
a game by SNK
Genres: Action, Adventure/RPG
Platforms: GameBoy Color, NESNES
Editor Rating: 7.7/10, based on 3 reviews, 4 reviews are shown
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Action Games, Action Adventure Games

People say:


Every time Nintendo releases one of these GBC conversions of a NES classic it's exciting. Originally developed by SNK (may they rest in peace), Crystalis was one of the best, most underrated games on the classic system, so it's great to see it hit Nintendo's handheld wonder. Much like Bionic Commando, it's been reworked both to take advantage of the tiny screen and to make the plot flow a little better. But here's the bad news: While both adjustments, for the most part, worked, they could have used a little more tweaking before Nintendo pushed this one out the door. First of all, the game scrolls so quickly that it's far too easy to run into your enemies before you actually see them, something that gets annoying really quickly. Crystalis also feels like it was never tested enough after the reworked plot was in place, as many times you find yourself wandering aimlessly until you mistakenly stumble upon the clue to your next objective. And it's annoying how you have to build your hero's levels for hours at a time. When I first started playing Crystalis the nice graphics and variety of weapons, items and magic made me think I was playing an above-par action/RPG for the system. Unfortunately, playing for a few hours more brought me to the realization that the variety and balance needed for a game like this to succeed just weren't there. Adventure lovers may enjoy this, but it doesn't hold a candle to Zelda.


OK, so it ain't exactly Zelda DX, but Crystalis dishes out solid action-RPG gameplay that's hard to find even on the big consoles. Combat does get a little annoying; enemies sometimes swarm you, and the spotty collision detection helps 'em score cheap hits. Your best off keeping your distance and blasting baddies with your sword's charge-up projectile attacks. The story here moves along at a decent pace; NPCs give you new quests-and items to complete current ones-all the time. I had to do a bit of blind wandering later in the game to solve certain quests (more hints would be nice), but otherwise Crystalis suffers from only a few dull moments.


First off, Crystalis is a solid, old-school RPG well-suited for the GBC. Although, I didn't like the way enemies hit me when I didn't seem close enough to be hit. And they didn't drop much money either, which made buying pricey items a pain. But aside from this stuff, the game is quite fun. One thing that's not really the game's fault: I find it really tedious playing RPGs on a screen the size of my palm. I'd much rather play the thing on a TV, so I can sit back and enjoy Crystalis in all of its 2D glory. So in that respect, fancy enhancements or not, I personally wouldn't buy this game. But if you don't mind RPGing on the tiny screen for hours at a time, go for it.

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • P-200, 32 MB RAM

Game Reviews

WHEN the Great War brought civilization as we know it to an end, it ushered in a new era of sorcery and magic. The magicians used their magic to keep peace for a hundred years ... Until an evil magician named Draygon began to use his powers for conquest.

To combat Draygon, the other magicians constructed four swords of wind, fire, water, and thunder. Used together, they would transform into the mightiest weapon ever created: Crystalis. But Draygon seized the weapons and scattered them far and wide.

Only one hope remained: a young lad, himself a great magician, who had been imprisoned and frozen during the Great War. The magicians pooled all of their powers in an attempt to revive him. When the boy awoke, they had vanished, leaving him to find his destiny in this strange new world.

In CRYSTALIS, you play the role of the young magician, making your way through Draygon's hostile land in an effort to locate the weapons you will need to defeat him. Draygon's monsters and black magic will threaten you at every turn; but you must not falter - only you can deliver the world from his scourge of evil!

When the Great War brought our modern civilization as we know it to an end a new era ot sorcery and magic began. It was peaceful until one day when an evil wizard started using his powers for conquest. A special weapon to defeat him was constructed but he discovered it, separated it into four parts and hid them. You must make your way through his land, reassemble the weapon and use it to defeat him.

People say:


Crystalis, while coming up short in terms of action and intensity, makes up for these sore points by wrapping a great quest together with super graphics, terrific execution and enough challenge for most. Not my cup of tea, but pretty good anyway!


A very well constructed adventure game with lots of different shops to buy stronger weapons, armor etc. The quest is long and challenging with the strength of the enemy rising at about the same rate as you. Does not get frustrating or boring this way.


Another Zelda-type game, but this one has promise. Crystalis adds a little more to the role-playing theme. A post-apocalyptic storyline with cinema displays mixes with one of the best search, solve and save the world games in recent memory.


Nothing new here. But it's a solid adventure with interactive dialogue which we've seen before. Good control, fast movement and fast game play. It has a conventional theme but it is unique enough to still be worth the trip.

WHEN the Great War brought civilization as we know it to an end, it ushered in a new era of sorcery and magic. The magicians used their magic to keep peace for a hundred years ... Until an evil magician named Draygon began to use his powers for conquest.

To combat Draygon, the other magicians constructed four swords of wind, fire, water, and thunder. Used together, they would transform into the mightiest weapon ever created: Crystalis. But Draygon seized the weapons and scattered them far and wide.

Only one hope remained: A young lad, himself a great magician, who had been imprisoned and frozen during the Great War. The magicians pooled all of their powers in an attempt to revive him. When the boy awoke, they had vanished, leaving him to find his destiny in this strange new world.

In CRYSTALIS, you play the role of the young magician, making your way through Draygon's hostile land in an effort to locate the weapons you will need to defeat him. Draygon's monsters and black magic will threaten you at every turn; but you must not falter -- only you can deliver the world from his scourge of evil!

Snapshots and Media

NES/Famicom/Dendy Screenshots

GameBoy Color Screenshots