Metal Slug: Awakening

a game by Tencent
Platform: PC (2024)
Editor Rating: 7.5/10, based on 1 review
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See also: Best Casual Games, Arcade Games, 2D Platformer Games, Beat 'em-Up, Download Shoot 'Em Up Games, Alternate History Games, Cartoon Games, Metal Slug Series, Mechs Games, Tank Games
Metal Slug: Awakening
Metal Slug: Awakening
Metal Slug: Awakening
Metal Slug: Awakening

If you ever lost every penny you had playing in the arcades in the 90s, then you certainly know what this game is all about. Metal Slug: Awakening takes this legendary series's classic shoot 'em up formula and modernizes it with mid-RPG elements for mobile gamers who love gacha games.

In essence, this is the same Metal Slug we know and love. In practice, however, the sheer amount of extra content here represents something the franchise has never been before. That's both a pro and a con for the aging series. Ultimately, how much you enjoy Awakening will depend on how much you can deal with its intense gacha practices.

As long as you're not bothered by the RPG-fication of a game that used to be a simple shooter, then you'll find that Metal Slug: Awakening is a marvelous tribute to what the series once was.

Run, Shoot, Upgrade, Repeat

Most of the time, Metal Slug: Awakening feels just like classic Metal Slug. The game features the same level structure, with the player advancing from left to right while defeating hordes of totally-not-Nazis. It's the same addictive loop you remember from the days of Metal Slug X, complete with the wacky antics the series is known – and loved – for.

Power-ups, like the classic Heavy Machine Gun and Rocket Launcher, are still readily available in every stage. However, you can now upgrade both your basic gun and any pick-ups to increase your chances of survival. And that's where the game's mobile origins come in.

Besides shooting everything in sight, you must collect materials and pieces. These come in handy whenever you decide to upgrade your character (which also comes as a gacha bonus).

Spray and Pray

In the original Metal Slug games, every character played more or less the same. Sure, some later games in the series, like Metal Slug 7, toyed with the idea of assigning special attributes to certain characters. However, in Metal Slug: Awakening, your choice of mercenary plays an integral role during gameplay.

Classics like Marco, Tarma, Eri, and Fio are all here, but so are a selection of soldiers from across Metal Slug's history, along with some unexpected cameos from other franchises. Expect to see some familiar faces from SNK's library, including characters from The King of Fighters and so much more.

That alone makes Metal Slug: Awakening feel like a celebration of all things SNK. For fans of the Neo Geo and the series' developer, you'll find a treasure trove of cameos and easter eggs that make the experience even more special.

Same Old Difficulty

Metal Slug games were never known for being easy – or fair. It comes with the territory when you're one of the most played arcade games. Somehow, Metal Slug: Awakening never feels as punishing as its retro cousins.

Instead of ramping up the difficulty with more challenges or harder bosses, the game goes for a more linear approach. Most of the time, the only way to beat certain stages will be to level up your character or weapons. In a way, it's the same thing as dropping infinite pennies on an arcade machine – only with microtransactions this time.


Metal Slug: Awakening reignites some of the love for the arcade originals, even if it never approaches the heights of its predecessors.


  • Entertaining gameplay loop
  • Unlocking new guns and characters feels rewarding
  • Tons of cameos and references to other SNK titles


  • Relies too much on luck
  • Can get too grindy for its own good
  • Artificial difficulty forces you to play with its gacha system

Download Metal Slug: Awakening


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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