Kid Kool

a game by Vic Tokai
Genre: Platformer
Platform: NESNES
Editor Rating: 5/10, based on 3 reviews, 4 reviews are shown
User Rating: 7.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Kid Games, Kusoge Games
Kid Kool
Kid Kool
Kid Kool
Kid Kool

In a realm that might have been, in a time that could have been long ago, or just tomorrow, a good king lies dying. The enemies of the north are massing for an attack on his kingdom.

The good king's sorcerer has been searching for magic and out of desperation pulls a rockin' rebel from the eighties back in time. Kid Kool is sent on a quest to help retrieve the seven wonder herbs, the only hope to save the king.

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • P-200, 32 MB RAM

Game Reviews

In a realm that might have been, in a time that could have been long ago, or just tomorrow, a good king lies dying. The enemies of the north are massing for an attack on his kingdom.

The good king's sorcerer has been searching for magic and out of desperation pulls a rockin' rebel from the eighties back in time. Kid Kool is sent on a quest to help retrieve the seven wonder herbs, the only hope to save the king.

Quest for the Seven Wonder Herbs and Kid Kool is a video game published for the NES in 1988 year by Vic Tokai. This is a platform video game similar to the Mario series. A little red creature, "Wicky," that the gamer may carry, which will defeat foes when thrown.

The main hero is on a quest to gain 7 herbs necessary to cure a king from a sickness. The game wills bit by bit goes from "day" to "night" modes as a time goes ahead. The game must be passed in 3 of these "days". Each "day" is one hour in real play time.

There are 2 ends to the game. If the gamer passes the game after 3 hours, the gamer comes at the castle and reveal the dead king from his sickness. The game screen will then show the note "Presented by Vic Tokai". In case gamer passes the game less then 3 hours, the king shall be cured. The gamer is then will be asked "Do you want a heap of jewels and brilliants and princess in addition, don't you?", if the main hero agrees, then game screen show cycle ending credits.

The Sega games Decap Attack, Magical Hat and Psycho Fox, also designed by Vic Tokai a similar to many gameplay and style details with Kid Kool, and may be well-thought-out to be concealed sequels.

In a realm that might have been, in a time that could have been long ago, or just tomorrow, a good king lies dying. The enemies of the north are massing for an attack on his kingdom.

The good king's sorceror has been searching for magic and out of desperation pulls a rockin' rebel from the eighties back in time. Kid Kool is sent on a quest to help retrieve the seven wonder herbs, the only hope to save the king.

Snapshots and Media

NES/Famicom/Dendy Screenshots