Truck and Logistics Simulator

a game by Simula Games
Platform: PC (2020)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
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Truck and Logistics Simulator
Truck and Logistics Simulator
Truck and Logistics Simulator
Truck and Logistics Simulator

As someone that loves trucking games, Truck and Logistics Simulator has been a game I have been meaning to get around to for a while now. It is the switch version of the game that I have played, but the one on PC does look a bit better from what I have seen. I do not know what it is about driving trucks and delivering cargo that makes such a compelling video game for me, but this one despite being rather simple got me pretty addicted.

Becoming The King Of The Road

As is the case with most other trucking style games, Truck and Logistics Simulator is all about you building your business from the ground up. You are running a delivery company and you want to take one job at a time at first so you can expand your empire and make some big money, but at the same time, buy new bigger toys to help you deliver bigger and more profitable loads as well.

Before The Haul!

One of the things that I got a kick out of with this game was that Truck and Logistics Simulator does not have you take a job and then just get straight in your vehicle. You have to actually use a forklift or a badass big wheel loader to load the cargo first. It may not sound like much, but this was a nice touch and not something that all other trucking games bother having you do so I did like its inclusion here.

Hitting The Open Road

One of the things that does make Truck and Logistics Simulator a bit different is that this is as free roaming as it gets in a game like this. You are completely free to take any route to the destination that you want. Of course, with “logistics” being in the title, you want the most efficient route possible and that is part of the fun. Now, I do wish that this large open world had more stuff in it. You do have to watch out for other drivers, but the world feels a bit on the empty side if I am being honest with you. Still, if you do decide to go off the beaten path, you can take in the sights, but be warned, you may have to stop for some gas on the way.

Building Your Fleet

When you start, Truck and Logistics Simulator you start off fairly humble with a basic vehicle. As you progress through the game, you can buy more and larger vehicles, I found that instead of having a large array of trucks, having one of each style of vehicle is the way to go as it lets you take on pretty much any job. The driving in the game can be done in the first or third person and I played it in the third person. I felt that the first person view was a bit too zoomed in for my taste and made it hard for me to judge where I was on the road.


I think that Truck and Logistics Simulator is a solid trucking game and one that I am glad I tried out. Now, I did play the Switch version so perhaps that is why the world felt empty. I will have to give this a try on the PC sooner than later. If you like trucking games and games where you have to deliver cargo, I am sure that you will have a fair bit of fun with this game.


  • I liked building my fleet of delivery vehicles
  • It is neat how you can take the cargo in any way you want
  • Having to load your cargo before you set out is fun
  • The game has a really addictive quality about it


  • This open world does feel a bit lifeless
  • I found the first person view to be way too zoomed in

Download Truck and Logistics Simulator


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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