Conflict: Desert Storm 2

a game by Pivotal Games
Platform: PC (2002)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review, 2 reviews are shown
User Rating: 6.8/10 - 27 votes
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See also: Download First Person Shooter Games, Download Old School Games, Cult Classic Games, Conflict Series

Conflict: Desert Storm II is one of the most basic but beloved war games anyone can remember, if you want to learn more, keep reading! This is one of the most unique and interesting PlayStation 2 games that I can remember, and I played a bunch of them. There was something about the setting and delivery of this game that absolutely blew my little mind, and I am pretty sure that you will get the same vibe when you play it. If you are looking for a war game that takes you back to the good old days, this is a fantastic contender to get you there. Let’s jump into it.


With an extremely simple user interface and exceptionally fun gameplay, Conflict: Desert Storm II added something truly unique to the gaming landscape that many other games couldn’t and wouldn’t capture. Handling much like any other first and third person shooter, Desert Storm II provided solid combat with reliable and responsive controls, allowing you an enjoyable gaming experience regardless of age or familiarity with the medium.

Handling a bit like Goldeneye, with a healthy dash of Shellshock: Nam '67, this game has combat that is thrilling and really hits the spot, with the exact experience that you are after with the shooters of that era. Besides that, its ability to let to pick your team, give orders to your AI squad members, and even jump into four player multiplayer, this game offers a lot to the discerning player, giving you hours and hours of replay value that other titles can barely touch.

For a game created all those years ago, the fact that each member of the team provides a different skill set that you can utilize while undergoing missions was mind blowing for little me. Bradley could call in airstrikes, but Foley was a sniper who could take clean stealth shots at enemies. It was, and still is, utterly fantastic, and to be honest, they don’t really make games like this anymore and it’s a shame.


The visuals of this are perfectly good enough to show what it wants to show. But I do have to say; try not to look at anything too closely or the low poly visuals will become very apparent to you. If you go through this title playing it with all the nostalgia that you should be, you will have an absolutely ball of a time and it will remind you exactly why you love it, or tell you why others remember it so fondly. Welcome to the ‘in crowd.’


One of the things I loved about this game was its setting. The story of invading Kuwait is very real, for sure, but there was something about the explosive, large scale battles that took place in the Gulf War that provides these diverse and action heavy battles. Its your responsibility to reinstall Emir of Kuwait to power, and that is definitely something that you are asked to do. I wont comment on the geopolitical situation as it is not my place, but that said, it is a good enough story that links closely to real life.


A brilliant game that was an oldy but a goldy. If you want a classic war game with diverse gameplay, then this is the one for you.


  • Fantastic Gameplay
  • Brilliant Setting


  • Visuals don’t hold up well

Download Conflict: Desert Storm 2


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

In my heart of hearts, I can't help but feel that with Conflict: Desert Storm II I should probably be dancing naked around the bonfire of negativity, throwing burning sticks of hate on to the rising flame of critique. It is, after all, an extremely linear arcade shooter masquerading as a deeper, tactical, strategic military simulation, and nothing, nothing, gets my goat more than arcade mutton dressed up as simulation lamb.

Yes, I should be tearing strips from its hide, but frankly it just doesn't deserve it. It doesn't deserve unilateral praise either, but as a way of passing a few hours, there are worse options.

Stormin' In

You may remember the original CDS: an extremely yellow game, based mostly on controlling four SAS troopers (or Delta Force operatives if you wanted the Americanised experience) blowing up SCUD missile launchers in the deserts of Iraq during the first UN foray into Saddam's playpen of death.

CDSII is set during the same timeframe, with the same soldiers. Fewer SCUDs, though, and more variety. Rescuing trapped soldiers, destroying communications facilities, escaping from capture - and barely a sand dune in sight. A couple, maybe, but the developer has listened to feedback from the first and really made an effort to keep things interesting this time round.

What's not so good is the actual structure of these levels. Once again, you have the illusion of freedom on offer here, something heightened by the ability to give orders to all four of your squad-mates at once, all of whom sport much more impressive Al than that found in many other games of this ilk.

It's not freedom in the Operation Flashpoint 'do what you want, go where you want' manner. It's more, 'choose the best way of getting round that comer and only that comer'. The whole game is still very much on rails, which brings the whole thing crashing down to an arcade level quicker than putting the word Extreme in the title.

Dude, Iraq

As long as you can live with the overall shallowness of it all, there is a lot to admire here. The action is relentless and challenging, even if enemy spawn points are obvious to locate and further break down the immersion factor. The control system, initially as confusing as the Greek legal system, becomes second nature quickly, even if it's mostly just used as a way of positioning your team to set up effective 'kill zones'.

The enemy Al works as well as your own team's, with bad guys making good use of cover, lobbing grenades to try to pin you down and generally behaving like the ill-trained Iraqi soldiers they represent.

Ultimately it's an improvement over the previous game -a million light years better than Delta Force: Black Hawk Down -but it's still nowhere near as involving as Operation Flashpoint. Oh, and Hidden & Dangerous II should piss all over it - if it ever shows up.

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