Perseus: Titan Slayer

a game by Sicarius
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Best Indie Games, RPGs, Download Hack and Slash Games, Best Roguelike Games, Perma Death Games, Bullet Hell Games, Dungeon Crawlers
Perseus: Titan Slayer
Perseus: Titan Slayer
Perseus: Titan Slayer
Perseus: Titan Slayer

Perseus: Titan Slayer is my kind of rogue-like game! This is one of those games where as soon as I saw the trailer, I knew that this was a game for me! This has that classic ancient Greece setting and mythology that I get such a huge kick out of. It has some fantastic graphics and best of all, the hack and slash gameplay not only looks fun, but there are so many fun ways you can build your character here which is what games like this should be all about if you ask me.

Only You Can Save Olympus!

I have to say that overall, I am not so sure just how story driven Perseus: Titan Slayer is going to be. However, the premise is something that I certainly do find very exciting. We play as the demi god Perseus and only he can take the fight to Tartarus to put a stop to Hades and stop Olympus from falling into ruins. As someone that loves stuff like Clash of the Titans and Jason and the Argonauts, this is very cool.

With Arms Wide Open

Nope, that was not some kind of reference to the band Creed, although, now that I have maintained it, I guess it kind of is. Anyway, Perseus: Titan Slayer has us trying to save Olympus and the Gods are not going to just ignore us. One of the coolest things about this game is that we get to meet various gods on our journey such as Poseidon and Zeus and from these gods, we get access to their legendary upgrades which sounds awesome!

Hacking, Slashing, Styling, And Profiling

The core gameplay on offer here is very hack and slash and that is something I am all about. Perseus: Titan Slayer is a very fast-paced kind of game and each run is going to offer you something different. There are pretty much no limits to the kind of build you can embark on an adventure with here and tinkering with your build to try new abilities, powers, and so on and find the best balance for you is just a pure joy. It is also a very challenging game, but not in an obnoxious way as it is more about having fun.

Making The Right Decisions

I was very surprised at just how choice driven Perseus: Titan Slayer is. As you play the games you will get to make some very important choices as you move forward. It seems like you are always at some kind o branching path, be it making a narrative choice or making a decision about what upgrade or item you want to get. It makes each run truly unique and something that I am sure will make the game very addictive.


I know that some of you folks are getting a bit sick of these rogue-like style games, but I truly think that Perseus: Titan Slayer is something a bit different and because of that it is one of the most exciting games in this genre to be released in 2023. I get some real Hades vibes from this game and that is meant in the most complimentary way possible. The whole mythology of the game is just awesome and actually one of the most awesome things about it.


  • I love the Ancient Greek story that is being told here
  • The game is very fast-paced with excellent hack and slash combat
  • You can unlock cool god abilities
  • Each run is going to feel different


  • I hope that the story does match the epic premise
  • It does play similarly to other action heavy rogue-likes

Download Perseus: Titan Slayer


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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