Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf

Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf
a game by Electronic Arts, Mike Posehn, and Visual Concepts
Genres: Action, Arcade Classics, Flying, Shooting Games, Simulation
Platforms: PC (1992), Sega GenesisGenesis, SNESSNES, Sega Master SystemSega Master System, Lynx, GameGear, GameBoy, GameBoy
Editor Rating: 7.7/10, based on 18 reviews, 21 reviews are shown
User Rating: 7.0/10 - 8 votes
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See also: Flight Games, Download Helicopter Games

Fans of this Genesis classic are going to jump for joy when they see this faithful translation by Domark. Almost every detail has been retained in this shoot first, ask later war sim.

Chopper 'til You Drop 'er

In Desert Strike, you're a helicopter jockey with a full mission list, on assignment in the Gulf. You have to track down scurrilous Commanders, shoot enemy artillery, blow up command centers, and more. You also have to find and rescue MIAs and Secret Agents.

Powering you through these treacherous missions is an onboard supply of weapons, including Hydra missiles, Hellfire rockets, and a body-bustin' machine gun. Your ammo runs out, but there are Ammo crates and Fuel Drums for you to pick up.

Sand in Your Face

This translation to the small screen is a good one. The graphics, although sparse, are close to the original (the Genesis version didn't abound with scenery, either). Finding missile-shooting soldiers will be a little harder since the terrain flies by so fast, but they're still there.

The music is minimal, but the sound effects are crystal clear. Every shot and explosion will rock your Game Gear.

The only problem is the awkward control of the choppei and the missiles. You never know when your missiles connect, or when they fly off target.

Have Some Desert

Once you get the aiming and flying down, though, you'll love this game, especially if you're a fan of the other Genesis titles. Kudos to Domark for keeping the spirit and action of the original title intact. If you're a chopper jockey, you can't go wrong with Desert Strike. If not, the worst you could do here is crash and burn.


  • Not all the Fuel and Ammo supplies are listed on the map. Try blowing up certain installations to find hidden power ups.
  • You can creep up on a target without getting blown to pieces by the artillery surrounding it Go slow when you're near your mark.
  • After you blow up the second Command center, don't kill the little guy that's running around the debris. Instead, pick him up, and he'll give you the whereabouts of the Secret Agent.

Download Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • Game modes: Single game mode

Player controls:

  • Up, Down, Left, Right - Arrow keys
  • Start - Enter (Pause, Menu select, Skip intro, Inventory)
  • "A" Gamepad button - Ctrl (usually Jump or Change weapon)
  • "B" button - Space (Jump, Fire, Menu select)
  • "C" button - Left Shift (Item select)

Use the F12 key to toggle mouse capture / release when using the mouse as a controller.


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • Pentium II (or equivalent) 266MHz (500MHz recommended), RAM: 64MB (128MB recommended), DirectX v8.0a or later must be installed
Sega Master System

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

If you ever played with those little plastic army men, you'll enjoy Desert Strike by Electronic Arts. Unlike the few military strategy games available, this helicopter game requires more action than originally thought -- that is if you want to survive four hellacious missions.

You survey the terrain from above your chopper, and then maneuver in any direction. You launch Hellfire Missiles, release Hydra Missiles, and fire Chain Guns. You have limited ammunition, so keep hunting fa ammo crates. Your fuel supply is also scarce, but that's findable too. To aid your missions, your chopper has a detailed map that pinpoints approximate locations of enemy targets, fuel, ammo, and landing sites.

Don't Fire 'Til You See the Whites of Their Eyes

The screen in Desert Strike scrolls 360 degrees. However, you can only see a small portion of the landscape at a time. Luckily, enemies won't acknowledge your presence until you're almost on top of them, which works to your advantage. You can literally fly rings around them.


  • In Scenario 1, armor is hiding in the northern hangar of the north air base.
  • To destroy the heavily-armed military bases in Scenario 1, use hit-and-run tactics. Launch Hellfire Missiles at watchtowers and AAA's positioned around the perimeter of the base Then retreat, repair your copter, and return to finish the job.

Mission: Impossible

There are four scenarios in Desert Strike, and all of them are pretty difficult. You'll start by trying to find a lost intelligence agent, as you decimate the enemy's air capabilities. In Mission Two you must rescue political prisoners and P.O.W.s, plus locate and destroy S.C.U.D. missile launchers. In Mission Three, your job is to rescue U.N. inspectors then destroy some biological weapon plants. If you get that far, the locations of enemy ICBMs will appear on your mission map.

However, you've got to the sand. As you know, age of sand in the Middle East.

  • To save gas, travel north and south over the water. You don't use any gas when you are over water.
  • In Scenario 1 you need to capture the enemy commanders, not kill them! If you kill them, you'll get a slap on the wrist from your superiors and you'll be sent back to the beginning of the level.

Apocalypse How!

When I play this game, I end up humming "The Ride of the Valkyries". You know, the song playing while helicopters blast the Vietnam beaches in the movie "Apocalypse Now." This game will remind you of that famous scene... plenty of action and explosions. There's even enough military strategy to keep junior generals happy. Desert Strike may be capitalizing on an unfortunate event of this past year, but it's such a well-made video game that you probably won't mind.

Man, Desert Strike back in the day was one of those games that everyone had! Seriously, apart from the NES, I do not think there was a system or computer that missed out on this classic shooter. It spawned a whole bunch of sequels and it is a game that I feel most people who played it enjoyed. It may sound crazy to hear, but back during this era, EA was a real hit factory and people had a lot of love for them. The version we are looking at today is the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis version.

Peace In The Middle East

For a 1992 game, Desert Strike actually has a fairly deep story. This game came out after the first Gulf War so it may have been a bit raw for some. There is a crazy terrorist in the Middle East threatening to start a massive war and destroy the world. You are part of a team that is going on a primitive strike to try and stop him. There is some text and even what you would call cut scenes that give you information about the mission and giving you context for the story as well.

The sound of the game can start to get on your nerves a little as it is very repetitive. However, I have found that this is the kind of game where you can kind of tune it out and get into a real Zen zone as you play.

Isometric War

I would not say that this is a great looking game, but it more than gets the job done. For a 16-bit game, EA did a great job of making the different vehicles look as realistic as possible. The different levels all do have a very similar look to them, but sometimes they take place at night and when this happens it can make things more exciting.

The gameplay in Desert Strike sees you being in control of a helicopter. You will have many missions that you need to complete. These range from blowing up bases to rescuing scientists. There is a nice variety to the missions and you can pick up fuel and more powerful weapons and this helps keep you on your toes. The enemies can be pretty ruthless so you have to take them down as quickly as possible.

Easing Into War

One thing that I find about this game and those that do not like it is that they do not like the way the helicopter controls. I will admit that it does take a while to get used to and picking up items that are on the ground can be a pain due to not knowing exactly where they are in relation to you. The bouncing of buildings is pretty comical, but I could do without the boing sound that follows it. I will admit that there is a learning curve here, but once you do get the hang of it, you will really start to have a lot of fun.

I would have to admit that Desert Strike is not my favorite game in the series, but it is still a fun time. It may be a bit rougher around the edges than the games that followed it as EA was still working things out. However, despite the flaws and the rather rough control that takes a while to get used to. This has always been a game that I have enjoyed playing and if you are willing to stick with it and learn how to play it properly, you are going to get a lot out of it too.


Final Score


  • It tells a cool military story
  • The game looks pretty decent for its age
  • It has some realistic-looking vehicles
  • It is pretty action packed
  • You have to think about what you are doing


  • It takes a while to get the controls down
  • Picking stuff up o the ground can be annoying

Desurt strike was just one of the many games to fight for the attention of would-be warm-weather avengers after the long promotional advertisement, that was the Gulf War, hit our screens, and, for all its ethically questionable nature, it was far and away the best to emerge on the consoles. In fact, in console terms, it's an old, old game, and it has long since been superseded by its follow-up. Jungle Strike. It's even quite an old game on the Amiga, on which format-happy psychopaths have been blowing up large pieces of desert for about a year now. Nearly two years after its first appearance, Desert Strike has now been hauled feet-first on to the pc, leaving long fingernail marks in its wake. But what exactly is it?

It's isometric, tactical shoot-em-up fun

Yes, it's isometric, because this is the name given to games designed by programmers who haven't got their heads around the concept of perspective. It's tactical, because your Apache AH-64 attack helicopter may very well have an enormous chain gun and a small range of fashionable, colour co-ordinated, air-to-ground missiles, but it doesn't have an endless supply of them. And it's a shoot-em-up, because if anything hoves into view that you don't like the look of. you're perfectly free to shoot it "up".

Each of the four levels of the game is a separate campaign, comprised of several set missions, with 30 missions in the game in total. These range from run-of-the-mill jobs, like taking out enemy radar sites, blowing up enemy airbases and char-grilling lorry-loads of British soldiers; to the more demanding ones, like sealing leaks in oil-pipes with gunfire, or escorting embassy officials to safety. (Although quite why you'd want to do this, when it's probably their fault that you're stuck in this God-forsaken country in the first place is beyond me.)


To aid your survival while being assaulted on all sides by an assortment of headstrong Arabs with tanks, scuds and sams, traditional shoot-em-up power-ups are available. These come in the form of caches of fuel drums for topping up the old petrol tanks (fortunately for you, your "Pillager" model Swiss Army knife comes complete with a fuel-drum opener and pop-out siphon attachment); huge crates of missiles with spare sets of touch-papers, and even a gigantic toolbox for repairing your battered chopper.

It also increases your chances of survival if you pick up the lost allies you'll spot from time to time, fighting for their lives on the burning sands below. (That'll teach them to go to Margate dressed as Mods. Arf arf.) Showing the total lack of intelligence that ensures a long and happy career in the American armed forces, some of these people are "missing" approximately 150 yards (to scale) from the nearest Allied army encampment. In fact, one of them was picked up round the back of a bowling alley after pranging his Stealth Bomber on the bins outside MacDonalds. Anyway, every one of these intellectual giants recovered will give a much-needed boost to the status of your helicopter's armour when returned to a friendly landing zone.

Personality differences

Firing at things is made more "interesting" than it would be in most games by the firing method: since you're the pilot, all you do is point the chopper at the thing you want to wipe off the face of the planet and push the button. Your co-pilot then does his stuff to the best of his abilities, taking out what he thinks you're after. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to disappointment - you may think you're clearly aiming in the direction of the 200-foot radar installation, but your co-pilot seems to have the idea that it was the small patch of sand nearby that you saw as a tactical threat. This can introduce an irritating need to position yourself exactly in the right spot by using the "jink" button.

Some of the available co-pilots are better than others: some go to pieces under heavy enemy fire, some have personality disorders that make them shoot everything in sight and others spend their time being airsick out of the loading bay in time to The Ride of the Valkyries. One of the missions involves finding and winching up an ace co-pilot who makes everything just a little more straightforward for you.

Campaign Charlie is me name...

There's no way of saving a game mid-level, and you don't get a password for the next until you've completed a whole campaign, so the tactical nature of the thing is stronger than may at first be apparent. For example, it's best to save missiles where possible and use your chain gun instead. If you keep shooting for long enough, you can even take out buildings with it - but you have to balance that against the amount of fuel you'll expend hovering in place while you do so. And it's usually accepted that, ideally, you should torch all the surrounding men and machines carrying Helicopter-Be-Gone attachments before attempting these leisurely pursuits. Much consultation of the map is the norm.

Generally, but especially from the second level onwards, it's essential that you complete each section of the campaign in the order you're told. Unless you save the right people - or blow up the right things - in the right order, you won't learn the information that allows you to progress to the next mission. For example, until you've captured the scud commanders in one level, you don't know the position of the scuds you have to destroy. On the other hand, when indulging in the pursuit of more general mayhem, there's nothing to stop you blowing up the primary school before attacking the community theatre group. There's a password system so that you don't have to repeat the early levels each time you play.

The general approach to a campaign involves knocking out the enemy stuff that's going to hurt you. taking care of the necessary targets as quickly as possible, avoiding particularly hazardous areas where possible and balancing the amount of fuel and ammo you're carrying to ensure that you've always got enough to keep you alive and airborne, but also still have a few items stashed about the desert for emergencies.

Sounds simple enough, doesn't it? It's not. The difficulty level was fairly steep in the original game, with a bit of a jump between campaign one and campaign two. in which saved MIAs reward you with fewer armour points, and there are markedly fewer crates of ammo and fuel drums - and running out of fuel in Desert Strike is as appealing a prospect as running out of sedatives during Pets Win Prizes. This version seems, generally, to be a little harder all round, largely because the enemy's rate of fire - particularly from the AAAs - is a lot quicker, drastically reducing the time that you have to fly in and hit something.

So, what you have is a game that's been around a long time on other formats, and which still isn't quite finished even now. The version we've got doesn't have the complete sound effects which do so much for the atmosphere of the original game. It's taken so long to arrive that just about anybody who's had access to an Amiga. Megadrive or snes will probably have already had a go of it. And anyone who's done so simply can't fail to notice that this version isn't quite as good as the others.

Overall, it's a little bit harder than other versions we've seen, and it's certainly the weakest version in the graphics department - the chopper sprite itself is a little ragged looking, and small targets seem harder to pick out of the landscape when you are scrolling quickly across screen. On the other hand. Desert Strike is still a good blast, with plenty of challenge, and crossformat comparisons mean little as long as it plays well in this version.

Remhmber when, back in the good old days, an Amiga or st game that had been pretty highly rated in its own format was awaited with great suspense by pc gamers forever starved of decent entertainment? Inevitably, after a delay of five years, it would eventually appear in cocked-up form, with its formerly gorgeous sprites now looking like something to do with a rather horrible farming accident, its background graphical splendour reduced to four-colour ega and its toetapping soundtrack sounding uncannily like a sample of The Clangers. Times have changed. Nowadays, if an Amiga or console game makes it onto the pc it has a lot to do to make any impact. You know what's coming....

Console ahoy!

Desert Strike first emerged into the world as a console game, and a rather rare one at that. It's one of the few console games to concern itself with industrial action by registered tree surgeons in an area with few opportunities for gainful employment. You play a chisel-faced, gimlet-eyed, chain-smoking, gun-toting renegade member of acas, out to settle the dispute the only way you know how: extremely violently -after an extensive period of time spent lounging around in top hotels taking Michelin star-standard working lunches. To this end, you are equipped with a large leather briefcase with your initials embossed in gold on the flap, a set of matching executive rollerball pens in an attractive leather-look presentation case and an Apache AH-64 attack helicopter with ffont-mounted cannon and a full complement of air-to-ground missiles.

Shoot-em-up ahoy

Desert Strike could best be termed a tactical shoot-em-up. Or even a great tactical shoot-em-up. In fact, I'll go further: it could safely be described as the great tactical shoot-em-up of the console games world (apart, just perhaps, from Nigel Short's Sucker Dart Chess Challenge). It's a shoot-em-up because everything you come across in the game can be shot up. And it's tactical because you don't have everything you need to shoot everything up with you at all times; dotted about the parched desert landscape are hidden caches of weapons, fuel and aviator Ray Bans. You can see where they are by consulting your on-board map, but you can also see that there are numerous sam sites, scuds, tanks and quite a few other unpleasant things that would very much like to hurt you.

Very untopical joke ahoy

Bear in mind also, that you can't just fly about willy-nilly, having fun. You're not Mike Smith. There are definite set objectives to each mission you're given - and there are 30 missions, spread over four different levels. You might be called upon to rescue a comrade from behind enemy lines, destroy entire oil fields, blow up chemical weapons plants and nuclear reactors or drop leaves on the railway lines. The tactical part involves insuring that you pick your way through the things that are out to get you, get the things you're supposed to get, and don't run out of weapons or fuel while doing so.

It's played from an isometric viewpoint, and the helicopter never varies in height above the ground. Taking off and landing are achieved, rather like horrible Brummie accents, by the influence of environment rather than by any active learning process.

All you do is fly over a landing area slowly and it does it all for you. Despite this lack of proper flying, the helicopter handles pretty much as you expect - the nose points down when you fly forward and up when you fly backward, and even further up when you crash.

Hopeful final paragraph

Even though it's only a console game that's been put onto the pc over a year after it first appeared; even though the original game had something of a steep rise in difficulty levels and even though it isn't a first-person viewed shoot-em-up like every other game that's around at the moment; it might be a playable little number when it appears in a month or so's time. (Not that we'll notice - we'll all be glued to the World Cup, out of our heads on top-quality Belgian beer and bloated to the gills with deep-fried pigs' nostrils in crispy batter.) ea's games have generally survived the transmutation to the pc fairly well - yes, this was an ea game, even though Gremlin are publishing this version of it. How that will affect matters remains to be seen.

The Weapons

There are three types of weapon available to you in your quest to purge the sands of evil enemy scum: a gun, some powerful death-dealing missiles and some even more powerful deathdealing missiles. Caches of these weapons can be found dotted liberally around the landscape - well, liberally on the first level, anyway. Later, they become few and far between and a great deal of careful planning Is called for. Generally they're hidden in buildings which you have to destroy (carefully) before the goodies are revealed, but they can also be found under mounds of sand and beneath huge plies of belly-dancers' jewellery.

To shoot stuff, all you have to do is point the helicopter/chopper vaguely in the direction of the item you wish to flamb6 and push the button. Your allegedly intelligent co-pllot will then do his stuff: fine-tuning the aim to take out what he thinks you've taken a dislike to. (Some of the co-pilots are better than others - in fact, one of your later missions involves locating and winching up an ace co-pilot who's been shot down somewhere out in the hellish wastes with only a bottle of Evian and some Ambre Solaire SPF60 to keep him going.) Sometimes this aiming method didn't work as well as it might have on the Megadrive version, usually because of the Isometric view rather than the incompetence of your co-pilot, but we'll have to wait and see how it goes in this version.

Big Gun

It's a fairly powerful thing, your big gun, and it's more than capable of wrecking buildings if you have (a) the time, (b) the patience, (c) 8,000,000 bullets, and (d) no-one running up to you with a SAM in his back pocket.


The less powerful of the two missile types available to you are all very well, but they don't really pack much of a wallop. They're best used for taking out light-armoured vehicles or ice cream vans. Their range seems to be about 30 yards to scale, so you'll find you have to get in closer to your intended victim than you'd like.


If missiles were Coronation Street characters, Hellfires would be Alf Roberts. They're that mean. Powerful and with a good range of fire, their only downside is that there aren't that many of them. You can only pick them up in batches of eight and just one rush of blood to the head later, they're gone. But, happily enough, so is the bloke who cut you up at the lights.

When A Psycho madman is threatening the world with nuclear terrorism, there's only one thing to do; fill an apache helicopter with as many missiles as you can and go on a Middle-Eastern shooting rampage. You could call Jack Bauer as well, but he wasn't around in 1994.

Chuck aside the horribly cliched plot and you've got yourself an action game with an unstoppable appeal to anyone with a pulse and a searing lust for destruction.

Cruising the gulf in your pimped-out chopper, you control your rocket-stocked beast from an isometric viewpoint, and go about your world-saving business picking up POWs with your winch and obliterating unsuspecting soldiers with your mounted machine guns.

Desert Strike was originally released for the Amiga and Mega Drive to great success, and was later ported to good old MS DOS in 1994. At the time, the game's isometric 2D graphics were top-draw, and we can remember being enthralled by the then-impressive sprite animation. Take a look at the game these days and you're more likely to reach for the sick bag than gasp in amazement - but blowing up stuff with a helicopter thankfully hasn't gone out of fashion.

The Strike series spawned a number of sequels including Jungle Strike (which takes place in, er, the jungle), Urban Strike and ignored series relatives Nuclear and Soviet Strike. Despite the popularity of the series back in the days of old, there are currently no plans for a Starsky & Hutch-style revival, so get used to your DOS prompts.

The handheld Desert Strike has almost everything that made the original title great.

You pilot an AH-64 Super Apache chopper through three tough desert campaigns. Armed with guns and missiles, you must rescue POWs and destroy Scud launchers. Unfortunately, inefficient controls make it sometimes difficult to position your chopper and fire accurately.

Commendable graphics and clear sounds give this game all the realism it can squeeze out of two megs. Gunfire and explosions are just a few of the sound effects that add life to each tough mission.

Strike fans and gamers who enjoy challenging action/shoot-ers should climb into this Apache's cockpit. You'll be piloting one of the better Game Boy carts around.


  • Blow away everything In sight to find power-ups.
  • Beware of heavily guarded areas. This version gives no "Danger Zone" warning.

There's a ruthless terrorist in the Middle East, and the President has tapped you to fly the attack copter mission to obliterate his military arsenal. You'll fly more than 20 fiery missions via a behind-the-copter view. The Genesis version of Desert Strike was very popular, inspiring an SNES version and an SNES sequel called Jungle Strike.

Just when you thought that desert madman was done terrorizing neighboring countries and threatening world peace, he's back on the Lynx. Should you choose to accept this mission? Probably.

Scorched-Earth Policy

Desert Strike is a good conversion of EA's Genesis and SIMES action war game. You pilot an attack chopper in an angled overhead-view environment and undertake four missions and numerous objectives to loosen the dictator's grip on the Persian Gulf. The action keeps you occupied as you try to rescue hostages, take out satellite stations, blow airports sky high, and generally wreak havoc on the enemy operation. It's extremely difficult to complete a mission, but fortunately passwords enable you to continue from the start of each mission.

Although your copter doesn't fly as smoothly as it could have, you grow accustomed to the stiff-at-first controls. Machine gun bullets, Hydra Missiles, and Hellfire Missiles are your arsenal. This game isn't just shoot-and-blast, as you must track your resources, such as ammo, shields, and fuel. A useful radar screen helps you locate your next target or supply dump.

The graphics have some fire. A surprising amount of detail from the 16-bit versions was retained, such as the tiny, annoying foot soldiers. The explosions are satisfying and you even put a crater in the ground when you take out something sizable. You probably won't suffer from too much eyestrain from this cart.

The sounds are also good. There's not much music, but the hum of your helicopter is well done. You even hear a winch cranking when the rescue ladder is lowered.

First Strike

Pick up Desert Strike if you like action, overhead flying, and war simulation. Even if the Lynx won't, you might survive a trip to the Desert.


  • In the first mission, start at the North quadrant, work your way South, then East, and then West.
  • Missile silos have longer striking range than your machine gun, but they can't "see" around some obstacles.

Return to the Gulf. This is your new assignment. Your mission: to rescue all of the MIAs, including a secret agent who carries some useful information, then destroy the enemy's vital areas.

You strike with a Blackhawke attack chopper that carries an arsenal of missiles and rotary guns. Use your radar to find the enemy and search out the locations of your men as well as useful fuel tanks and missile crates. At the Options Screen you can switch your weapon buttons in order make the chopper more controllable. Of course, you'll also be running into surprises along the way. The enemy has employed tanks, bazookas and mobile rocket launchers in your vicinity in an attempt to stop your mission from being completed. So give it your best shot and find your men!


Feeling the firepower as you blow up an entire command center and then go on for more.


It would be nice if you could get your armor replaced--especially after getting hit left and right.


Watching your enemies spin on their heels just before dying, after being shot.

In this scorcher based on the 16-bit hit, you climb aboard a chopper and set out across the desert to dear the sands of enemy troops. Blast bar racks, enemy vehicles, and aircraft while rescuing hostages, dropping supplies, and maybe earning a few medals in the process.

Try as they might, these gunship military games really need a big screen and a large platform. Unfortunately, Desert Strike just doesn't cut it on the small screen, despite pretty-good graphics. The effect just isn't there.

Return to the Gulf to take care of the enemy forces standing in the way of freedom. You must control the Super Apache attack chopper behind enemy lines, and use your weaponry to neutralize the tyrannical and nuclear threat. Relive Operation Desert Storm anywhere you want with this intense Game Gear cartridge.

Visually, this game is just like the Genesis version, with very little lost. All the missions are here. By using the password, you can continue where you left off at any time. If you like strategic war action, check out this game.

  • Theme: Action
  • Release: 1994

People say:


Desert Strike is a good game in itself. But when played on the small screen, it loses some of its effect. Your bullets are almost invisible, and telling exactly what the enemies are is pretty difficult. It controls well, and the animation of the helicopter is good. Another down side is the lack of on-screen colors. They were too dark for me. At least it is something new, and Atari is on the right track with this popular title.


I must say that I was really looking forward to this one. Unfortunately, my hopes were let down. Although the Lynx screen is large, everything was so small it's hard to tell what you're shooting at. Going in a dark room helps, though. The controls needed tightening-up as it was too easy to fight the chopper instead of maneuvering it. The missions had variety to them and that adds up to some good fun.


I just couldn't get into this game. I found the controls awkward and hard to get used to. The graphics were unimpressive and to top it off, your assault on the enemy is hindered because it was very difficult to see your shots. I will say that the helicopter animation is very smooth and the sound is OK if you can handle portable sound. The many missions are nice, prolonging its play value. Otherwise, this just isn't my thing.


This game is just too hard to see and play on the smaller screens. As a 16-Bit version there wastons of game play and strategy but it loses its impact on the small screen. However, the animation and graphics are good enough to get by. The best point is that there are lots of missions to keep you busy as a portable game. It will take some time to get used to the controls but fans of the helicopter game can get into it.

This game becomes tougher after a mission or two; therefore, some extra lives might come in handy. Thus, to add two lives to your current three, enter the following code on the password screen:


This will add two lives to the ones you already have for a total of five lives! Then, you can start the game, or put in your own level code to start on higher levels.

It's not over 'til it's over! Just when you thought peace reigned over the middle east, U.S. Forces are needed to return to the Gulf in another Desert Strike! Command a military attack chopper as you raid enemy fortifications, rescue your spies and destroy enemy supplies! Your main concerns are the anti-aircraft installments and your fuel supply. You may have to return to refuel many times before you finish a mission.

People say:


I really like the look of this new combat action game a lot. The overall perspective allows the cart to show off a new dimension of depth you don't find in similar carts. The action is a bit slow and never develops much intensity, but the storyline and sub-themes make this a top notch shooter/action title!


Desert Strike combines the thrill of rescuing hostages on missions that everybody can relate to. The missions aren't easy to complete but with practice they aren't impossible either. Good graphics set in a perspective that is not often seen in a video game. A bit too slow for me but still has a timely plot that keeps you going.


Desert Strike is an original idea for a shooter. The 3/4 perspective is cool but the game play is kind of choppy. I like to rescue the hostages and the different missions are good but there isn't anything to rave about. The graphics are good and the sounds are cool. An above average cart that breaks the shooter-mold.


It had to happen. Just when every started to forget about the war in the Gult, someone had to go ahead and capitalize on it. It is a great shooter with realistic game play and controls, sparkling graphics and crisp sounds. Had it been named Chopper Strike or something else, it would be cool. Let's not get cocky about war.

  • Action
  • One Player
  • Passwords

You fly a U.S. Army Apache helicopter gun-ship. A bearded, Middle Eastern "madman" has invaded a neighboring country. Your commander is rotund and wears camouflage fatigues. Fail, and you suffer the mother of all defeats. Succeed, and you get to low five the Prez. Get the picture?

You will, even if you had your head buried in the sand during Operation Desert Storm. Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf by Electronic Arts combines excellent graphics with slam bang SNES chopper action.

On Strike

EA must be on a mission to corner the 16-bit 'copter gunship market with this game, their Desert Strike Genesis game, and their LHX Attack Chopper. The graphics here are gorgeous. You pilot your aircraft with an outside-the-chopper, 3/4-overhead view that scrolls a mean 360 degrees. That smooth-scrolling look is key, because you use the game's terrific controls to wheel and deal your gunship through the enemy's desert fortifications to complete five lengthy Campaigns.

Desert Strike tosses some nice graphic details at you, too. The cinema sequences are great, and the animation is fine, right down to the teeny, tiny soldiers who scurry across the sand.

The sound effects (primarily weapon shots and booms) are good. Even the constantly whirring helicopter engine doesn't grate on your ears.

Campaign Strategy

The Campaigns are danger-filled and long. Each one consists of several missions that require tactical analysis, as well as a steely trigger finger. In addition to destroying military installations, you save a TV news crew, blast oil spigots that are polluting the sea, transport commandoes on secret missions, and more.

ProTip: Just for fun in Campaign 4, blow up oil tanks instead of protecting them. You'll get a royal butt-chewing and a nice lecture about your "friend" Mr. Oil.

Your helicopter is armed with Chain Guns, Radar-Guided Missiles, and Hydra Missiles. You have to attack, or dodge, robot missile launchers, tanks, and small soldiers armed with hand-held antiaircraft missile launchers. A Battle Map display provides you with critical area intelligence reports.

You can maneuver faster than tanks and robot guns can turn. Try to attack them from the rear.

Sand and Shooting

Desert Strike requires strategy and firepower. Your fuel, ammo, and armor strength are limited resources, which you must replenish by finding supply caches on the ground.

  • The Battle Map can put you right on top of vital supplies, even if they're hidden inside buildings.
  • Watch your armor ratings. Less than 200 is dangerous. Rescued P.O.Ws count for 100 armor points each.
  • Some buildings and tents hide fuel and ammo that don't register on the Battle Map.
  • You cease fuel consumption whenever you display the Map Screen.

To goose the challenge a little more, you can choose three helicopter flying characteristics: From the Cockpit, From Above, and With Momentum. With Momentum is the toughest and the most realistic. As the name implies, you can't stop on a dime.

Peace through Superior Firepower

Desert Strike flies. It's easy to play, but tough. If you're a hard-core heli-warrior with an itch for Special Ops war action lifted straight from yesterday's headlines, scratch here. Economic sanctions will never make a good video game, so take to the skies with Desert Strike. The action's hot!

Get set for some hellacious helicopter flying! With the copilot of your choice fly a solo mission into the heart of the Middle East. Your objective: eliminate a hostile dictator and his military operation. Sounds familiar. This game is a combo of arcade blasting action and war simulation and strategy.

Desert Strike – Return to the Gulf, or simply Desert Strike, is a well-known shoot 'em up video game developed and published by Electronic Arts (EA) in 1992 for Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. Later on the game was ported on other platforms, including Amiga's home computer.

The story of the game was inspired by the real Gulf War and follows the conflict between the United States and an insane Middle Eastern dictator. The player control an Apache helicopter in order to destroy the enemies' weapons and installations. The player has also to rescue hostages, capture enemies and manage fuel and ammunition supplies.

The lead designer, Mike Posehn, had no video development experience prior to Desert Strike, but did a very good job by using 3D modeling to generate vehicle sprites. Those were later on touched up on the pixel level.

The game follows the story of Kibaba, who controls an unnamed and fictional Gulf state, as a dictator. The United States are forced to send a helicopter to destroy Kibaba's army, and the helicopter is assigned to the playable character. A bit after the game release the press stated the unnamed country is Iraq, and the fictional dictator is Saddam Hussein.

The player pilots an AH-64 Apache helicopter. The game has lots of strategic elements, though it is mainly a shoot 'em up video game. The game happens in multi-directional scrolling levels from an isometric perspective. The player views the helicopter from outside, and not from the cockpit.

There are several missions in the game, based on destruction of enemy weapons and installations, but also including hostage rescue and enemy personnel capturing. The helicopter has machine guns, Hydra rockets and Hellfire missiles. However, if the player chooses to have very powerful weapons, he will not be able to carry on many in the helicopter. The player will have to choose the right weapon for each mission.

If the helicopter is hit and its armor reaches zero, the machine will be destroyed and the player will lose a life. It's the same with the limited amount of fuel the aircraft can have. However, the helicopter can refuel by picking up fuel barrels.

The video game was a fantastic commercial hit, topping the best seller charts for Electronic Arts at that time. Most of the critics offered favorable reviews, and some publications even offered ratings as 9 out of 10. The game was enjoyable, mixed action and strategy and offered great graphics and sound.

However, some were not happy with the release of the game happening right around the end of the Gulf War. The real-world War focused on the US sending aircrafts and helicopters to destroy enemy weapons, exactly like in the game. One magazine even reported veterans burning copies of the game. Nevertheless, Desert Strike was a hit on the market and a great game to play in 1992.

Created by Mike Posehn, John Patrick Manley, and Tony Barnes, this 1991 through 1997 series of releases by Electronic Arts had greatest success for the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis platforms. These multi-directional shooter games allow the player to take control of an Apache helicopter equipped with three ammunition types with limited fuel and defense capacity. Search for scattered parts throughout the map and you can more easily repair armor by capturing and delivering POWs or allied soldiers at a drop point. However, beware of your fuel and armor level, because if either reaches zero -– your helicopter crashes and you loose a life.

Desert Strike is the first game in the Strike series. In this game, a self-styled General takes over an Arab Emirate and threatens to start World War III with Western enemies -– the United States. Your job as the player is to stop the General and his terrorist army and prevent him from launching a nuclear attack on the world. Fly you AH-64A Apache through missions as you destroy power plants and perform rescue attempts. While searching for the enemy’s plans take out his defenses and blow apart missiles.

In the latest translation of Electronic Arts' Desert Strike, you are the pilot of an advanced assault chopper armed with the most sophisticated weapons systems ever devised. Participate in various incursions behind enemy lines while avoiding missies, surface-to-air fire and myriads of enemy choppers! The action is heavy in this military tour-de-force.

People say:


This is a very good helicoptor/action game. The many goals are all appealing and the presentation of the cart is also top notch. Some of the play mechanics are a j little jerky in areas, but for the most part this game delivers on all of its promises. Not incredibly intense, but satisfying nevertheless.


EA did a very good job in creating a realistic copter game. With true to life missions that take us back to thei war in the Gulf, this simulation is one of the best ever done in a cartridge game. While the weaknesses of the system Ishow through, once the play control is learned, the game is manageable.


This is a great port over from the Genesis. The graphics are much more detailed yet the animation is a bit slower. The sounds are a big improvement and the overall game play is very good. Desert Strike has a number of cool features and enough missions to keep shooter fans happy with a unique perspective.


Sayonara, Saddam! Desert Strike is the type of game you must buy if you are truly an American, or at least against dictators in general! This is a little repetitive and hard to control, but the ending is worth the tedious journey, believe me! Who knows, perhaps we can look forward to more EA titles of this genre.

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