Pac-Man Ghost Zone

a game by Namco Ltd.
Genre: Action
Platform: Playstation
Editor Rating: 6.3/10, based on 2 reviews
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Pac-Man Games
Pac-Man Ghost Zone
Pac-Man Ghost Zone
Pac-Man Ghost Zone
Pac-Man Ghost Zone

Brace yourselves for a totally new 3-D polygon-enhanced Pac-Man! Eat. jump, fly, swim, slide and roll your way through 14 new wacky worlds of adventure and animation. Dozens of tricks, power-ups. puzzles, mazes and traps await you as you explore Pac's house, negotiate frozen waterfalls and creep your way through a spooky haunted mansion. In your path lies 20 menacing ghosts and other bad guys all wreaking havoc for the most feared Boss in Pac- history: the Ghost Lord! Not only can you battle your enemies by gobbling them up for breakInst, lunch and dinner, hut you can now elimi onto them by hurling flying projectiles in their direction. Never before has Pac been able to move in any direction and explore so many diffoient levels than in his latest, most adven tin oils game ever!

  • THEME - Adventure

Download Pac-Man Ghost Zone


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Pac-Man is back, man! If it's 1997, it must mean that Packie will appear in 3D and be able to explore his wacky world in 360 degrees. Pac-Man Ghost Zone features 50 levels of traps, puzzles, and mazes. Plus, Namco has all sorts of mind-boggling stuff on the drawing boards. The story's a real gamer's fantasy: a freckle-faced arcade dude gets sucked inside a Pac-Man machine, and he must save the world from the coin-op's evil components. Intel inside? No way! It's the Ghost Lord and his evil ghosts, of course.

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