Demon Pit

Download Demon Pit and face the forces of darkness in this intense, retro-inspired shooter! Blast through hordes of demons, upgrade your arsenal, and survive the relentless onslaught. Are you ready to confront your demons? Play now!
a game by Psychic Software
Platform: PC (2019)
Editor Rating: 6.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 4 votes
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See also: Horror Games, First Person Shooter Games
Demon Pit
Demon Pit
Demon Pit
Demon Pit

Do you remember that game that takes place in Hell and you're there to pretty much shoot every demon that comes your way? No, not that one, we're talking about Demon Pit. When we talk about indie games we always think of small projects with a personal touch, and that try to look for something more than just entertainment. This is not the general rule, but it is usually what people understand and look for. However, this is not always the case. Demon Pit is one of these cases, along with others that I have been analyzing on the web. The concept of Demon Pit is simple: you against the demons. But there's more!

About the game

Demon Pit is a "shooter arena" with clear inspiration from the games of the 90s, both in gameplay and design. However, there are a couple of elements in Demon Pit that make it slightly different, although on the other hand there are others that make it boring after a couple of games. So let's crumble a bit on the content of Demon Pit. The gameplay of Demon Pit is quite simple, it is based on: shooting, dodging, and using our hook. The game plants us waves of enemies, at the beginning of each one we will be given new weapons and ammunition, and every 10 waves, health items. The new weapons are obtained precisely at the beginning of the rounds, which are a total of 7, from the classic pistol to an energy rifle.

Thus, the mechanics have no more mystery than going out into this huge ring to face linear hordes of enemies. The movement of the character is quite fast, which is appreciated, and you can play a lot with gravity and jumping physics, accompanied by our hook. In the level, which will change between waves incorporating traps, lava, or different configurations of walls, there will also be a series of points to which we can hook from any distance with our hook.

We will have seven weapons in total to defend ourselves and cause havoc, although only the basic weapon -the classic pistol- will have infinite ammunition. The rest of the weapons can be collected as they appear on the stage, and they will be the typical ones you would expect from the genre, from the shotgun to the grenade launcher, including a very useful flamethrower. But all these weapons have -very- limited ammunition that we must learn to manage wisely, as the basic pistol will be of little use against some large henchmen.

Only a little similar

Of course, when we mentioned a game in which your main objective is to just kill all the demons that attack us in Hell by shooting them, chances are you thought of any of the Doom games. While it's true that the only plot of the game is given by the description in the store, it's a title that is as if you don't say anything. Not that your experience is going to change by telling you that you have hunted many demons in life, but you are still a sinner, so now you face real demons, in hell. Devil Daggers came out back in the day, which is not far from this concept at all.


Demon Pit is a pretty fun game, it can be a pretty tough challenge without being too frustrating. It has its style, and it shows it throughout the stages. But the game has one main issue, ad it's that it gets pretty darn repetitive after a while.


  • Nice gameplay
  • Good music


  • The game becomes quite repetitive
  • Not much content

Download Demon Pit


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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