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a game by ECC GAMES
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
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See also: Best Casual Games, Racing Games, Early Access Games, Management Games, Transport Simulation Games

If you like racing sims, DRIFT21 is well worth your time. This is a very Japanese focused racing game, with drifting being one of the main aspects of it. However, the car customization, career mode, and decent offering of multiplayer options made this a racing game that I spent way more time with than I thought I would. I will say that those looking for a more “arcade” style racing game will not find that here, but it is not all the way into simulation territory either if that makes sense.

Earning Your License

One of the most interesting things about DRIFT21 is that the developer was able to secure the licensing for the awesome EBISU circuits and they have been replicated digitally are realistically as possible! You have the various different EBISU tracks from Japan to race on and master, but you also have a variety of other tracks too. They also have some key car licenses as well such as Toyota, Subaru, Nissan, Ford, and more! I was very impressed with the amount of licensed content in the game as it gives it a very AAA look and feel.

On And Under The Hood

Those of you who love to tinker with your cars are going to love what DRIFT21 is offering in this regard. When it comes to your cars performance, it is staggering what they have for you to consider here. There are over 1800 different components in this game that you can mess around with to try and find that perfect balance for your driving style! You can also customize the look of your cars in a variety of ways too, you will feel like you are running your own body shop! I would wager that some people will spend more time customizing their car than driving it in this game!

Keeping You Focused

Becoming a drifting legend and mastering the art of drifting is of course a key part of what DRIFT21 is all about. However, this game is stacked with game modes. The career mode is where you will be spending most of your time, winning challenges so that you can earn more money to get better parts for your car as you prove you are the ultimate drifter. This mode is fun, but I do wish you earned money at a quicker rate. You can also do stuff like a single race, time attack, sandbox free race, and so on too. You can also race against friends and take part in various multiplayer challenges too.

Not Quit All The Way Into Simulation Territory

Ok, so DRIFT21 is certainly closer to Forza Motorsport than it is Forza Horizon, but it is not as far away from a Horizon style game as you would think. The reason I say this is that the cars have a bit of a floaty feel to them, to be fair, with drifting being the kind of racing that this game is about, which may be by design. However, do not expect controls similar to something like a Forza Motorsport or Gran Turismo style game here. However, it is not “arcade” enough that those who are usually turned off by racing sims will be able to jump straight it, it is still a game that has a bit of a learning curve to it.


If you are an arcade racer fan, DRIFT21 is probably still a bit too close to the world or racing simulator to win you over. However, you racing sim fans are in for a real treat with this one. I found the game to be very enjoyable and while the actual racing did take me a little while to get used to. It was the car customization and seeing what my changes would mean on the track that made this such an addictive experience for me.


  • I liked how many under the hood customization options there were
  • You can really get wild with your paint job
  • Drifting is fun and exciting in this game
  • I was impressed with the selection of game modes


  • The driving is fun, but does have a bit of floatiness about it
  • It is pretty stingy with the money it gives you at the start and as you progress

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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