Jeopardy Sports Edition

a game by Park Place Productions, and Gametek
Genres: Sports, Simulation
Platforms: Sega GenesisGenesis, SNESSNES, GameBoy
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 4 reviews
User Rating: 7.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Jeopardy Games
  • Manufacturer: Gametek
  • Machine: Genesis, SNES and Game Gear

Jeopardy! is probably the finest game show on commercial TV. One of the reasons for this is the diversity of questions asked. If ! you'd like to play Jeopardy and only have to answer sports questions, this is for you.

Download Jeopardy Sports Edition


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • Game modes: Single game mode

Player controls:

  • Up, Down, Left, Right - Arrow keys
  • Start - Enter (Pause, Menu select, Skip intro, Inventory)
  • "A" Gamepad button - Ctrl (usually Jump or Change weapon)
  • "B" button - Space (Jump, Fire, Menu select)
  • "C" button - Left Shift (Item select)

Use the F12 key to toggle mouse capture / release when using the mouse as a controller.


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • Pentium II (or equivalent) 266MHz (500MHz recommended), RAM: 64MB (128MB recommended), DirectX v8.0a or later must be installed

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

  • Manufacturer: Gametek
  • # of players: 1 to 3
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Theme: Simulation

Listen up, sports fans! Here's your chance to prove that armchair athletes have the most fun. If you're a sports trivia buff - or you just love the challenge of a good contest - then this edition of Jeopardy! is just for you. Delve into past and current trivia in baseball, basketball, football, and hockey or explore categories like Bowl Games, Boxing, Coaches, College Standouts, Equipment, Golf Greats, and Olympic Events. The Sports Edition of Jeopardy! is a whole new ball game! With over 3,500 questions in sports-related categories, Jeopardy! Sports Edition will challenge your brain cells and leave you cheering. The new edition of Jeopardy! contains a variety of sports contestants, photography of Jeopardy's set, and Alex Trebek's digitized voice. It's a truly authentic Jeopardy experience. Take the Jeopardy! challenge. Good luck!

  • Manufacturer: GameTek / Game Gear

A more or less a faithful conversion of the big brother Genesis version. The Two-player Option is a plus, and there are plenty of categories with questions to rack your brains over. Even the Daily Double rounds are here.

  • Manufacturer: GameTek
  • Machine: Genesis

Another good game show adaptation by GameTek (like the earlier Family Feud). However, unless you are a big sports fan, this game probably won't appeal to you because that is what all the questions are about

Snapshots and Media

Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Screenshots

SNES/Super Nintendo/Super Famicom Screenshots

GameBoy Screenshots