Tavern Talk

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a game by Gentle Troll Entertainment
Platform: PC (2024)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Anime Games, Visual Novel, Life Simulation Games, Story-Rich Games, Games Where Choices Matter, LGBTQ+ Games, Relaxing Games
Tavern Talk
Tavern Talk
Tavern Talk
Tavern Talk

If you're a fan of classic fantasy tales spun around crackling campfires, you'll feel right at home in Tavern Talk. This charming indie gem from Gentle Troll Entertainment casts you as the owner of the Wayfarer's Inn, a cozy tavern frequented by a colorful band of adventurers. Part narrative adventure, part tavern management sim, it's a lovingly crafted experience that lets you pour magical brews, send heroes on quests, and unravel an epic overarching story.

The Heart of a Tavern Lies in Its Patrons

From the moment you first unlatch that tavern door, you'll be swept up in the ambiance and camaraderie. Tavern Talk's true strength is its incredibly well-written cast of quirky personalities. These adventurers aren't just bland placeholders - they're richly developed characters you'll quickly become invested in.

As the caring innkeeper, you'll learn their hopes, dreams, and tragic backstories through casual conversations over mugs of ale. Before long, you'll feel a genuine attachment to this rowdy bunch, be it the dashing rogue, pious cleric, or haunted warrior. It gives the game an irresistible warmth reminiscent of classic RPG adventures like the classic Baldur's Gate.

A Mixologist of Magical Proportions

Of course, no tavern tale would be complete without a steady supply of drinks. In Tavern Talk, your most pivotal role is brewing up an ever-expanding menu of magical concoctions and serving them to patrons. But choose your potions wisely, as they can alter a character's stats, quests, and even personality in surprising ways.

For example, that mischievous prankster ordering a "Philter of Gaseous Exhalation" may find themselves temporarily transforming into a more heroic, responsible adventurer after a few sips. It's an incredibly clever gameplay hook that makes every drink order a delightfully unpredictable event.

Pulling the Thread of an Epic Narrative

While Tavern Talk revels in cozy tavern banter, it's not just a self-contained vignette. An undercurrent of high-stakes drama gradually unfolds as you gather rumours, dispatch adventurers on quests, and slowly piece together a darkening conspiracy threatening the land.

This overarching narrative keeps you invested for the long-haul, as you'll be eager to see how your involvement shapes the fate of Asteria. The brilliant writing and dialogue constantly subverts expectations, hitting both heartwarming and tear-jerking heights. Veteran gamers will also delight in the satirical commentary and sly digs at classic RPG tropes

Review: 9/10

Tavern Talk is that rare gem that transcends its indie origins through stellar writing, ingenious design ideas, and an utterly charming world you'll never want to leave. While the gameplay loop is simple - serve drinks, send adventurers on quests, repeat - it's the incredibly rich character dynamics and gripping overarching story that will keep you pulling up a barstool night after night.


With its mashup of fantasy adventure, tavern management, and tongue-in-cheek humour, the game proudly wears its inspirations on its sleeves. It's as if the classic RPGs of the late 90s/early 2000s and TV's long-running sitcoms had an utterly delightful child. Simply put, if you have even a passing affection for classic RPG adventures or eccentric pub regulars, Tavern Talk should be your next port of call.


  • Incredibly well-written, memorable characters
  • Clever magical drink mechanics impact quests/stories
  • Warm, cozy atmosphere packed with charm
  • Gripping, twisty overarching narrative
  • Wears its classic RPG/sitcom inspirations proudly
  • Tons of replayability with different story branches


  • Basic tavern management gameplay loop may grow repetitive
  • No choices drastically affecting main storyline
  • Some players may want more impact on the tavern itself
  • Occasional pacing lulls between major story beats

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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