Grand Theft Auto 2

a game by | DMA Design |
Genre: | Action |
Platforms: | Dreamcast, PC, GameBoy Color, Playstation |
Editor Rating: | 7.5/10, based on 6 reviews, 7 reviews are shown |
User Rating: | 6.1/10 - 34 votes |
Rate this game: | |
See also: | GTA Download, Grand Theft Auto Games |
Grand Theft Auto 2 invites players into a hectic and violent urban life, unleashing them on the streets to commit crimes and appease the various gangs that inhabit the city. The original Grand Theft Auto was a controversial yet slightly clunky action game, but one that has quickly become a legendary title in video game history. Grand Theft Auto 2 attempts to amp up the insanity and action by adding in more missions, new game features, and a more vibrant setting. If you've only ever played the more modern Grand Theft Auto titles, Grand Theft Auto 2 might seem a bit underwhelming, but beneath the older graphics and controversy there are tons of opportunities for excitement. Like every other game in the Grand Theft Auto franchise, Grand Theft Auto 2 provides players with an unrestricted and addictive look into the life of organized crime.
Main Game Features
- Open-world city to explore
- Dozens of missions from unique factions
- Total freedom over the game experience
Unlike most of the recent Grand Theft Auto games, Grand Theft Auto 2 is relatively light on storytelling. There's a short video that plays before the game, introducing the main character Claude. Living in the unassuming city of Anywhere, Claude takes on missions from the variety of gangs that live in the area. There are seven gangs in total, with each one holding down a bit of turf in one of the three Anywhere City sectors. As Claude gains favor with one gang, he might lose respect with another, as the gangs are in a never-ending war to dominate the city. Apart from becoming a respected member of the criminal elite, the extent of Grand Theft Auto 2's story is to stay alive in this dangerous urban landscape.
After a brief tutorial mission, Grand Theft Auto 2 lets the player loose to freely explore Anywhere City at their own pace. You'll view the world from a top-down perspective, with players traveling on foot or by car. You can pick up missions from different gangs by visiting telephone booths, which you can easily locate thanks to helpful on-screen arrows. Missions will have you killing rival gang members, stealing cars, delivering narcotics, and a wide range of other criminal activities. As you successfully complete jobs, you'll earn a cash multiplier as well as respect, which allows you to take on harder missions. Once you've completed enough missions, you can move onto a new sector of Anywhere City, unlocking new gangs, weapons, and vehicles.
The best part of Grand Theft Auto 2 (and the entire series overall) is the level of freedom it allows to the player. Although you won't be able to access the entirety of Anywhere City right away, you're generally free to explore content as you please or ignore it altogether. In fact, you can choose to forego missions entirely, attempting to cause as much chaos as possible by running over civilians and blowing up cars. Your actions will inevitably cause the police to show up, which often ensues in an entertaining game of cat and mouse. Whether you're looking to become the world's next big crime kingpin or simply blow off some steam, there's plenty of fun to be had in Grand Theft Auto 2.
- Great for stress relief
- New save system
- Controls are clunky at first
- Mediocre visuals
Download Grand Theft Auto 2

System requirements:
- PC compatible
- Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:
- PC compatible
- Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:
- PC compatible
- Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:
- PC compatible
- Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
Game Reviews
Grand Theft Auto 2 is the sequel to the original Grand Theft Auto, a PC and PlayStation title that received wide critical acclaim upon its release. Developed by DMA Design and published by Rockstar Games, these early top-down action titles paved the way for one of the most controversial franchises of all time. The Grand Theft Auto franchise puts you in the center of the mayhem; you're an up and coming criminal in the seedy underworld of organized crime. It's your job to take on various missions in this top-down world, ranging from car-jackings to gang wars. Grand Theft Auto 2 ups the ante on blood and violence, delivering an experience that is more wild and crazy than the original.
The game plays from a top-down perspective, with you controlling the main character Claude. You can equip a wide variety of weaponry to use, as well as car-jack vehicles to travel around the city quickly. The camera perspective might take a bit of getting used to, but retro gamers will have no problems picking up the controls. Moving Claude around is quite simple, and attacking enemies is as simple as the press of a button. Grand Theft Auto 2 doesn't bog the player down with tons of mechanics, but instead creates a fun sandbox for players to cause chaos. Grand Theft Auto 2 also uses an updated save system. Previously, Grand Theft Auto would only save your progress upon completing a certain district. Now, players can enter churches with a certain amount of cash, and save on command.
Grand Theft Auto 2 takes place in the seedy streets in Anywhere City, a metropolitan map filled to the brim with gang members to and organized crime. You play as Claude Speed, a lowly grunt in the land of crime. Claude can navigate by foot, or more commonly, steal cars and putz around on four wheels. There are three district to explore, including the Downtown, the Industrial District, and the Residential District. As you work your way up the criminal ladder, you'll have to complete missions for a variety of gangs. Grand Theft Auto 2 introduces the concept of accepting missions from rivaling gangs, allowing you become closer with your choice. Be careful though, siding with one gang might anger another. Besides the scoring progression and missions, there are additional side missions and collectibles to pursue. If the rampaging and murderous lifestyle doesn't suit you, you can take up being a bus, truck, or taxi driver. Instead of plowing through pedestrians, you'll pick them up and deliver them to their destinations, earning cash along the way. Its in these fun ways that Grand Theft Auto 2 expands upon the original game, making it a more quirky experience.
Grand Theft Auto 2 is an exciting, violent, and arcade-like action title that is sure to entertain. You can embark on a variety of action-packed missions, and fall in with one of the numerous gangs. Alternatively, you can cause as much mayhem as you please, becoming a havoc to society in freeroam play. Regardless of how you play Grand Theft Auto 2, the general gameplay always feels solid, and it's consistently fun to blast your way through Anywhere City. The added features and activities are icing on the proverbial blood-soaked cake, as Grand Theft Auto 2 is an awesome adventure worth playing.
An old adage maintains that there's no such thing as bad publicity. Although a number of Tory MPs might disagree, considerable weight is added to the argument by the case of 1997's Grand Theft Auto. A graphically primitive top-down driving game, little was known about it until the intervention of PR guru Max Clifford. Within weeks, his shrewd tactics had convinced a slew of gullible tabloid editors to effectively run free adverts for the game in the form of incensed editorial, citing its horrific content as a potential catalyst to disorder on a global scale. TV was also suckered, with the game's moral implications discussed on Newsnight, News At Ten, and even the execrable GMTV.
The outrage continued. "Beneath contempt," barked a Police Federation spokesman. "In real life, this behaviour causes untold misery and wrecks people's lives," added MP Nigel Griffiths. "We simply cannot allow children and young people to be given the idea that car crime or joyriding is in any way an acceptable or an enjoyable thing to do," offered Lord Campbell of Croy. The result? GTA sold by the shed load. No surprises there. However, let's not ignore the fact that it was an extremely playable game offering, above all, originality.
So, how to provide a sequel, which by definition can't be wholly original. Unsurprisingly, the basic premise is the same, although the setting is markedly different, the action taking place in a dark, sinister metropolis on the verge of a breakdown due to political corruption and gang warfare. DMA have attempted a darker and more atmospheric style than in GTA, giving the game a twilight feel with the aid of American retro-cars and industrial areas.
The biggest change in terms of gameplay is the advent of gang warfare, which though implied in the first game has now been fully realised. Gangs operate in different areas of the city, and each has its own characteristics, businesses, modes of operation, vehicles, and attitudes towards each other, as well as towards you the player. Some gangs will arbitrarily kill or kidnap pedestrians, drug deals will take place, and gang warfare will occasionally break out. In effect, the gangs now hand out the missions, and having earned their respect you're able to take missions from any of these gangs, at the risk of incurring the wrath of the others.
As for vehicles available, the number has almost doubled, and they can now carry multiple passengers, each vehicle having a defined capacity. The role of the pedestrians has also been overhauled, and they are no longer the passive bystanders of the first game, with many of them able to fight back. Naturally, the police are ever present, but are now aided by the FBI, SWAT teams and the military. Fortunately, an explosive array of new weaponry is provided with which to fend them off.
GTA 2 looks like being everything GTA was and more. And rest assured we will be bringing you the latest as soon as we can - or at least before the tabloids.
What we thought
"Rather than tone down the violent nastiness, GTA2 chances its arm by cranking it up to fever pitch."
What you think
People say:
- "Admittedly, GTA2 is not as exciting or fast paced as the original, but 70% is a bit harsh would have given it 80%. The graphics are superb and the inclusion of gangs just adds to the tension. Petrol bombs are also fun as you can watch crowds of people being disembowelled on the pavement."
- "How can you slate GTA2 for being the same as its first incarnation, yet defend Tiberian Sun for doing exactly the same?"
- "70%? The 'downers' section of your marking scheme only contained one point: it was too much like the original. So, is this the same original that got 92% and a classic rating? And is this the same original that's still number five in your top ten racing games? "Honestly, how can you criticise so harshly when you still rate the original so highly?"
People say:
8Compared to the PlayStation GTA2, the only thing different--or I should say enhanced--about this version of the game is the graphics. In fact, they look so smooth, they're more akin to those found in the PC version of Rockstar's top-down criminal simulator. Does this make the game better? To a degree, yes. The best part of GTA2 on the PlayStation is its old-school yet complex gameplay, chock-full of missions, dozens of gangstas to deal with and a crap load of stuff to destroy. Ah, but the graphics on the PlayStation do you say...poo-poo. No, they didn't hurt the game much--they just made it look terribly dated. Now that everything in the DC version is dynamically lit, anti-aliased and who knows what else, there isn't anything to complain about. Well, there's one thing: The control. Why not let us use the digital pad instead of the analog. The digital pad just feels so much more natural with this old-school type of play. Other than that, everything is fine. It's just as addictive, just as challenging, lust as funny...and strangely serious at the same time. The nice thing is (and it's the same way in the PlayStation version) you can pick what crime organization you become allies with. So if you play through one time siding with the Zaibatsu, the next time you play you can side with a different gang, and have a different experience. It's this sort of depth that makes this game stand out from the rest.
6There's really no reason to play this version of the game if you've already played the PS version.Gameplay-wise, it's identical. The only real difference--besides it being smoother--are the slightly overdone ambient lighting effects (although it gives the game a grittier feel). Unfortunately, you can't configure the left/right control to use the digital pad--an option I'd liked to have had considering that the analog control is very touchy. On-screen text often gets lost against the lighting effects, making it a bit hard to read when you're on the run. Just seems like there could have been more attention to detail in bringing the game to the DC.
5I'm all for mature-themed games, but I also want them to be fun to play. I found GTA 2 to be a little too methodical for my tastes--there's just too much running and driving around the city for the sake of doing so, and it's not too enjoyable. Wreaking havoc on the city streets is only amusing the first 20 or so times, after all. The control scheme is a little convoluted no matter which preset you turn on, and they could have really taken more advantage of the Dreamcast's power--there isn't much here that couldn't be done on a PlayStation. If you're a sucker for bad words and senseless violence, give it a shot, but just don't expect a deep game beyond that.
People say:
9I have a little problem: I've played GTA2 so much, it's actually turning me into a hardened criminal. Or at least it's making me swear like one. No, not because it's a bad game--GTA2 is just really difficult most of the time. If it's not the rival gangs, it's the cops. If it's not the cops, it's the occasional cabbie who runs you down. There are lots of ways to get screwed in GTA2, and each one is maddening. I guess this would be a bad thing with most games, but with GTA2 I just had to come back for more. It's like an incredibly fun addiction. I had to complete that next job for the Zaibatsu, no matter the cost (about $30 for the Dual Shock I just destroyed in a fit of rage). And that's what's funny about the game. There's plenty of humor in it (what's funnier than running people over and delivering controlled substances to street-corner dealers?), but there's also a very real side to GTA2. You have jobs to complete (tots and lots of jobs) and rival gangs to wreak havoc upon. When you first start playing, you do all sorts of crazy stuff simply because you can. But once you start getting big jobs for whatever gang you decide to side with, you stop screwing around and get serious. After all, you need the street cred and mad bank to advance in the game. GTA2 will take you a long time to finish, so it's definitely worth the dough.
8Fun? Yes. Funny? Sure. Obscene? Hell yeah. GTA 2 is all those things, held together by surprisingly catchy gameplay. It's the type of game that lets you explore and do your own thing while still going about your mission objectives. The excellent Al of the original game is even smarter; city residents, cops and gang members exhibit more realistic and complicated behavior patterns. I love your car's radio chatter, but the sound effects can get annoying.
7Who would've thought there's so much strategy and technique involved in committing illegal acts and distributing illegal substances. I never played the first GTA, but you really don't need to have played it to jump right into this one. I agree with Shawn that this game is a lot of fun, but is also really frustrating. Graphics aren't anything to go nuts over, but the radio feature is very cool. If you feel like breaking a few laws, this is your game.
7I'm with the school of thought that says the first GTA sold well due to its notoriety, not because it was a great game. Well, with GTA 2, they've capitalized on its pop-cultural appeal (Moving Shadow records... yes!) and upped the dosage of hip urban sponsorships. But there's definitely enough here to set it apart from Its former self. Like the fact that different gangs will react to you based on your reputation. Check this out if you liked GTA.
The original GTA did quite well in worldwide sales considering it received such bad press because of its adult nature. If negative press is any indicator of sales though, GTA 2 should sell tons since it has even more violence than GTA.
But GTA 2 isn't strictly about violence--there is a game underneath that stuff, you know. So off you go, taking on job after job of various criminal natures, killing and maiming along the way in different types of cars with different types of guns. Overall, there are three levels, with around 25 jobs and mini-jobs per level--an even more robust package than the original. There are also mini-games for points. This time around there's only one city to cause havoc in--but there are multiple gangs within the city, so it balances out. Like any good criminal, you don't really work for any one gang. Instead, you align yourself with them by completing jobs or doing bad stuff to a gang's enemy. Of course, by helping one gang, you usually upset another. You can tell how you're faring with a particular gang by your Respect Meter. When it's low with a particular gang, they'll start blasting with no delay. Nice thing is, your gang chums will come defend you. Like the first, there are tons of vehicles to jack, each having its own feel. GTA 2 also has special vehicles. For example, if you're driving a taxi, you can actually make money from picking up fares. Same goes for the ice cream truck, except you pull up to the curb and sell some frozen delights for cash. You can then use this extra dough to trick out your vehicle with Spy Hunter-esque upgrades, or simply get it painted to confuse the 5-0.
But the cops won't stay away for too long--they're smarter in GTA 2 than in the original. If you cause too much damage or kill too many innocent folk, you'll be chased (there are some consequences to your actions after all). The more bad stuff you do, the worse it gets--so much so that eventually the feds will come to town, and then the army. But you need to kill and destroy for points and the game is a 30- to 40-hour-long balancing act really.
Snapshots and Media
Dreamcast Screenshots
PC Screenshots
Playstation Screenshots
GameBoy Color Screenshots
GTA Series
GTA Vice City VHS Edition
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 2
Gta San Andreas Super Cars
Grand Theft Auto Mission Pack London 1969
Grand Theft Auto: The Director's Cut
Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - GTA Vice City Modern
GTA Amritsar
Grand Theft Auto Advance
Grand Theft Auto Double Pack
Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories