Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Download Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and enter the extraordinary world of the Joestar family! Engage in intense battles, master unique abilities, and uncover dark secrets. The bizarre journey begins – play now!
a game by Capcom
Genre: Adventure/RPG
Platform: Dreamcast (1998)
Editor Rating: 8.8/10, based on 6 reviews, 4 reviews are shown
User Rating: 7.6/10 - 70 votes
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See also: Download Anime Games, Download Fighting Games, Manga Games, RPGs, Games Like Persona 5, Games Like Pokemon, JRPG Games, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Series
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Any anime fan knows what JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is about. The outlandish tale of the Joestar family has been a cornerstone of the manga industry for years, and its anime adaptation is one of the most popular shows of recent years. Capcom expands on JoJo’s legacy with the aptly titled JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, a fighting game that aims to capture the zany energy of the manga.

But is this fighter a good game for non-JoJo fans? Or is the fan service a bit too much for those looking for a Street Fighter replacement?

Oh? You’re approaching me?

Much like Street Fighter (also developed by Capcom), Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is a 2-D fighter with anime-inspired sprites. The same team behind Street Fighter 3 worked in this game, and its influence shows: combat in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is a pleasant experience with responsive controls and fluid combos.

Each character feels genuinely unique, and the inclusion of character-specific super moves adds an extra layer of strategy to most fights. Inspired by its source material, the game also has a unique “Stand Mode” for each character: ‘Stands’ are guardian spirits that boost their master’s stats, giving them an edge in battle.

The Street Fighter III influence in this game is almost palpable, and that’s a good thing: not only is the game visually pleasing, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a competent fighting game that can be enjoyed by non-fans of the series. Sure, some characters might be a bit obscure, even for fans, but the roster feels well balanced and it includes many popular picks.

Just like the manga

Hirohiko Araki, creator of the Jojo series, works in the game as a creative consultant. His characters appear just like they do in the manga, and the sprite work made by Capcom is impeccable.

The game follows the events of the Third part of the JoJo saga, Stardust Crusaders. Jotaro Kujo is a teenager and heir to the Joestar lineage; Jotaro develops a Stand, a corporeal manifestation of his willpower. Along with his allies, Jotaro must travel to Egypt to face off against the evil DIO.

Something to keep in mind: only the PlayStation version of the game includes the entirety of Stardust Crusader’s story with its Super Story Mode. The Dreamcast version has a condensed version of the plot, although Sega’s console has a visual advantage over the PlayStation.

It’s all about the Stands

As we mentioned before, Stands play an integral role in the JoJo universe, and they’re also this game’s most unique feature. At its core, this JoJo game is a basic 4-button fighter: three of those buttons are attacks (light, medium, and strong), and the fourth one is the dedicated Stand button.

There are two kinds of Stands: active and passive. The type of Stand you’ll get is tied to the character you use. Just like in the anime, attacking an opponent’s Stand will also damage them, making the use of a Stand (and learning when to withdraw it) an important tactical decision.


Weird, stylish, and all-around bizarre, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a great fighting game that contains all the best elements from the manga and combines them with solid fighting mechanics. The visual aspect of the game is also well polished, even though some of the sprites suffered a bit when ported to home consoles.


  • Stylish visuals
  • Outstanding gameplay
  • Great variety of characters


  • Some compressed sprites
  • Small roster

Download Jojo's Bizarre Adventure


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Jojo's Bizzare Adventure is a manga series that has been on the market for over 30 years. It was created by Hirohiko Araki and followed the story of Jonathan Joestar, an aristocrat who learns how to fight after he's adopted by a man named George Joestar. The story takes place during the 19th century in England, France, and Italy. In this game, we follow Polnareff as he fights against Dio Brando, who is trying to resurrect himself again by taking over another body (which happens quite often).

Use Your Stand

In the Japanese game version, you can only play as Joseph Joestar. However, in the English version (released for Sega Dreamcast), you can also play as Polnareff. Polnareff is a friend and ally of Joseph, who has a Stand called Silver Chariot, and he was one of his companions during his journey to Egypt and in their fight against DIO. Silver Chariot is unique because it has an ability called “Chariot Requiem,” which allows Polnareff to heal himself anytime by summoning Silver Chariot back into battle after it dies!

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is an action-adventure game. The intro screen is similar to Grand Theft Auto. A song called "Jojo's Bizzare Adventure" plays in the background. A song called "Jojo's Bizzare Adventure" plays in the background. You can use these stands as weapons or defensive shields during battle.

Jojo's Bizzare Adventure is based on a famous manga by Hirohiko Araki, which is currently on its fifth season, Vento Aureo. The main character of the series is named after the manga itself, and his nickname is Jojo. The game features characters from all over the manga in their unique worlds, each with their combat style! This particular game is only available in Japan and only on the Dreamcast. As it was released in 1998, it can be challenging to find a copy of this game. However, they do pop up on eBay from time to time and are often marked up due to their rarity.

Take Dio Down

The graphics are detailed, especially for a Gameboy game. You can see the details in their eyes and hair! The intro song is excellent, too--it has some Japanese words in it that I don't know, but that's okay because you probably won't be listening to them over and over again. The gameplay is like Grand Theft Auto. Instead of stealing cars, you're stealing fish from people's aquariums. It's also like Shenmue, where there are not many side missions, but they're still fun when they happen!


In conclusion, Jojo's Bizzare Adventure is an excellent game with a lot of action. The graphics are beautiful, and the music is perfect. If you like fighting or manga-themed games, this one was made just for you!


This game is also fantastic for those who love the original anime/manga. Even though the game is old, it is still an absolute classic and a must-play for fans of the source material.


  • Amazing graphics
  • Fun gameplay
  • Plenty of playable characters


  • Controls are hard
  • Some characters are overpowered

People say:


JBA is a 2D fighter based on the premise that these supernatural hipsters have psychic powers that manifest themselves into external familiars called "Stands." This is such a cool concept because your character dishes out different attacks depending on whether your Stand is active or dormant. Aside from the usual fighting engine staples (air recovery, guard canceling, etc.), JBA features a "tandem attack" system that allows you to buffer in as many moves as possible while summoning your Stand. As it is, the game is easy to get into, but will take a quite a bit of work to attain levels of expertise. More importantly, JBA is incredibly fun, over-the-top entertainment. This game exudes mad stylistics; everything from character design and animation, to the way it borrows from manga's (Japanese comics) visual techniques to emphasize violence and melodrama. Unfortunately, the U.S. version suffers from a little censorship: Blood has changed from red to white, and the final villain "DIO" dies "offscreen" instead of getting cut in half and exploding in a red mist of glory. Strangely, other more risque graphics involving women fighters remain unmolested. Mahrahia has a move that involves grabbing her tits, while Midler's Stand resides in, private area. You've never seen anything like JBA before. It's excellent.


If wilder, less serious 20 fighting games (like DarkStalkers) are more your bag of tea, then you have to check out Jojo's. This thing is 100 percent pure Japanese outrageousness. It's quite fun too, but I wouldn't say it's a terribly deep game (each character only has a small handful of moves). Don't be too enticed by the "two games in one" selling point--you won't be playing jojo's 1 too much with jojo's 2 on the same disc.


Bizarre is the most appropriate word to describe this game. But underneath it's ridiculous exterior is a fairly involved and fast-moving fighting game filled with a number of modes, an extremely unique quest mode and cast of characters, as well as a complex fighting system. And while I enjoy the weirdness factor in )oo, and can certainly appreciate its complexity, I'm not a big fan of the game itself. Certainly it's well-made, but all in all, it's just not for me.

8.0 exactly what this game is. Based on a popular manga series in Japan, the combat is unlike anything I've ever seen in a Capcom game. The whole concept of Stands leads to some interesting play mechanics, coupled with some of the weirdest characters ever to grace a fighting game. The violence and some of the bizarre-ness has been toned down a bit from the Japanese version, but this is still one of the best fighting games on the DC.

Jojo's Venture, based on a Japanese cartoon, is Capcom's latest entry into the fighting-game fray. Instead of another promising Street Fighter spin-off like Darkstalkers, jojo's innovations fatally turn against it; this is one of the strangest and downright-whacked brawlers in recent memory. Being bizarre isn't a bad thing (remember Aggressors of Dark Kombat?), but jojo's forgot to add a crucial ingredient to this witches brew: fun.

Oh No, Its JoJO!

Ten characters populate jojo's dojo, the most popular of which are a scantily clad belly dancer who makes cars erupt and a small dog who pees in your face. Most of the other characters look like street thugs and are distinguishable only by their names.

Jojo's biggest innovation is its new Stand attack feature, which, with the press of a button, enables you to animate another character other than your fighter to help you in battle. Some of these characters, like the freaky-looking Midlers High Priestess, work with your fighter. Other characters, such as Avdol's Magician's Red, you can completely control while your main character is immobile.

Cheapness Rules

As for controls, the game uses four buttons: three attack buttons and one button to activate your Stand attack buddy. Street Fighter vets will immediately take to the game as most of JoJo's moves are derived from SFs half- and quarter-circle joystick motions and charge moves. All the characters are limited to very few special moves (three at the most) and even fewer super moves. But unlike the finely tuned SF games, JoJos characters are hardly balanced--some fighters can pulverize an opponent by repeating the same cheesy attacks (for example, D'bo's virtually unstoppable pal, Ebony Devil).

Speaking of cheap, wait until you meet the final boss, Iced. Instead of a fair one-on-one battle, you're forced to dodge an unblockable giant ball that he throws at you, then scramble to hit him when he briefly materializes.

Hit the Road, JoJoi

JoJo's could be considered an interesting misfire. Unfortunately, while the developers, Capcom, threw in everything (including the kitchen sink), they forgot make the game fun. JoJo's is a no-no.


  • In a one-player game, some stages require you to travel from point A to point B while taking a limited number of hits.
  • When fighting Iced, pop him once, then retreat to the opposite side of the screen. After he's hit, Iced turns Into a ball and flies across the screen at you. Avoid him-you can't block or counter his attack.


Although JoJo's uses the same CPS-III graphics hardware as Street Fighter III, there's not much to look at The backgrounds are bland and the sprite graphics frequently distort into big pixels.


The sound effects and music are clean and easy to hear, but it's not enjoyable listening. All the music selections are variations on the same theme--and an annoying one at that.


The various special moves are simple to execute. However, combos are basically nonexistent, while the super combos are stiff and unresponsive.

Fun Factor

JoJo's has some interesting half-baked ideas, but they never come together. Ultimately, we're left with a boring and limited fighting game that isn't fun to play.

Snapshots and Media

Dreamcast Screenshots

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