Bogey Dead 6

a game by Sony Imagesoft
Genre: Flying
Platform: Playstation
Editor Rating: 6/10, based on 1 review, 3 reviews are shown
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Airplane Games
Bogey Dead 6
Bogey Dead 6
Bogey Dead 6
Bogey Dead 6

Flight realism for the PlayStation with Bogey Dead 6. You'll take on jets and planes of all types as you work your way through all of the missions you take on. The cockpit makes you feel like you're really in the seat of a multimillion dollar fighter. Changing scenery such as mountains and seascapes, make for some moody settings while you do your best not to get shot down. With the graphics the PlayStation is known for. Dead Bogey 6 should be fast and smooth as silk!

  • THEME - Flight
  • NUMBER OF PLAYERS - 1 or 2

Download Bogey Dead 6


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

As a top Navy fighter pilot, it's your job to take out the military arm of an international crime organization. Fortunately, you have real-life planes like the F-22 Phantom, F/A-18 Flomet, F-4E Phantom, F-14D Tomcat, F-15E Eagle, and MiG-29 on your side. Bogey's dogfights drop you into air-to-air, air-to-sea, and air-to-ground combat scenarios with 360-degree movement and two perspectives. Sony's promising high-speed action and tight controls, but only hands-on gaming will determine if this intriguing prospect can outmaneuver Agile Warrior and Air Combat.

Intense Command Action. An international crime organization has enlisted the help of several allied countries to build an incredibly powerful military force. Hostile situations are deemed inevitable....

Well, that's what the press release says, anyway. Bogey: Dead 6 is another in a long line of jet-fighting games that pits you against a threat to mankind. As you can see, the graphics in this game are top-notch and the action is intense. More of an arcade game than an actual sim, Bogey gives you the choice of more than five real fighter-planes to do battle in.The battle area is a fully 3D environment and includes two modes of combat: training and scenario.

You'll be engaging in air-to-air, air-to-ground and air-to-sea combat. Bogey: Dead 6 boasts stunning special effects and fast, 360-degree action.Two points of interest are that the game will support link-cable capabilities and an analog joystick for the most realistic fighter control. So, get ready for some crazy aerial action. And, as the press release says:This isn't a Red Flag exercise--it's the real thing! (I added the exclamation point)

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