The Settlers: New Allies

a game by Ubisoft Blue Byte
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 6/10, based on 1 review
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See also: Download Strategy Games, Best RTS Games Download, Best MMORPG, The Settlers Series
The Settlers: New Allies
The Settlers: New Allies
The Settlers: New Allies
The Settlers: New Allies

The Settlers: New Allies is a game that has been struggling to launch since 2018. Ubisoft has announced—and then delayed—the release of the game 4 times since then. They have now announced yet another date, February 17th 2023, and it is hoped that this time the game will finally be released.

Delays have occurred mostly because closed beta testing revealed problems that the developers thought worthy of addressing. They needed more time to fix the issues. Hopefully this means they are determined to put out a product that is worthy of this popular series.

Here’s what we know about this game so far.

New Changes Improve User Experience

One of the biggest changes the developers made to the game was to add neutral bandit camps along the roads between player villages. The idea behind this is to protect new players just starting out. The neutral bandits help slow down advances in the multiplayer game, giving new people a chance to defend themselves.

Most Settlers players prefer a cozy, relaxed, world building experience. One of the biggest concerns and complaints of those who joined the beta is that the game has never been about PvP for those who enjoyed it. These concerns are still there, according to the community.


The game offers MMO options, allowing you to enjoy the game as an online experience. The vast majority of players appear to prefer single player, but there’s a strong community for the multiplayer side of things too.

Better Graphics

The graphics have certainly been updated since past games. While these aren’t as sharply rendered as some of the most advanced graphics are, it’s way more detailed than similar games. All of the sprites, animations, and backdrops are detailed and beautifully done.

Not as good as Settlers 2

The heart of a Settlers game is to settle down in a new game. This game is more like Age of Empires. You go around slaying other people, with little to no attention to the actual ‘settling’ part of the game. In a Settlers game, the goal is to build a city from the ground up, paying crucial attention to things like supply chains.

This game is more like building up as fast as possible so you can go and attack other people. It’s fine as a game, but if you were expecting it to play like anything else in the series, you’ll be very disappointed.

This game is yet to be released and could potentially be very good. The concerns of players who have tested it and even what is visible in the trailers is that this game isn’t really what Settlers is known for. Rather than a reboot of a familiar game players know and love, it may end up being completely new and different.


This could be a good thing, but its more likely to displease the community who fell in love with the game for its economics and city building management rather than any sort of combat.


  • An interesting new multiplayer
  • Lots of play value


  • Doesn’t keep to the Settlers theme

Download The Settlers: New Allies


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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