My Life: Farm Vet

a game by Raylight Games Srls
Platform: PC (2024)
Editor Rating: 7.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Download Simulator Games, Download Life Simulation Games, Download Cute Games, Family Friendly Games, Farming Simulator Games
My Life: Farm Vet
My Life: Farm Vet
My Life: Farm Vet
My Life: Farm Vet

I get the impression that My Life: Farm Vet was made with younger gamers in mind. Hey, that is not me putting down the game as this is a very fun and relaxing kind of experience. It is just is very on the easy side, but easy is not always a bad thing. I actually think if you were looking for a fun game to play with a child or a younger sibling where they can take the lead and you can be there just to offer support, this would be a great idea.

Life On The Farm

There is not some kind of big narrative that you have to keep on top of in My Life: Farm Vet. You are a vet and you appear to be the only vet in this little town as everyone that has animals comes to you when they need help caring for their two and four legged friends. You get a little bit of dialogue here and there when you are taking on a job, but that is about as far as it goes when it comes to “story” in this game.

Putting You In The Action

One thing that does kind of make up for the lack of a story in My Life: Farm Vet is that the game has a pretty solid character creation suit. For a younger gamer, this is kind of cool as it lets them put themselves into the game and they can come up with their own stories in their head. Sure it is not on the level of say a WWE 2K24 or what you get in something like Street Fighter 6, but the character creation tools offer more than enough things to play around with so that you can make someone to your liking.

Always Lending A Helping Hand

The gameplay of My Life: Farm Vet is very simple. There are many different animals in the game and a whole bunch of ailments that they can unfortunately suffer from. It is your job to help them. The “vet” stuff is done in the form of basic mini-games and the game always holds your hand and tells you exactly what you need to do. Eventually, you will know exactly what each kind of treatment is and not even need the help, but it is harder to screw up in this game than it is to do your job properly. The game world is actually a pretty decent size with three different farms that you can travel between. The travel is really fun as you can do so on foot, on a horse or even in a car and I was kind of shocked at how well the car handled, to be honest with you. It is a very simple game, but it is the kind of game that is perfect for younger gamers and if you want something chill to relax with.

Cuties On The Farm

I would not say that the visuals of My Life: Farm Vet have any kind of wow factor, but if you find piglets, chickens, and other farm yard animals cute, you will get a kick out of the visuals. They have gone for a more “realistic” look and while the game does not look bad, I would say that it looks more like something you would have seen early in the life of the PS4 and Xbox One than something current gen. Actually, I am pretty sure that this game started life out on the Nintendo Switch and it does have that “Switch” kind of look to it, not that I am knocking the Switch of course. I am sure a younger gamer would have no problems at all with the way this looks.


I was not expecting a great deal out of My Life: Farm Vet to be honest with you, but I ended up playing this way longer than I thought I would. It is hard to describe as it is just the kind of game you have to play. It is a very relaxing kind of experience and the kind of game that is ideal if you want something chill that is not going to stress you out or make you think too hard. Plus, like I have said a million times, I truly believe that this would be a good game for a younger gamer to play as they will probably be able to do it all without asking for any major help.


  • The game has a very relaxing kind of vibe to it
  • I liked how you had three ways to travel
  • There are three farms in the game
  • This is a good game for a younger more inexperienced gamer to enjoy


  • The game is super easy with very little challenge
  • I wish that it had a bit more of a story tying things together

Download My Life: Farm Vet


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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