Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time

a game by Infogrames, and Behaviour Interactive
Genre: Action
Platforms: PC (1999), Playstation, PSX
Editor Rating: 7.1/10, based on 4 reviews, 5 reviews are shown
User Rating: 7.8/10 - 42 votes
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See also: Looney Tunes Games, Bugs Bunny Games
Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time
Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time
Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time

Spare a quick thought for the classic cartoon characters that used to keep us entertained while we were waiting for computer games to be invented. Because nowadays, rather than getting the respect they deserve, elder statesmen like Bugs and co. are getting coded into second-rate platform games.

Which is what you've got here. And one that rips all the good ideas from Super Mario 64 without having a clue about the single most important factor - level design. If you like the idea of choppy graphics, woeful voice impersonations and precision jumping made nigh-on impossible by a quirky control system, then this is going to be right up your passage.

We'd prefer to shun second rate PlayStation conversions and spend our time following more rewarding pursuits. Like crossing busy roads with our eyes shut.

Download Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews


Eh, What’s up Doc? The folks at Infogrames Entertainment have brought the first-ever 3-D Bugs Bunny video game to the PlayStation console system. Bugs Bunny accidentally activates a time machine that takes him through five different eras in time, with 21 levels of fun and adventure. His mission is to find his way back to the present time by solving puzzles and by finding clocks and other useful objects needed to complete the game. He’s met along the way with plenty of the old familiar Looney Tunes troublemakers such as Elmer Fudd, Witch Hazel, Yosemite Sam, Rocky and Marvin the Martian. They’re out to get him and he must be quick on his feet to out-maneuver and defeat them. It’s a wild obstacle course that’s challenging, entertaining, and fun.


Bugs Bunny: Lost In Time starts out in Nowhere Land which is the training ground to get you started with the skills necessary to survive in the game. Bugs Bunny meets Merlin Munroe, his mentor in the game. Merlin gives you helpful hints and guides you through the levels. Once Bugs Bunny has successfully accomplished the challenges required to leave Nowhere Land, he will be awarded his first clock, which enables him to return to the era selector and access a different era in time. There are five eras in the game: The Stone Age, The Medieval Times, The Pirate Years, The 1930’s and Dimension X. The Stone Age is a prehistoric world filled with dinosaurs and a not so friendly cave man who looks a lot like Elmer Fudd (it’s probably one of his ancestors). The Medieval Times is a world full of castles, knights and Witch Hazel, who would like to cook Bugs Bunny for dinner. The Pirate Years is a Caribbean island that is filled with crabs, oysters, and other sea treasures. The 1930’s is an American city back in the time of gangsters, with plenty of action as Bugs is caught in the middle of a bank robbery with Rocky and Mugsy, some of the roughest gangsters of the time. Dimension X is a zany world of robots, sci-fi gadgetry and other obstacles in addition to Marvin The Martian’s space station.

Nowhere Land can be difficult to conquer, as it took me almost two hours to figure out how to collect the required 10 carrots that are hidden in this level. You must also defeat a little wizard who is running around. I almost gave up, but found that it was well worth the time and effort. Once you survive this "training mission," a whole new set of challenges awaits you.

I think that this game was really well put together. It is not your "run-of-the-mill" role-playing game. It incorporates the well-recognized Warner Brothers cartoon characters that many of us have grown up with and puts them in an all new adventure that is quite unique and fun. It may be a bit difficult for children under six to really play this game due to the problem solving skills and challenges required and it will most likely be a challenge to players of all ages. The game requires the use of a memory card to save your progress, as you most likely won’t be able to conquer it all in one sitting.

The game has plenty of useful objects and weapons that you’ll find along the way to help you in your adventure. You can kick, pick up, and throw objects. Bugs Bunny also has the ability to use magic spells to reach and open locked or inaccessible areas. There’s even a magic spell that allows you to play music. You can roll across the ground and even use Bugs’ big ears in a helicopter mode to break his fall and carry him gently to earth. You can even dive into holes and burrow through the ground. I found this to be a lot of fun, as the ground underneath will rumble and shake to show you where he is below. There are also secret levels for you to find and explore. I can’t tell you anything more about the secret levels, otherwise they wouldn’t be a secret, right? I’m sure you’ll enjoy the unique playing fields, action and characters that set this game apart from some of the others out there. The sound effects and music are also well done. They even programmed the game in English, French and Spanish.

The controls are laid out quite well and make maneuvering in a 3-D platform quite easy. You can simultaneously change the view of Bugs Bunny to different angles as you move him in another totally different direction. This makes it easy to see the playing field better as you maneuver around various objects and terrain. It takes a while to get used to the controls, but once you do you’ll find that they are very user friendly. The controls work well, especially if you use the analog joystick. I’ve found that many games do not properly calibrate the joystick to move successfully through the game and you can often find yourself falling off ledges and into places you don’t want to be. Not so in this game. The controller moves the character where you want it, but you’ll still need to practice your skills in order to survive this game, as it can be tricky at times.


Hats off to the graphic designers of this game. They really did a great job here. The scenery and characters are very well detailed, with animation that is better than many I’ve seen on a Sony Playstation. They obviously spent some time on this game, and the end result is a game that looks good, and is also unique and interesting.

Bottom Line

Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time is a fun change of pace that will keep players of all ages challenged and entertained for quite a while. The game might be a bit advanced for the youngest players to succeed at, yet they will certainly have fun trying and they will also be entertained watching the adults trying to play it. I would say that this is one game that the whole family will enjoy and is definitely worth the money for those that like role playing and animated cartoon games. There are plenty of obstacle courses to maneuver through and it is a game that most won’t master overnight. The animations are very good and the game is just plain fun. That’s all folks!

Now that we've gotten a chance to play Infogram's Lost in Time, we can say it feels like a jersey Devil done right (both were developed by Behaviour Interactive). The game has a great Looney Tunes atmosphere. In fact, many of the missions are modeled after classic episodes--you can even use the same techniques Bugs used in those shows to defeat or distract enemies (in the bull-fighting stage "La Corrida," you can position your matador cape in front of one of the wooden barriers, then dodge at the last minute to daze the charging foe). Look for cameos from such favorites as Elmer Fudd, Witch Hazel, Yosemite Sam, Rocky and Mugsy, and Marvin the Martian in this June release.

Fans of the Brothers Warner have a new 3D action game featuring the worlds most famous rabbit and a host of his animated cel-mates. Unfortunately, awkward camera angles and jumping controls mire this wabbit in mediocrity.

The Mil-Looney-Um's End

Bunny features Bugs as a time-traveler, splitting hares with other famous friends such as Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, Merlin, Witch Hazel, and others. In the 3D standard made famous by Gex and Mario, you follow Bugs around as he collects golden carrots and magic clocks, which he uses to unlock worlds that you've seen only on Saturday morning TV. Apparendy, Bugs is stuck in a nowhere time warp and must travel through seven levels of mayhem--including a medieval period, pirate years, and a gangster era--before finding his way back home.

Frustwation at Every Turn

Big blocky backgrounds, large-scale color washes, and simple detail make the game seem more blandly cartoony than most With the addition of hot and cold sounds (great vocal talent, annoying repetition) and uncontrollable camera angles, Bugs doesn't really get a bite on the carrot as well as he should.

When you add frustrating leap-of-faith jumps and big-time clipping problems to the mix, the fun gets watered down another notch. Still, Warner Bros, fans and cartoon junkies will find enough surprises to keep their interest ticking for a time.

Bugs is back, baby, and if you think you're getting some lame kiddie game with this title, think again. Bugs Bunny Lost in Time is a creative and faithful retelling of the Warner Bros, cartoons, with appearances by all your favorites, including Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, Bugsy and Rocky, and, of course, Daffy Duck.

Each environment is themed and designed to look like the classic 'toons from which they originate: For example, Marvin the Martian s level has a linear, '60s quality to it, while Yosemite Sam's pirate level is round and curvy. In its 85-percent preview form, the game looked great, but clearly unfinished, with large, colorful, blocky backgrounds dominating each of the six worlds.

Bunny's gameplay is a cross between Gex and Banjo-Kazooie. You have to collect clocks to unlock other worlds and find golden carrots to unlock the three bonus levels. Bugs' repertoire includes kicking, jumping, floating, throwing, and moving objects. This highly skilled hare will also use all of his mental powers--widi the help of Merlin theMagician--to uncover clues and find hidden spells. Like die cartoons, this too could be a classic.

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