Call of Duty: Black Ops

Download Call of Duty: Black Ops and delve into the secretive world of Cold War espionage! Experience an engaging campaign, intense multiplayer battles, and the ever-popular Zombies mode. Answer the call and play now!
a game by Treyarch Corporation
Platforms: PC (2010), Playstation 3
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 2 reviews
User Rating: 7.4/10 - 60 votes
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See also: Download Call of Duty Series, Games Like Doom 2016
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Call of Duty: Black Ops

Oh, hell yeah it is time to review the original Call Of Duty: Black Ops! This is the game that started it all and the game that really thrust Treyarch into the spotlight as the main Call of Duty developer. We are now into the fourth installment of the Black Ops series, but let's look at how this first entry holds up.

Action Movie Star

While it is “cool” to hate on the Call of Duty campaign, I feel that there are far more good ones than bad. The original Call Of Duty: Black Ops campaign was truly something amazing. It was like you were part of an action movie and if this alone had been the game, I would honestly say that it would have been fine!

With a Cold War setting and taking place in locations such as Cuba, The USA, Russia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and even the artic! This is a game that really takes you all over the world. I found that it kept me guessing the whole time and it was an edge of your seat kind of experience.

What About The Multiplayer?

When it comes to COD, most folks just want to know about the multiplayer. Thankfully, Call Of Duty: Black Ops nails the multiplayer aspect just as much as it does the single-player. While going back to this now, it can be a bit jarring as this uses a system that was started in Call of Duty 4 that is based around experience points. It is not bad or anything like that, however, I do think the progression system that we have now has improved things.

Thankfully if you just ignore the progression system, playing a round of team deathmatch is just as much fun here as it has ever been. At the time this was released, Call Of Duty: Black Ops felt much more fast-paced than its predecessor and I found it still fun today. I actually played through most of the game modes again with my son recently and we had a blast doing so.


You cannot talk about Call Of Duty: Black Ops without talking about Zombies. While this was not the first COD game to have a Zombies Mode. I do feel that Black Ops set the tone for what the series would become. They managed to put a bit more “cinematic flare” with this Zombies Mode and as a result, it really is a fantastic experience.

Plowing down hordes of zombies, opening up new areas and getting new weapons is just as addictive here as it is in Black Ops IIII. I was surprised at how well this original Black Ops Zombies Mode holds up. It does not feel as basic as I thought it would and I ended up spending quite a few hours with this last weekend so it must be good.

Call of Duty: Black Ops is a tremendous game. It was when it was first released and I feel that it still holds up very well now. The problem I am having reviewing this is that while it is a great time. I do feel that its sequels did improve on it. Which is not to say that this is a bad game, far from it. I just feel that each one got better, but it is still fun to go back and see where it all started.



  • The campaign is truly incredible stuff
  • You feel like you are the star of an action movie
  • Multiplayer mode is a lot of fun with friends
  • Even for an “older” COD game, it is fun to play
  • Zombies Mode holds up phenomenally well


  • The progression system is not as good as what we have now
  • As good as this is, I feel the sequels upped the ante in every way

Download Call of Duty: Black Ops


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
Playstation 3

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

You could make the argument that Call Of Duty: Black Ops is the premier COD series. Today we are having some fun as we head back to 2010 to look at the very first Black Ops game. This was such an awesome title at the time and it felt like a next generation Call of Duty game when it was released. I feel that it holds up really well now and was a great way to launch what would become a great sub series in the franchise.

The War Just Got Colder

A huge part of the fun for me with Call Of Duty: Black Ops is the story. This series has some of the best campaigns that the COD franchise has to offer. I love movies and stories about the Cold War and the whole espionage thing that goes along with it and that is the story being told here. Sleeper agents are about to be activated and an elite team of soldiers has to travel the world to stop this terrorist threat. The campaign takes you all over the world and lets you play as multiple characters; it is very exciting stuff.

Z Is For Zombies

While Call Of Duty: Black Ops was not the first game to have a zombies mode, I do feel this was where the mode really kicked off. This one is set during the same era and features a bunch of world leaders fighting off a zombie horde. It has a great story and even features some epic cameos from the likes of George A Romero, Sarah Michelle Geller, Robert Englund, Michael Rooker, and Dany Trejo! This is so much fun and it was the highlight of the whole package for me.

Gunning With Friends

As well as having an epic campaign and the evolution of the zombie’s mode, Call Of Duty: Black Ops was stacked when it came to multiplayer options as well. I had only really dabbled in the multiplayer aspect of Call of Duty before this, but this first Black Ops game was the one where I really got into it. My interest and devotion to the multiplayer aspect of COD has waned over the years, but I have such great memories of this one. I loved how there were so many game modes, but it was Gun Game that really appealed to me. This is my all time favorite Call of Duty multiplayer mode and I am always bummed out if a new COD game releases without it!

The Spectacular Spectacle

Say what you will about the series, but Call Of Duty: Black Ops and the series, in general, are always some of the best looking games each year they are released. The gritty realism and the outstanding sound design of each game always makes you feel like you are taking part in an epic action movie. It makes for such a balls to the wall experience that it is impossible not to get sucked into this world. I feel that this game does actually hold up pretty well as far as the presentation goes, especially if you are playing on PC and can tinker with the settings.


Sometimes when you go back to an older Call of Duty game, they can seem a bit rough around the edges in comparison to the more recent entries, but that is not the case with Call Of Duty: Black Ops. I feel that this game has aged really well and in going back and playing it, I was very happy with how awesome and how much fun the zombies mode in this game was. I also had a lot of fun replaying the campaign, so much so that it sent me down the path of playing through the entire series again!


  • The story in the campaign is a great deal of fun
  • Zombies’ mode here is one of the best in the entire series!
  • I like how you feel like you are playing a part in an action movie
  • It offered a very nice selection of multiplayer options


  • While it looks good, it does look a bit dated by today’s standards
  • Good luck getting into an online game!

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