Age of Empires III: DE - The African Royals

a game by Forgotten Empires, and Tantalus Media
Platform: PC (2021)
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Download Strategy Games, Best RTS Games Download, Age of Empires Series
Age of Empires III: DE - The African Royals
Age of Empires III: DE - The African Royals
Age of Empires III: DE - The African Royals
Age of Empires III: DE - The African Royals

Age of Empires III: DE - The African Royals is a real-time strategy game where you will catch the formation of your ward civilization from scratch. How has human society evolved over the inexorable passage of time? How many wars were fought before the final borders of the current world? You will witness every war, every armed clash, and every discovery within your civilization. Guide your people to prosperity and autonomy with an invisible hand, and in the Age of Empires III: DE - The African Royals add-on you will have the opportunity to learn about the customs and fighting abilities of the peoples of Africa.

Pros of the game:

  • Get to know the peculiarities of civilization development on the hottest continent
  • African tribes' combat units differ in mechanics from other civilizations

Download Age of Empires III: DE - The African Royals


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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