Sex of Thrones

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a game by Taboo Tales
Platform: PC (2024)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 7.7/10 - 6 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Visual Novel, Adult Parody Games, Game of Thrones Porn Games
Sex of Thrones
Sex of Thrones
Sex of Thrones
Sex of Thrones

As I write this, Sex of Thrones is not yet officially released. However, this is one of my most anticipated lewd games of 2024 and I wanted to do a little preview of it. I have been keeping up to date with this and having recently seen a fair bit of it, I am pretty pumped to talk about it. Now, this is a lewd visual novel, and from the title, you can clearly tell who the audience they are going for here is! Keep reading to see if this is a game that you need to be keeping a closer eye on!

Seduction Is The Weapon

Granted, I cannot talk too much about the plot of Sex of Thrones right now as much of it is being kept under wraps. However, it very much does have that Game of Thrones vibe about it. We have warring factions that are not scared to use seduction as a weapon and hard core banging as a way to showcase their supremacy. Think of Game of Thrones, but even lewder and you will have a good idea of what to expect. As long as you have an interest in fantasy, I am sure you will enjoy the tale that is being woven here.

Presenting It To You In The Right Way

From what I have seen so far, Sex of Thrones is nailing it in regard to how the story is presented to the player. We get to see things from many different points of view as well as being made to feel like we are right in the heart of this fantasy world and that many things are revolving around us. It is so easy to just look at those spectacular visuals and assume that they are just phoning it in with the story. That is not the case at all! They legit have an interesting lewd fantasy story that they are trying to tell here and I cannot wait to see how it all unfolds.

Putting An Extra A In Those AAA Visuals

As I write this, it is early February 2024, and already, Sex of Thrones is one of the best looking lewd games of 2024. The first time I saw this trailer for this I was stunned! It certainly has that Game of Thrones style with big orgies taking place in fantasy castles with women and men dressed like fantasy characters. The animation here is truly second to none, even in the brief stuff that I have seen, I have managed to check out multiple high quality sex scenes that are animated phenomenally well. I can see this being a game that people play and get invested in based on the visuals alone!

Getting You Involved

So far, I have only managed to see a little bit of what Sex of Thrones is offering as far as its lewd visual novel gameplay goes. You will read a bit of text, be spoken to by a character, or have an action to do and then you are given a couple of options. While this is nothing new for a lewd visual novel, the way it is presented to the player is great as it is all done in a bold font with a background that is very much fitting to the game's fantasy style. Just how many choices and how important they are remains to be seen, but so far so good in regard to the gameplay.


To say that I was blown away the first time I saw footage of Sex of Thrones is the understatement of the year! The visuals in this game are more than enough reason alone to play it! The fantasy setting, the gorgeous looking characters and the interesting plot all make this one of the stand out lewd visual novels of the year. Now, as the game is not yet out, I cannot give it a score, but I can tell you that this is a 10/10 on the anticipation scale!


  • This is one of the best looking lewd games of the year
  • It has stunning animation
  • There are many epic XXX scenes
  • It is telling an interesting fantasy story that puts you in the middle of it


  • No word on when we can expect this to be completed
  • Will our choices make much difference to the plot?

Download Sex of Thrones


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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