
a game by Wadjet Eye Games
Platform: PC (2018)
Editor Rating: 10/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Best Indie Games, Download Pixel Art Games, Download Mystery Games, Best Detective Games, Download Point-and-Click Quests, Games Like Disco Elysium

I am going to start this by stating that Unavowed is one of the greatest point and click adventure style games that I have ever played! From start to end I was hooked and even at the end, I had tons of reasons to jump back in and play it a few more times! It is truly fantastic stuff with a horror story that feels like it could be something that is from a Blumhouse movie!

The Devil On Your Back

The story of the game is its strongest point and one of the best horror stories I have ever played in a game. It is set in New York and you awaken on a rooftop in a haze, you are informed that you were possessed by a demon and that you have been on a killing rampage and now you are wanted by the authorities.

The people telling you this are called the Unavowed and they are an ancient order that hunts and destroys demons and now you have joined their ranks to find out why the demon possessed you.

Character Driven To The Max

The writing in this game is some of the best that I have come across in a video game. The other members of the Unavowed all have their own backstories, motivations, personalities, and abilities. When you head out on a case, mission, or whatever you want to call it. You get to take a couple of people with you and it is here you find out more about them as well as take the story down a different path. There are so many interesting characters and stories in this game that I have played through it twice now and both experiences were quite different.

Before The Possession

In Unavowed, you can be a male or female and one of the most interesting aspects of the game is your origin story. You can select either a bartender, an actor, or a police officer. Each one will change things and I was quite surprised at how different the dialogue and story paths could be. It is different enough to make playing through the game at least three times more than worth it. The gameplay on offer here has you solving puzzles, looking for clues, finding items, and doing a lot of talking to people to move the plot along. It is very engaging stuff. There is a great selection of puzzles in the game and you never know what it is going to throw your way next.

The City So Great They Named It Twice

The presentation of Unavowed is amazing. It is all done in 2D and it has this very stylish hand drawn kind of effect to it. The New York setting has you going all over the city and the weather effects are amazing. The whole game looks like a million bucks and the presentation really helped get me even more invested in the story than I already was.


I would have to rank this game as both one of the best horror games and one of the best point and click games that I have ever played. The story was so well written and there were a ton of interesting characters and the actual gameplay on offer here was challenging, but never to the point of frustration. There are not many games that are as easy for me to recommend as Unavowed is!


  • The story is fantastic
  • Talking to other characters is very interesting
  • I liked the puzzle solving and point and click adventure style gameplay
  • The way you can choose between three origin stories was really cool


  • I legit cannot think of one thing that I did not like about this game!

Download Unavowed


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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