Air Cavalry

a game by Synergistic Software
Genres: Action, Flying, Shooting Games
Platform: SNESSNES
Editor Rating: 6.3/10, based on 8 reviews
User Rating: 7.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Download Helicopter Games
Air Cavalry
Air Cavalry
Air Cavalry
Air Cavalry

Gametek's got a brand-new flight sim that's as action packed as the real thing. Fly into the heart of the enemy's defenses. If you've got the right stuff, you can annihilate the opposition. If not, you'll crash and burn.

Air Cavalry uses the Super NES' effects to a great degree. The Mode 7 ability is used a lot to bring choppers, planes and missiles right in front of your face. This game has great graphics and sounds, bringing the experience alive. Adjust your speed, and set your altitude. Lock onto the targets that are trying to nail you, and then blast them to dust.

If high-flying adventures are your thing, Air Cavalry will give you a thrill. This is one of the more intense flight sims around.

Download Air Cavalry


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • Pentium II (or equivalent) 266MHz (500MHz recommended), RAM: 64MB (128MB recommended), DirectX v8.0a or later must be installed

Game Reviews

Love the smell of napalm in the mornin' 'cause it smells like vict'ry? Quit watchin' Apocalypse Now and saddle up your chopper, pardner. Solid gameplay and effects make Air Cavalry a war worth winning.

Air Fair

Fans of Desert Strike will like this shooter. Hostile forces have again swarmed into three of the world's hot spots -- the Middle East, Central America, and Indonesia -- and you must cool them off. Using a behind-the-chopper view, you fly three types of helicopters, each armed with its own array of missiles and guns, against tanks, anti-aircraft batteries, and supply trucks. The action's simpler than the more strategic Strike games, but it's still fun, especially in the two-player Versus mode.


  • Oops! Be careful that a friendly helicopter isn't in the area when you fire a missile.
  • Conserve your best weapons. Don't waste missiles on enemy trucks when simple gunfire will destroy them.
  • Keep swerving as you attack, and you'll avoid the onrvshing enemy fire.

If you like high-performance flying, you may be disappointed by these controls. The choppers aren't that fast, and they don't fly very high. They do fly in reverse, though, and their performance worsens as they take damage.

War Is Heli

The graphics and sounds are solid, though they're not dazzling. Mode 7 rotation smoothly spins the landscapes underneath you, and colorful explosions reward direct hits. The chopper's gauges, however, take up half the screen, limiting the battle's visual impact in the one-player game. The sounds are fine initially, highlighted by "Ride of the Valkyries" and pilot voices. They get old fast, unfortunately.

Easy targeting and non- moving enemies make this a better game for rookies than veterans. Whatever your rank, if you're looking for a solid shooter, Air Cavalry comes to the rescue.

  • GameTek for Super NES

This game is just like real helicopter warfare - if real helicopter warfare involved flying over the same terrain on the same mission over and over again. There is a two player option, though, so both you and a friend can be bored.

  • Manufacturer: GameTek for
  • Machine: Super NES

This game is just like real helicopter warfare - if real helicopter warfare involved flying over the same terrain on the same mission over and over again. There is a two player option, though, so both you and a friend can be bored.

  • Manufacturer: GameTek
  • Machine: Super NES

This game is just like real helicopter warfare - if real helicopter warfare involved flying over the same terrain on the same mission over and over again. There is a two player option, though, so both you and a friend can be bored.

  • Machine: Super NES
  • Genre: action
  • Players: 1
  • Publisher: GameTek
  • Developer: Synergistic Software

While Air CavaIry would like to be AH-3 Thunderstrike, that just isn't happening. For starters, although you've got a pretty wide variety of attack craft to fly, from Cobras to Blackhawks and super-secret advanced prototypes, none of them fly particularly well, making extremely wide turns - they handle like a flying brick, and it's nearly impossible to avoid enemy fire.

Worse, there's no on-board map you can call up to figure out where you are or where the targets are located. You're shown the battlefield before the mission, but that's it. So most of the time you fly blind, and hitting objectives is mostly a matter of luck.

The missions are generally very simple - blow up X number of tanks or something - but this kind of simple you don't want. Sure, there's a fair number of missions, but they never lead anywhere. There's no overall goal to shoot for, or final stronghold to assault. You just blow up stuff until the game's over.

There is a certain 'no-brain' fun to it, in spite of all the problems, and it does have a two-player split screen mode. Flying against another player makes it a little more exciting, but overall it's never better than average. GP

  • Manufacturer: GameTek
  • Machine: Super NES

This game is just like real helicopter warfare - if real helicopter warfare involved flying over the same terrain on the same mission over and over again. There is a two player option, though, so both you and a friend can be bored.

Have you ever wanted to be in combat without really being there? If flying combat missions and various military exercises excite you, then you will really enjoy Air Calvary. This fun filled, action packed, military combat game allows you take part in covert and diverse helicopter missions. Be in control of helicopters that have a wide-range of capabilities and functions, such as the UH-60 Blackhawk, OH-6 Defender, AH-64H Apache, and the AH-94. As a pilot, you will experience several different exercises as you venture and battle through jungle terrain and bodies of water. If you are an inexperienced pilot, try the training mode and familiarize yourself with the helicopter you have chosen. However if you’re the type of pilot that loves to soar through the air and have air to air gun battles against enemies or try to battle against others in this two player adventure. Air Calvary, was designed by Synergistic Software and released in April of 1995.

Snapshots and Media

SNES/Super Nintendo/Super Famicom Screenshots