The Black Masses

a game by Brilliant Game Studios
Platform: PC (2020)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Action Adventure Games, RPGs, Medieval Zombie Games
The Black Masses
The Black Masses
The Black Masses
The Black Masses

Following a calamity, you awaken on a strange island corrupted by a strange and nefarious black substance. The inhabitants of this island have become “the possessed;” mindless creatures who want nothing but to destroy the world and kill you. Fantasy style zombie horde slaying adventures wait in The Black Masses by Brilliant Game Studios.


The Black Masses in still in early access so I’ll be up front on the fact it’s still got a lot of work before it’s done. That being said, there is still a lot to like about it. Right off the bat I’ll say the game has some interesting similarities to Dying Light as you play a physically capable combatant dropped into a world filled with monsters, you use power attacks to carve through swarms of enemies and free run away when overwhelmed.

Given that it’s a fantasy game, its more like Dying Light meets The Elder Scrolls with swords and crossbows but it also has a really interesting parkour element where you can climb a wall, bound across rooftops and jump down to deliver a power attack to a horde of enemies.

It’s an interesting hybrid of the two concepts. There are even things, like the potions and setting, that feel a little derivative but it can be easily forgiven. The first person combat is satisfying and fun, you never feel overpowered or like you’re cleaving through too many of them. It always feels like you could get overrun at any minute.

The world

So the world is fantasy, I’ve explained that much but what makes this special isn’t entirely its setting. It’s also the enemy and your comrades in that there can be loads of both. In this 16 square kilometre island, I’ve seen a battalion of 500 knights fight off against what looked like thousands of ghouls. This large scale combat is like nothing I’ve ever seen and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even though this game is still in an early access “fetal state,” there is so much potential here for an incredibly engaging game. I won’t deceive you; this game is not without its problems. There are a few issues and bugs that need to be patched out but I really feel the developers are paying attention to the player feedback and trying hard to create something special.


YAY! This game is online co-op and thank goodness it is because it would have been a waste if not. Joining up with other players adds a whole new and satisfying element to the game where comradery is born between you and others. Fighting and/or running away side by side, defending each other in battle against insurmountable odds and hordes of the undead provides a whole new dynamic of intelligent play.


This title has some real potential to be an incredibly interesting and amusing game. There’s work to be done but viewing the updates, I can see that it absolutely is getting done. As it stands, it’s still a great game to have a laugh in, even without all the refinement.


  • Interesting Story
  • Engaging and unique gameplay


  • Lots of work to be done
  • Needs more detail

Download The Black Masses


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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