Ninja Village

Ninja Village
Ninja Village
Ninja Village
Ninja Village

Ninja Village is a real-time strategy game for the brainiest feudal lords of ancient Japan. The period of fragmentation will forever be a bloody stigma in the history of Japan. Except that's the last thing on your mind, because you're a general under the leadership of one of the land owners and you're about to be attacked by an opposing army. Lead an army of samurai and ninjas into battle, before calculating the number of both. Can your army win? Find out in Ninja Village. Earn as a feudal lord, then form an army as a general.

Game Pros:

  • Pixelated minimalistic design of large-scale clashes
  • A variety of units closely tied to the story

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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