God Games

Download and assume divine powers with God games! Shape worlds, guide civilizations, and wield unparalleled influence as you embrace your role as the ultimate deity. Are you ready to experience the power of creation and destruction? Your god gaming adventure starts now!

Games Total: 32
Selection Criteria: Games that give players control over a world or its inhabitants, often with the ability to shape the environment, influence events, or guide the development of a civilization.

Best 32 God Games

Viewing games 1 to 32 (of 32 games)


Players can indulge in special features such as simulation and action modes, fighting skill challenges with evil monsters and many more.

Black & White 2

Truth be told, the original Black & White didn't wear well on me.

Black & White: Creature Isle

Think of Creature Isle as a sort of club med for creatures, a place where your creature can go to soak up the sun and kick back with some creature-esque games.


Now's your chance to play God! Create the world in a week and destroy it in a heartbeat. Conquer 500 hostile worlds. Unleash floods, volcanoes, swamps and earthquakes! Over 300,000 Populous games sold worldwide!
Sega Genesis SNES

Magic Carpet

Magic Carpet is an innovative new game that PC players will find familiar.

Magic Carpet 2

There are many great games on the market, but only a few of them can be labeled truly innovative and groundbreaking.

Populous 2 - Wrath of the Gods

The player adopts the role of a deity and assumes the responsibility to shepherd people by direction, manipulation, and divine intervention.
Sega Genesis

Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods

The player adopts the role of a deity and assumes the responsibility to shepherd people by direction, manipulation, and divine intervention.

ActRaiser 2

This action filled, single player game is a classical story of good versus evil.

Utopia: The Creation of a Nation

It is the player's task to colonize the new planet, manage the colony and raise the quality of life for the citizen in order to reach utopia.


Powermonger is a real-time strategy game developed by Bullfrog in 1990, derived from the Populous engine but presented using a 3-dimensional game map.
Sega Genesis

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