Line of Sight: Vietnam

a game by nFusion Interactive LLC
Platform: PC (2003)
User Rating: 7.5/10 - 4 votes
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See also: Download First Person Shooter Games
Line of Sight: Vietnam
Line of Sight: Vietnam
Line of Sight: Vietnam

Now That The taboo has finally been breached we're awash with average Vietnam titles, and Line Of Sight is far from the worst of them.

It also sports what can only be described as an ironic - maybe even sardonic - title considering the visual prowess of the Vietnamese soldiers.

It's hard to judge how good their Al is because you hardly ever see them. They, however, are blessed with every AimBot going, and can spot you and pummel you with bullets no matter how far away or well camouflaged you are. This makes the game walk a fine line between the addictive difficulty of Hidden & Dangerous - it has a similar squad control system, without the tactics - and utter desperation at such blatant cheating. Still, the jungle looks good (greener and more realistic than in Vietcong, though suffering from a lack of variety) while the emphasis on stealth racks up the tension.

The 12 missions are a bit samey, but a decent multiplayer mode (including co-op) and the reduced price (though not as reduced as in the States) make this an interesting alternative to the pre-Half Life 2 dross the FPS market is filling up with. If you like your shooters slow-paced and unforgiving, it's not too bad.

Download Line of Sight: Vietnam


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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