The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki KAI

a game by Nihon Falcom
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 8.5/10, based on 1 review
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See also: Download Anime Games, Manga Games, RPGs, JRPG Games, Legend of Heroes Series
The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki KAI
The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki KAI
The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki KAI

Originally released in 2010 in Japan, and developed by Nihon Falcom, The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki KAI is the ultimate version of the game originally available for the PSP. This game is an important part of the series and it's key for the saga. Even though the first game didn't release outside of Asia, players had to rely on a fan translation for a long time. Now that there's finally an official translation and a definitive edition, The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki KAI is the real way to enjoy this entry in the series. So, what's this game all about? Well let's talk about it and after that, we can discuss what has changed in this definitive edition. So, let's get started!

About the game

The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki, or Trails from Zero as it is known in North America takes place three months after the end of The Legend Of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd in the city-state of Crossbell.

The geographical location of this city makes it the target of unease, being in the middle of the Erebonian Empire and the Calvard Republic, and they both dispute the sovereignty of Crossbell. The political tensions, corruption, and crime are completely out of control.

Lloyd Bannings is a rookie detective assigned to the SSS (Special Support Section) during Zero, together with Elie McDowell, heiress to a political dynasty, Randy Orlando, and Tio Plato. The SSS investigates the schemes of organized crime in the city, as well as the crime syndicates that seem to be controlling the streets. This is before accidentally finding out about the plot of an ancient cult to raise KeA, a young girl into godhood, and thus overthrow the continent's faith, therefore altering society completely. Now it's up to the SSS to arrest and stop the cult leaders, rescue KeA and frustrate the evil plan.

Ultimate edition

It's common to see games receive a special ultimate edition, and this includes a lot of the usual enhancements you see in these cases. But let's get through all the main enhancements they added in this version. Starting with the framerate which has been bumped up to a stable 60 frames per second. The resolution is now ridiculously better than in the sub-HD display of the PSP, and the game has a beautiful 4K support. The audio has been enhanced for a much better hearing experience. And to make the pacing better, they also added skip modes, faster dialogues, and overall faster gameplay.

The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki KAI is an excellent enhanced version of an already good game. It doesn't ruin or take anything from the original experience of the game and instead adds a lot, even though it doesn't really add any content.


But given this is the first time this game can be officially played in English, it is now finally open for a broader audience. So if you've been looking to explore more of this story, this is the best way to do it, with your current consoles.


  • Enhanced visuals
  • Looks great in 4K
  • Great audio quality
  • Better pacing


  • No added content
  • Not much new

Download The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki KAI


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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