World Series Baseball 96
a game by | Sega |
Genre: | Sports |
Platform: | Genesis |
Editor Rating: | 7/10, based on 1 review, 2 reviews are shown |
User Rating: | 9.0/10 - 2 votes |
Rate this game: | |
See also: | Download Sport Games, Baseball Video Games, World Series Baseball Games |
It's hard to imagine a bigger rip-off than College Slam's knock-off of NBA Jam (see "Sports Pages," July), but World Series '96 earns that dubious honor. Beyond tuning the gameplay and fixing some bugs, the only change Sega made since World Series '95 is adding in the 1996 schedule and Opening Day rosters. Yup, put your wallets away -- it's virtually the same game.
And, though it's a bit outdated, a fine game it still is. With comprehensive features, quality graphics, and addictive arcade gameplay, WSB '96 is great fun for anyone who doesn't own its predecessor. If you still haven't bought a baseball game for your Genesis, WSB '96 should be at the top of your list. Otherwise, join the ranks of the disappointed.
ProTip: Track the ball's speed by watching its shadow.
Download World Series Baseball 96
System requirements:
- PC compatible
- Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
- Game modes: Single game mode
Player controls:
- Up, Down, Left, Right - Arrow keys
- Start - Enter (Pause, Menu select, Skip intro, Inventory)
- "A" Gamepad button - Ctrl (usually Jump or Change weapon)
- "B" button - Space (Jump, Fire, Menu select)
- "C" button - Left Shift (Item select)
Use the F12 key to toggle mouse capture / release when using the mouse as a controller.
Game Reviews
It was the best news I'd heard in ages when they told me that Sega was putting out one more WSB for the Genesis. WSB '95 was simply the best 16-bit baseball game ever, period. It had the best playability, the most stats and the finest graphics and sound. In fact, WSB '95 did a better job of emulating baseball than any of the current 32-bit baseball titles. Go figure.
Well, I'm happy to report that WSB '96 is just as good. I can't say better, because so little has been changed that it can't warrant a higher grade, but what was added is a nice bonus to an already perfect purchase. WSB '96 has the same stellar playability, in-depth stats and realistic feel. It also has the exact same soundbytes from the '95 version, so don't expect any surprises there.
As I mentioned before, WSB '96 doesn't feature many additions. What it does add, though, is flavor. Besides the up-to-date stats from last season, WSB '96 will also have a larger battery, so you can save more statistics. Also, at the end of a season, there are post-season awards for five offensive and four defensive categories.The best new feature is the addition of an AL and NL all-time great team. Now you can control the likes of Ty Cobb, Dizzy Dean and Lou Gehrig.
This is a wonderful game. Usually I'd have to say that the meager additions to this cart are not enough to warrant its purchase. But given that this is probably the last time you'll be able to get a WSB on 16-bit, and the fact that the current 32-bit titles, while great initially, are often exposed as flawed after some extensive play, you'll want to pick this one up.