Side Scroller Games

Games Total: 1685
Selection Criteria: Games that feature side-scrolling gameplay, where players navigate levels horizontally.
Viewing games 251 to 300 (of 1685 games)
Sega Genesis
The evil wizard Wicked Wainwright has captured the four elders and it is up to Flink, a wizard's apprentice, to set them free and defeat Wicked Wainwright.


Socket played very similarly to Sonic the Hedgehog; so much so that it is often called a Sonic rip-off. Its sense of speed and platforming gameplay contributed to this thinking.
Sega Genesis

Dinosaurs for Hire

You choose your player out of three spiteful reptiles, each of which is armed with a machine gun and start the carnage.
Sega Genesis

16 Ton

Killing all the enemies with a 16-ton piece of metal in an infinite unending world.. what can be more funny?
Sega Genesis

Whomp 'Em

The little Indian Brave's innocent Totem trek quickly turns into a psychedelic trip through eight mysterious Worlds, where objects of nature and Indian symbols, such as mushrooms and sacred dolls, transform into wild, life-size maniacs.

Wrath of the Black Manta

The main game character is a ninja called Black Manta, who has to save children from kidnappers.

Capt'n Havoc

High Seas Havoc is a 2D Platformer game, developed and published by Data East, which was released in 1993.
Sega Genesis


Use a bits of formula lying around in levels to transform into animals to best fit with the environment and make it to the end of the level.

Super Shadow of the Beast

Shadow of the Beast is a side-scrolling platform computer game produced by Reflections Interactive and published by Psygnosis in 1989.

Silhouette Mirage

If you're familiar with Treasure's work, then you know that Silhouette Mirage is a 2D side-scroller with loads of special effects.


The gameplay is somewhat different than your typical platformer. You attack your enemies by shooting them with small metal orbs that come out of TinHead's head. You can shoot them in three different directions: diagonal upward, straight, or just le..
Sega Genesis

Punky Skunk

unky Skunk may seem a few years late for the Sonic clone wars, but it really doesn't play like Aero the Acrobat, Bubsy or any of those other hedgehog copycats.

J.J. And Jeff

This is the most exciting case yet for that daring detective duo, J J. and Jeff.

Power Piggs of the Dark Age

Power Piggs of the Dark Age is a side-scrolling action Super NES game that takes place during the Dark Ages. As a group of humanoid pigs, the object is to defeat a warlord who happens to be a humanoid wolf.

Hagane: The Final Conflict

Hagane: The Final Conflict is a side-scrolling platform game, featuring five stages, divided into several sub-stages, filled with lots of enemies, jumping puzzles, mid- and endbosses.

Dahna Megami Tanjou

Dahna: Megami Tanja is a Beat-'Em-Up game, published by IGS, which was released in Japan in 1991.
Sega Genesis

Ardy Lightfoot

The sacred rainbow has shattered into 7 pieces, and now it is up to you, as character Ardy, to located all of the pieces and get your wish.