this breathtaking MMORPG. Ready to become a legend? Play now!
a game by Snail Games USA, Inc.
Platform: PC (2017)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Best MMORPG
Age of Wushu 2
Age of Wushu 2
Age of Wushu 2
Age of Wushu 2

Age of Wushu 2 is rumored to be much like its predecessor, Age of Wushu. Since not much is known or can be reviewed about Age of Wushu 2, this will mainly talk about Age of Wushu and how the rumors stack up to the first game. The role playing martial arts game Age of Wushu was a hit to many, as they enjoyed the combat traditions that were fairly close to the true combat styles of the time period the game is set in, unlike many “western” or “ancient” fighting or combat games that utilize modern weapons and techniques with an “older” aesthetic. Age of Wushu 2 is said to bring this same traditionalist enthusiasm with new and improved features in key parts of the game.


When thrown into the original Age of Wushu, players have the option of eight factions, resembling older dynasties and rival forms of martial arts that would divide the residents of an area.

The factions (also called schools) are Shaolin, Wudang, Emei, Beggars’ Sect, Tang Clan, Sholar’s Academy, Royal Guard, and Wanderer’s Valley. Each faction has its own “internal skill,” which the player gains when being part of that faction. Outside of that, the factions have no large impact on a player’s abilities, skills, or path. Only when leaving a faction for a different one results in the player’s abilities changing and their internal skill being lost and/or replaced by the new faction’s internal skill.

The player has a reputation to uphold while doing their quests and explorations. Reputation is determined by the acts of a player and alignment in the Jianghu System. The reputation is similar to a level and can aid the player in their quest for cultivation points to level up their fighting skills through crafting and dungeons, as well as using them in the game’s housing system and mounts (all similar to World of Warcraft, but less magic and more ninja).


Not much at all has been released about Age of Wushu 2, matter of fact the development has just about disappeared to the public eye altogether, but there is one decent sized piece of information we do know about the upcoming version. The new game is rumored to be more of a sandbox styled game, allowing for much greater player exploration and freedom. Without being completely stuck in the missions and a one-track minded game, the player can do some things they want at certain times, similar to Grand Theft Auto’s story mechanics, which is great for some players who enjoy that game style.

Personal Rating

The game, for what it is, is pretty fun, The setting adds to the fighting style and element, as well as the school/faction system. With single and multiplayer available in overlapping worlds, it makes for interesting solo and cooperative content.


In Wushu 2, we can expect to see a more broad game with more potential for exploration and player designated “missions” and things they would like to do.


  • Solo Mode
  • Multiplayer Mode
  • Good game style and aesthetic match
  • Potential sandbox style


  • Can easily get repetitive
  • Game development has fallen off the map

Download Age of Wushu 2


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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