Garden In!

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a game by Dramatic Iceberg
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Sandbox Games, Best Indie Games, Best Casual Games, Crafting Games, Cute Games, Base Building Games, Relaxing Games, Nature Games, Environmental Games
Garden In!
Garden In!
Garden In!
Garden In!

What we have here with Garden In! may very well be the most relaxing game to be released this year. Think of this as a kind of casual sandbox sim style of game and you will be on the right track for what you are in store for. I hate gardening, why we bought a house with a large lawn on the front and a garden in the back is still a decision I am mad at my past stuff about to this day! Anyway, if someone that hates gardening like I do thinks this is awesome it tells you it must be something special.

A Planters Dream

There is not really any big dramatic story at play here in Garden In! It is all about you creating your own dream room where you can spend some time and relax in. It is the kind of game that has a real zen-like effect about it as you potter around just passing the time and making sure things are ok and that your room looks cool. I have a strong feeling that this is one of those games where the right kind of person will end up spending hours and hours playing.

A Little TLC Is All Those Plants Need

The way that the whole planting thing in Garden In! works is that you plant the seed and then to tend to the plant. Each plant in the game kind of has its own personality and it will need to be taken care of in a certain way. Ranging from how much water they need, plant food, where they are placed, environmental stimulus, and so on. While this is a relaxing kind of game, it does have a lot to keep you busy and entertained. You get to tinker around with your room and put the plants where you like as well as play around with the color, ambiance, and so on of the room.

A Little Bump & Grind!

One of the most fun aspects of the game is how you can play matchmaker and hook two plant seeds up to try and create a new type of plant! It is a funny animation that you see when the two seeds are put in the pot together. You never know what kind of plant is going to sprout until it is time and once it does, you will have to learn how to take care of it.

Easy On The Eyes And The Soul

Garden In! is the kind of game that is perfect to play when you are looking for something to calm and relax you. It has a lovely presentation where everything has a soft and nice look to it that automatically puts you at ease the moment you start playing it. As well as being a game that is very appealing to look at, there is also a fantastic soundtrack that could not fit the style of the game any better.


I know that at first glance, Garden In! may look like a game that is for a very specific kind of person and I guess in a way I could see that. However, if you are looking for something calming and fun, I highly recommend that you give this game a chance. I would say that the best comparison for the game is probably something like the awesome indie hit, Unpacking that was released last year.


  • The whole planting aspect of the game is a lot of fun
  • I love the bright and wholesome style of the game
  • It is very easy to get into and quite addictive
  • It is awesome how you can “breed” your own plants


  • It may be hard for people who think gardening sucks to give this a fair chance
  • I do wish that it was clearer if there was some kind of big story in the game

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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