Going Under

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a game by Aggro Crab
Platform: PC (2020)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 2 reviews, 1 review is shown
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See also: Best Indie Games, Best Roguelike Games
Going Under
Going Under
Going Under
Going Under

Going Under is a roguelike game developed by Aggro Crab. The player will have to try himself as an intern for an IT company, traveling under his workplace and exploring the ruins of failed startups.


The user controls Fizzle's intern Jackie as she tries to find relics from failed startups. Her co-workers help her by passing on various power-ups to make the dungeons easier to complete. On a regular basis, Jackie receives pizzas to boost her health and other gifts from her colleagues. In each dungeon there are shopkeepers who also help the protagonist. When encountering a ghost, various abilities and items can be obtained in exchange for the curse of several rooms. In the course of the game, the user will explore 3 startups:

  • Joblin
  • Winkydink
  • Styxcoin

The main feature of the game is the random generation of dungeons. Rooms and opponents always end up in different places. Items found in different rooms can be used as weapons. Weapons can be used to inflict light and heavy blows, and if necessary, they can be thrown. All items in the game are not eternal, and after a certain time they are broken. The user can carry three weapons at the same time.

Office memorabilia

In the dungeons of the game weapons can be any objects: pillows, laptops, and so on. There are also combat weapons, but they break at the most inopportune moment.

Acquired abilities are valid for a limited amount of time, but over time it can become fixed by default. Defeating enemies earns the player money, which he can spend to buy new abilities, weapons, and other items. At the end of each dungeon floor there is a boss waiting for the user. After defeating the boss from the lowest dungeon level the player receives a relic. The whole process is reminiscent of Leyline Knights, a role-playing game with an overhead view.

When a character loses health, he moves back to the office where he can get missions. Office characters give out different missions, which require killing certain enemies or not using certain abilities during the passage. Helping his fellow office members, the player gets additional bonuses that will help him in his passing.


Jackie takes a job as an intern at Fizzle, a company built around failed startups where monsters reside. They sometimes come out and get in the way of the company's operations. The antagonists are former startup employees who have been cursed and doomed to roam the empty corridors of projects that have gone underground.

The heroine is tasked with exploring 3 dungeons of bankrupt companies, clearing them of monsters and finding relics of the startup owners. After completing all levels, a secret portal will open, where the player will continue his journey. The player's main goal is to collect the relics of each startup and save his company from going into a dungeon.


  • Interesting combat system with the use of improvised means
  • Colorful graphics
  • Positive assistants
  • Automatic level generation


  • Bright colors fatigue the eyes
  • Few levels
  • Simple animation
  • Weak enemy AI

New ways to work in the office opens a roguelike game -- Going Under. Achieve your freedom in a building overrun by mutant workers. Fight the CEO of the company and become employee of the month in this unusual game.

Download Going Under


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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