Haunted Space

a game by Italian Games Factory
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Psychological Horror Games, Space Games, Lovecraftian Games
Haunted Space
Haunted Space
Haunted Space
Haunted Space

While in space no one can hear you scream, Haunted Space is a game that is sure as hell going to make you scream! This is a horror themed first-person space flight sim and it looks pretty damn awesome I must say. I am a massive horror fan and I really like what this game is trying to do. It has a real creepy and eerie style about it and it is quite different from what most other horror themed games are offering.

Monsters In Space

As I write this very little has been given away about what the plot of Haunted Space actually is. What we do know is that we are in charge of a spacecraft that is traveling around, trying to make a living. Things are complicated though as there are not just other space crafts for you to contend with, space is filled with these massive monsters that you will have to deal with. It sounds like awesome stuff and even from this basic premise, I am very interested in what this story is going to be.

God Like Creatures!

That is how Haunted Space is describing these epic space creatures that you will face. They look awesome, they are massive and they are made up from organic matter and space junk that has somehow fused with their bodies. Not only do these things look awesome from a design point of view, but they are also epic boss battles as well.

Making Your Way Through Space

There is more to this game than just fighting giant space creatures (although that is what I am most excited about) this at its heart is a full survival flight sim. You can take on various jobs that will grant you rewards, but you are also free to travel and try and find and salvage gear all by yourself if you want. You can upgrade your ship with the stuff you find and you can trade with other space vessels too.

Do You Wanna Hold My Hand?

One of the things about Haunted Space that I think sounds very cool is the way that we actually play the game. You can play this as a full on flight sim kind of game where there is very little guidance and hand holding where you are left to take a more hands on approach with your ship. There is also another setting that makes things more arcade style which is the setting that I think I will probably go for. However, I do think it is awesome that they are trying to be as inclusive as possible with this game.


As I write this it is still pretty early in 2022, but this is the most interesting flight sim style of game that I have seen so far. This game looks awesome, it has a tremendous horror theme that I do not think I have seen in a flight sim before, and the way you can have it as a full sim or something more arcade like is very cool. Be sure to keep tabs on this game as I think it has the potential to be something very special.


  • I love the horror in space setting of the story
  • These giant space monsters look amazing
  • You can play this as a full sim style of game if you like
  • You can also change the settings making it a more arcade like experience


  • I wish we knew more about the story
  • This is the kind of game I really hope gets some kind of physical version

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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