Mickey's Dangerous Chase

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a game by Now Production Co.
Platform: GameBoy
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review, 2 reviews are shown
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Mickey Games

Big Bad Pete picked the wrong mouse to kick around. When he swiped the gift that Mickey Mouse bought for Minnie Mouse, he went too far. Mickey has finally had it up to his whiskers with Pete's constant attacks.

For 63 years, Mickey Mouse has entertained children and adults with his unique style of cartoon comedy. Now, in Mickey's Dangerous Chase, you can help him defeat Big Bad Pete and recover Minnie's present.

Begin your adventure by choosing to play as either Mickey or Minnie Mouse. Neither has an advantage—both are blessed with equal charm and strength.

You've got quite a chase ahead of you. After stealing Minnie's present, Big Bad Pete scampers out of town. He quickly puts a lot of distance between himself and the scene of the crime. To reach him, you must journey through five stages (each with three levels) of hairy tarantulas, creepy bats, and snarling bulldogs.

The idea of fighting animals and insects may sound violent, but don't worry. Walt Disney's Mickey and Minnie Mouse would never go blasting up the countryside in a bloody quest for revenge. Instead, the mice hurl blocks to bounce enemies out of their way. Mickey's Dangerous Chase can be considered a G-rated videogame.

The controls that make Mickey or Minnie hurl blocks and jump through the imaginative scenes are easy to use. And the simple rules also help make this game appealing to younger players. However, even experienced gamers may find that the action really heats up when Pete runs out of places to hide.

At the end of the chase, the difficulty level shoots through the roof — literally. At one point in stage 5, you're climbing up the side of a towering skyscraper. Stay near the top of the screen so you can see which ledges are closest to you and avoid a fall to the sidewalk. You must also dodge the flowerpots that Pete drops from the roof.

The lack of bloodshed in Mickey’s Dangerous Chase is a refreshing twist on the tried-and-true formula of good versus evil. A bouncy soundtrack and convincing graphics round out a game that both novice and veteran game players can enjoy.

Download Mickey's Dangerous Chase


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Oh boy! Mickey bought a present for his sweetheart, Minnie, but sneaky Big Bad Pete stole it before he could give it to her. Now Mickey and Minnie are off on a dangerous chase to get the present back.

Steamboat Willie to the Rescue

To find the present Mickey or Minnie (you can be either one at any stage in the game) have to work their way through five stages, each with three areas of vertically and horizontally-scrolling adventure. The action takes place in Mickey's Home town, the Woods, the Mountains, an Industrial Area, and the Business District.

Similar to Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers for the NES, Mickey or Minnie must snag Stars, Crystal Balls, Magic Water (temporary invincibility), Hearts for life, and other secret power-ups along the way.

Mickey and Minnie can run, crouch, jump, and toss boxes to defend themselves. They even get to go for a wild ride in a speedboat and a snazzy jalopy.

A Creepy Cartoon Crew

Pete's got a whole crew of creepy critters who are bent on stopping Mickey and Minnie from catching up with their boss. These include beastly bears, barking bulldogs, wiry weasels, and testy tarantulas.

A Mickey Mouse Adventure

Mickey's Dangerous Chase is a charming adventure, though definitely a cart geared for the younger set, or perhaps the young at heart. It's not the toughest Game Boy cart around, but the cute graphics make for a Mario-like adventure that's sure to give Disney fans a thrill.


  • Remember you can crouch and throw boxes as well as throw them to the left, right, and straight up in the air. You can also throw them through seemingly solid objects!
  • Grab four Crystal Balls in one stage and earn an extra continue.
  • Grab 100 stars lor an extra life.
  • Blinking Stars are 1-Ups. You'll lind one in this pit in Stage 1-2.

See Also

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