King of the Monsters 2

a game by | Takara, and SNK |
Genres: | Action, Fighting Games |
Platforms: |
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Editor Rating: | 6.3/10, based on 8 reviews |
User Rating: | 5.0/10 - 2 votes |
Rate this game: | |
See also: | Monsters Games, Godzilla Games, Amazon Prime Free Games, King of the Monsters Games |
People say:
8I like the Neo version, and this one is just as good. It plays very well, and the graphics are more than what I expected. It's not necessarily the best game when you play alone, but with someone else helping it's loads of fun. A few things have been taken out from the Neo. like the grappling bonus rounds, but they weren't too hot to begin with. Oh well. I would suggest playing this one a while. It grows on you.
7Fighting with big monsters? It hasn't really been done before so it wins points for originality. The side-scrolling scenes are a nice breather from the battles with the Bosses, but it's too easy to get by little enemies, even when blocking. Also, what's the deal with only three characters? This fact severely limits the replayability. The tunes are great and the control is superb, although your thumb gets numb after a while.
7King of the Monsters 2 is perhaps the most strenuous workout any gamer will get without going to the gym. The entire game consists of nothing but rapid button crunching. It's a total riot when you want to take part in smashing buildings, bridges, power plants, and other monsters. Among the cool aspects of the game are the colorful graphics and monstrous sound effects. The special attacks are also great!
7An incredible reproduction of the Neo-Geo version. This cart has all the moves and wrist-wrenching action you've grown to love. Loads of icons and power-ups keep you moving through the levels up to the tough fights with the Bosses. Fans of wrestling games will love the action, especially when you can choose from three guys. This type of action may not be for everyone, but if you love the grapple type of game, get it!
Download King of the Monsters 2

System requirements:
- PC compatible
- Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
- Game modes: Single game mode
Player controls:
- Up, Down, Left, Right - Arrow keys
- Start - Enter (Pause, Menu select, Skip intro, Inventory)
- "A" Gamepad button - Ctrl (usually Jump or Change weapon)
- "B" button - Space (Jump, Fire, Menu select)
- "C" button - Left Shift (Item select)
Use the F12 key to toggle mouse capture / release when using the mouse as a controller.

System requirements:
- PC compatible
- Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
- Pentium II (or equivalent) 266MHz (500MHz recommended), RAM: 64MB (128MB recommended), DirectX v8.0a or later must be installed
Game Reviews
Some of the most innovative technological advances have come from Japan, like VCRs, video games, and high-definition TVs. Then again, we also got rubber-suit monster movies from Japan. Now Takara blends the technological with the terrible in King of the Monsters 2, unfortunately, it leans more toward the latter.
ProTip: Throwing objects at bosses does more damage than wrestling with them.
Street Crater II
Once again, Takara takes three rubber-suited Japanese alien/heroes and makes them into gigantic brawling bad boys. This sequel to the 1992 SNES game just doesn't have enough punch to keep it going.
You can fight against the computer, against a friend, or join forces with another player against the computer. You battle past cities, in airports, and even underwater in search of the end-level bosses. You choose from three characters, and you have a range of standard punches and kicks. Your character can also perform special moves that include projectile attacks and throws.
Grappling with the bosses is the easiest way to take them down. Use your Super moves when grappling.
Hard 'n' Heavy
The graphics fall short of Kingly. The cartoonish enemies are poorly thought out, and the end-level bosses just look silly. The colors used are vivid, but the background details are small and unimpressive.
The sound and music are monstrous but bearable. You'll definitely need some other form of audio fix. Then again, the sound effects in Japanese monster movies never win any awards either.
Charge up for Super moves when you're between battles, or you'll get hit constantly.
The real problem with this game is the control. Super moves are useless unless you charge up first, but you're vulnerable while charging. When you grapple with an enemy, you must constantly tap left and right on the control pad and push a button to perform a move. You also have to approach enemies at an angle, or you're vulnerable to projectile attacks.
- Make sure to register some hits on your enemy when they're on the ground. It takes them a while to get up.
- Remember, you can swim in the underwater stages. Use this ability to your advantage when Sack Eyes is chasing you.
Mild-Mannered Monsters
As for challenge, you'll find yourself beating most of the monsters and bosses with no problem. The trick to staying alive is using your monstrous noggin and avoiding all the peripheral dangers of the game, such as exploding bombs or killer jets.
If you liked the first KOM, then this game is more of the same, and you won't be disappointed. But if you want more options, more fighters, and more moves, you'd move to another King-dom.
It's fight time. In one corner we have pumped-up Japanese monsters. In the other corner...more pumped-up Japanese monsters. If you're thinking you'd like to be somewhere else right about now, you're not alone.
Monster Mash
You can choose from Super Geon, Atomic Guy, Cyber Woo, or any of the bosses.
ProTip: When an opponent stops, turns, or moves funny, get out of the way. Super move comin'.
But wait... it's not like you're going to play against your best friend, because KOM 2 is a one-player game. That's right. Takara giveth, and it taketh away. Add to this the difficult controls, and you have a classic case of sequel syndrome -- the second game is not as good as the first.
After a number of hits, an opponent will stall after getting hit or thrown. Use the opportunity to inflict more damage.
Gimpy Graphics
King of the Monsters 2 also suffers from an image problem (the problem is, the images are terrible). The graphics are tame renderings of short sprites in poorly realized backgrounds.
Come into a fight from an angle. The opponent will have a hard time reacting.
The sound effects are fairly monstrous, but thankfully, fairly intermittent as well. You'll hear some shuffling, groaning, and the rental checkout counter where you'll see this game!
The King Is Dead
So, fight fans, look elsewhere for your thrills. KOM 2 couldn't keep Gerry Cooney up long enough to take a swing. Until Takara finishes Samurai Shodown, somebody there should dethrone this monarch.
Three years ago the giant monsters of Earth fought against each other to see who would be King of the Monsters. Only three of them were lucky enough to survive.
Now the Earth is in peril of the invading force of the Farmardy. Once again the monsters must wage war, only this time they're on the same side!
Originally released on the Neo-Geo, this title has been beautifully ported over with very little lost in the process! There is also a new addition of a unique Two-Player Versus level that has plenty of buildings to smash for power-ups or to throw at your opponents, and the size is large enough for a destruction test! The one-player version still remains, allowing you to choose one of the three remaining monsters to go up against giant space creatures, all with their own weapons and tactics! After defeating these goons, go to the final round, where the leader of the invasion force of Farmardy lies waiting! Another great conversion by Takara!
- Manufacturer: TAKARA
- # of players: 1 OR 2
- Difficulty: MODERATE
- Neo-Geo - SNK
- Theme: Fighting
- Available: 1992
- No. of Levels: 7
Neo-Geo owners will flip over this one! If you totally blew through the original version, King of the Monsters 2 will be sure to please! Choose from the three powerful characters and destroy the hordes of enemy beasts that are attacking! You can destroy towns and monuments for big points. Special attacks are obtained by collecting power-ups from fallen comrades. Become the King of the Monsters in this sequel!
People say:
5It may be an unfair comparison, but in a world populated with great fighting games like Street Fighter 2, SNK should have set higher sights for this sequel. Without the wide variety of moves and secret attacks, this game basically became little more than a gimmick that, while a well done improvement, failed to hold my interest.
7There must have been a lot of players who liked the first version to prompt a sequel. SNK must know what they are doing but I found this game hard to hold my interest. It is a fun game to play but for only a few times. It does have some new moves and the monsters look better but it still falls short of what I was expecting.
6King of the Monsters 2 is your basic mindless fighting game. There are no techniques just jump, punch, and throw your way through 7 levels of multi-meg backgrounds. There are a few new special moves that light up the screen and some interesting boss characters. Other than that it's repetitive and boring.
5What's wrong with this picture? King of the Monsters 2 is light years better than the first, but the first ... I want more characters, more scenes, better soundtracks, and arcade quality if I'm going to shell out the big bucks! King of the Monsters 2 does not ring true as an arcade game with so few options.
Takara is well known for their translations of some of the more popular Neo-Geo titles. Their latest is King of the Monsters 2, an all out battle of monster vs. monster.
This near exact replica features Astro Guy, Woo and Geon, the only survivors of the first monster war, against an alien menace. The stakes are all the lives on planet Earth, so you must succeed.
King of the Monsters 2 looks almost identical to the original, plus the music is great. With two players, it's a treat.
- Difficulty: Average
- Available: 1992
- No. of Levels: 7
- Theme: Fighting
SNK has just outdone themselves with the release of the sequel to the hit game, King of the Monsters. King of the Monsters 2 packs all the action and excitement of the old game times two! There are new characters to choose from, each having an array of fighting techniques as well as plenty of special moves that can be performed with certain joystick combinations. You must battle your way through seven levels of fist-to-fist action and beat the last boss to be crowned king of the monsters. After completing a certain number of levels, you will be rewarded with a bonus stage. In the bonus stage, you must defeat a fellow monster by knocking him over a ledge. All this and more is coming for your NEO-GEO system!
King of the Monsters 2 is a video game released a sequel for the Neo-Geo On May 25, 1992, Takara and SNK, which was also ported to the Super NES in 1993.
The object of this game is similar to its predecessor. You must choose from three monsters which include a large lizard, huge mutant human, and a large robotic ape. Then walk through each city (at the end of each you go head-to-head with the boss creature), making sure to destroy everything in site, including buildings, planes, and other creatures.