Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon

a game by Bethesda Softworks
Platform: PC
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review, 2 reviews are shown
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See also: Elder Scrolls Series
Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon
Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon
Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon
Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon

Were you a little disappointed with Tribunal? Granted, it was impressive, but basically bit of a let down after the splendour of Morrowind. Well, dispel any doubts you may have had, Bloodmoon feels like a completely different game.

It's not just the snow that is liberally sprinkled all over Solstheim (the setting for the expansion), it's just about everything else too. New landscapes, lush and expansive forests, new NPCs, new weapons and armour - which is to be found in abundance (and is actually useful), as well as new monsters and colony-building. All of which adds up to a new experience for Morrowind fans. What's more, the quests are long and complex too, so you won't be finishing this one overnight.


There are two large quests to begin with. One you get from a captain in the fort you start the game in, and one from the boss of the nearby mining colony in Raven Rock. The mining quest sees you helping out an underthreat colony, eventually leading to you having a hand in building it up from a small one to a more prosperous one, directing a foreman to build new structures to expand the settlement as you see fit. This is a nice distraction from the main quest, which also has its own twists, one of which results in your transformation into a werewolf, which changes the entire combat mechanic and has the added bonus of enabling you to scare small children as you wander around the landscape.

The main story centres around the appearance of werewolves in Solstheim, and depending on your personal preference, you can choose to eliminate them or become one of them and spend your whole time terrorising the locals.


The first thing you'll notice when you venture out into the open forests and hills is that there are enemies everywhere. Bears, wolves, madmen, and that's just for starters, all of which will get on your case in double-quick time. If you're playing this expansion with a low-level character, enjoy your ten seconds of fun because that's approximately how long you'll last. In other words, use your existing Morrowind character because you'll need a high-level one if you're going to make any headway in this expansion.

Bloodmoon may not be as compelling as Morrowind, but its varied and interesting content brings a breath of fresh air to an already excellent series, and once it sinks its teeth into you, its unlikely to let go until you have completed it.

Download Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

It's a good day for role-playing game fans when an expansion set actually improves on the original game. The game, of course is Morrowind, the expansion is Bloodmoon, and the experience is fantastic.

Bloodmoon is as good an expansion as I have ever had the fortune of playing. Long time players of Elder Scrolls III will find themselves in new territory as they take their character to the island of Solstheim. Once there, players engage in a driving storyline complete with new monsters, a vastly different world and weapons made with silver. Why silver? Because the latest mining colony has come under attack from werewolves and unless you are careful you will find yourself one of the cursed (really cool scene). Hunted and despised by other characters in the game, completing your mission becomes an incredible challenge. The whole lycanthropy aspect really presents a massive twist in the game.

Of course, this being an Elder Scrolls expansion, I don't need to tell you that the game itself is huge as is the island of Solstheim itself. More than once I had to travel back to the original game for items I either could not find or I felt I would end up needing. The game ties in nicely with the original and I actually found myself enjoying it more than the original. If anything, I would now recommend purchasing Elder Scrolls III just to play this expansion.

Graphically, I couldn't believe how sharp the game looked. The Norse mythology was blended nicely into the game and the folks at Bethesda went back to the wilds of outdoor environments, which couldn't have made me happier. Monsters look legitimately dangerous, environments are rendered seamlessly and the werewolves are really badass. A couple of times I was shocked at how the voice acting seemed a bit restrained, as the situations at hand were certainly more desperate than the voices let on. But other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed the in-game sounds and mood music.

Veteran players of Morrowind should be floating around level 17 if they plan on living for any length of time. Come prepared for a rousing adventure, as Bloodmoon has reinvigorated the adventures of the Elder Scrolls universe. With all of the online massively multiplayer RPGs that are on the market today, it's nice to see a top-notch single player RPG that is getting the attention it deserves. A very good game, and my hat's off to Bethesda.

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