
a game by Supergiant Games
Platform: PC (2018)
Editor Rating: 8.5/10, based on 2 reviews, 1 review is shown
User Rating: 8.6/10 - 7 votes
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See also: Action Games, Action Adventure Games, Story-Rich Games, Download Hack and Slash Games, Best Roguelike Games, Top Down Games, Isometric Games, Mythology Games, Dungeon Crawlers, Fast-Paced Games, Mouse Only Games, Isometric RPG

The latest offering by the popular indie developers Supergiant Games, who created the smash hits Bastion and Transistor, continues the team’s success with one of 2020’s best reviewed games and one of the best rogue-likes in recent history.

Goin’ around Hades Town

The story of Hades is one steeped in Greek mythology. Many players will already know many of the famous myths that make up Hades’ story, but the developers keep things interesting by putting players in the shoes of Zagreus, the son of Hades. The hot-headed Zagreus is hellbent on climbing his way out of the underworld and making it to the heavenly Mount Olympus. And so, players will need to fight their way out of hundreds of procedurally generated hell-levels, with a bit of help from some other Olympians along the way.

Hell Yeah

Hades offers players an isometric combat system not too dissimilar to Supergiant’s other games Bastion and Transistor. However, Hades has several levels of rich combat variation that add plenty of in-game tactical maenavours, as well as lots of replayability. Players have access to 6 weapons, each with 4 different variants. Zagreus also has a very useful dash ability, letting him quickly get out of tight spots in the belly of the underworld. The player also has the cast ability, which works as an explosive projectile allowing the player to deal larger amounts of damage across a wide range on the battlefield.

The combat in Hades is fun, rewarding and definitely a challenge. Since Hades is a rogue-like , players can expect to die many times in their playthroughs, but not without having fun. Hades combat and progression system means that while you may lose some of your gear with each death, each time you die you get to keep some experience points, as well as the knowledge and experience for future battles. Speaking of which, the battles in the game are busy, explosive and a delight to look at. The art direction is bright and colourful, while still retaining a hellish overtone, making any fight a visual treat.

Death in Hades is also unique in that it adds extra layers to the game’s story. Characters in Hades will discuss their and the player’s attempts to leave hell, remarking on how the player dies. Even bosses later down the line make quips about ways the player failed to beat them on their previous attempts, giving the game an incredibly personal experience that is individual to each playthrough.

Dating is Hell

Hades also has some elements from the dating sim genre. While this might sound like a strange combination, the colourful cast of characters in Hades makes this part of the game just as enjoyable as the combat. Every single Olympian the player finds along their journey is full of interesting dialogue, and offers a unique reimagining of the classic Greek myths we all know. These relationships give players more lore about the world, additional quests, and even items that can help the player make their way through the levels of hell.

Characters in Hades also remember various attempts to run away from home, and players will find that the relationships built in the game’s many characters feel far more authentic than most role playing games.


For a game that oozes style, offers a challenge, and combines two seemingly dissonant game genres effortlessly, players owe it to themselves to try out Hades for themselves.


  • Excellent, rewarding and challenging combat
  • Engaging and unique story
  • Gorgeous art style and catchy soundtrack


  • Can be very difficult
  • Not recommended for gamers who don’t like dating sims

Download Hades


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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