a game by Asobimo
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 6/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Download Anime Games, RPGs, Best Mobile Games, Gacha Games

N-INNOCENCE is a gacha game based on Norse mythology. The game features characters such as Loki and Thor, and opens with the main character underwater apparently in need of rescue. No explanation is given as to why the player is underwater or how he got there.

The game introduces you to several gorgeous girls and peg you as “ordinary” straight off the bat.

Tutorial is Unnecessarily Complicated

The game starts descending into disappointing a few minutes after it starts. Although the characters are cute and the graphics are fine, the tutorial is a nightmare. The game unloads an instruction manual for every detail of the game all at once, and forces you to click through every single page.

Reading through the endless pages of information on Divine Power, elemental interaction, SP and more, you might think you need a Doctorate to finish this game. It’s just an average game very similar to Genshin Impact. Throwing the entire user manual at the character in the first 5 minutes of gameplay makes it sound harder than it really is.

Genshin Impact introduces you to each new aspect of the game gradually, with one quest teaching you how to do fire puzzles, another teaching you how to glide, etc. Gradually introducing game mechanics in the form of quests is much easier, rather than forcing a character to learn every single mechanism in the whole game for one 60 second fight.

Story is Slow

After not one, but two tutorials, the game begins getting into the main story quest. This storyline is nothing exceptional, and indeed drags on forever with nothing especially interesting to keep you in your seat. The characters, although well drawn and animated, don’t have much in the way of personality. They each stick to one or two points that are their assigned feature, and never grow or develop in any meaningful way.

Weird Age Restriction

After a certain point in the game, players unlock the player shop where they can spend money on the game. The game then asks the players age and imposes a limit of $79.99 per month on people under the age of 20, and no limit over the age of 21.

This is fine and is likely there to keep kids from spending mom’s money, but it isn’t going to stop those old enough to be playing the game. It seems like an unnecessary step since a player who is 19 is simply going to lie about their age if they really want to spend that much money. Since this game is released in Japan, it’s also possible this is a Japanese specific law, as one player suggested.


With so many wonderful gacha games out there, there’s no reason to play N-INNOCENCE. This game has a slow start and a very generic storyline, but if you just want a game to pass the time and let you enjoy some very beautiful characters, it will work.


  • Cute characters


  • Boring story
  • Long tutorial



System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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