
a game by Data East, and Bally Midway Manufacturing Co.
Genres: Action, Arcade Classics
Platforms: Sega Master SystemSega Master System, NESNES, Lynx
Editor Rating: 7.1/10, based on 7 reviews
User Rating: 6.0/10 - 4 votes
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See also: Godzilla Games, Kaiju Games, Rampage Game Series


This just in to our newsroom! A terrible accident at the local chemical lab has transformed a few of the workers into huge monstrous creatures that are tearing up our nation's cities! The armed forces are helpless in their attempts to stop them! Tanks are being crushed! Helicopters are being swatted down like flies! People are being eaten alive!! And the best part is that all this mayhem is happening right in the palm of your hands!

Tiny Giants

Atari has reproduced the arcade classic Rampage for homeplay on the Lynx. This version comes with all your favorite bashing, smashing, and trashing, plus a new feature -- four-player game-play! You and three friends have the choice of being either Lizzy the Lizard, George the Gorilla, Ralph the Werewolf, or Larry the Giant Rat. Work together as a titanic demolition tag-team or play one-on-one and see who can rack up the most points!

Rampage is perhaps the easiest, most straightforward game you'll ever play. All you have to do is destroy! DESTROY! DESTROY! The objective of this game is to destroy every city until you reach the 40th level where you'll find the scientist with the antidote that can revert your monstrosity to its human form. Rack up points by quickly destroying the buildings, smashing enemy tanks and choppers, and eating as many hapless people as you can!

Although your creature towers over all your opponents, it's necessary to avoid too much damage from tank shells, bombs, and machine gun fire, or they quickly whittle down your health units.


  • Speed up the destruction by smashing all the buildings around you at the same time.

  • Wait until the expert releases the bomb. Eating bombs decreases health units not to mention giving a bad case of indigestion!

During your rampage, keep an eye out for food items and potions that will increase your health units and can make you temporarily invulnerable. Each monster starts with three lives and an extra life is awarded at 100,000 and 300,000 points.

Destructive Delight

Rampage takes full advantage of the graphic capabilities and looks almost as good as its arcade big brother. The characters are large, colorful, and well-drawn, and additional touches such as flashing neon pizza signs and terrified citizens running down the city streets are a visual delight! Gameplay is rather limited; however, you just smash through level after level of the same buildings. But, sometimes a mindless, destructive wreck-fest is the perfect change of pace from the usual shoot-em-ups and kung fu games. Rampage is a wrecking good time!

Download Rampage

Sega Master System

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
  • P-200, 32 MB RAM

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Remember this multi-player arcade smash? Take over the controls of an over-sized monster as he smashes his way from city to city. Punch and kick at the foundations of buildings and watch them crumble. Gain energy by eating pesky soldiers and other humans. A brand new character, Larry the Lab Rat, has been added to this version of the game.

Why is it that movie monsters appeal so much to sixth-grade boys? Why do mucus-dripping mutants and rickshaw-wrecking reptiles hold such sway over preadolescents? Is it that such youngsters, lacking any real control over the world they inhabit, secretly envy the power and seeming invincibility of these creatures of fantasy?

Maybe. Then again, maybe not, because a lot of us former sixth-graders are still taken with movie monsters, especially when we can, for a brief time anyway, step into their shoes...er, talons...whatever. The arcade game Rampage has come to the Lynx. With it you and up to three of your most monstrous friends can engage in the kind of megademolition previously reserved for King Kong and the 50-foot woman (now there's a match made in heaven).

In Rampage the monsters are all former humans who have been accidentally mutated into slavering beasts. As one of the monsters, your main goal is to maintain your health while simultaneously wracking up points by pulverizing all man-made objects--and men--in the vicinity. There are 61 "days" to complete, the last of which leads you to Sunnyvale, California, where a lab technician holds the key to returning your monster to his or her human state.

Each day presents you with a section of a different city to destroy. Each section contains a certain number of buildings; all must be destroyed before the next round begins. The standard way to smash buildings is to climb their sides and punch away.

Behind the walls you will find various objects, ranging from tasty foodstuff and humans (yum!) to dangerous objects like bombs and "live" electric appliances. When you eat something good for you, it adds to your monster's health. Eating something bad (like a cactus or toilet) results in a lowering of health. You'll know something's not good for your monster if he sticks his tongue out after ingesting it. The threats to your well-being are many. The most common danger is soldiers who peek out of windows and either shoot or lob dynamite at you. They're not a big problem, and you should think of them as quick snacks while you're looking for innocent citizens to munch on. More dangerous are the helicopters and tanks that prowl the city. One of the biggest dangers is being on a building when it collapses, which hurts your monster sorely. Predicting the collapse of buildings is difficult because there are little soldiers who attempt to blow up the building, and if you aren't paying attention, you may suddenly take a nasty drop to the pavement thanks to the actions of one of these little demolition experts.

Using the ComLynx, up to four players can participate in Rampage, playing the parts of George the Gorilla, Lizzy the Giant Lizard, Larry the Lab Rat or Ralph the Werewolf. In multiplayer mode you can cooperate, or you can all slug it out to see who's the toughest monster of all.

Rampage has good graphics with lots of neat touches. Not only do the monsters have numerous expressions and animated positions, but there are little details like the victims and soldiers, the detailed buildings, cars and tanks and even the little men sitting in bathtubs and on toilets. The music is good too, although I did recognize at least one piece as having been previously used in Chip's Challenge. Kill, maim and destroy!

A revamped version of the famous arcade classic! Lizzie the Lizard, George the Gorilla, and Ralph the Werewolf are all back plus a new edition to the group Larry the Lab Rat. Colorful graphics and hilarious animations make the game come alive. Up to 4 players can join in on the fun and mayhem!

  • Manufacturer: Sega
  • Machine: SMS

3 Joysticks

Steve Pestana of Coral Springs, Florida, has informed us of a way to continue this mutant battle. In two-player mode, after you shrink down to your human form, all you have to do is press button No. 2 to bring your monster back to life. Thanks, Steve!

  • Manufacturer: Activision
  • Machine: Versions: Amiga, Apple II, Commodore 64, IBM PC

Kill! Murder! Pulverize! Those are sweet words to fans of lurid Japanese (and American) monster movies. In this home edition of the hit Bally Midway coin-op machine, players can follow in the outsized claw steps of famous cinematic creatures like a giant ape, huge lizard or jumbo man-wolf.

Up to three players, hardware limitations permitting, can pick monsters and cooperate or compete to destroy 147 different towns and cities. Considering the number of enraged human defenders who seek to thwart the intended devastation, pooling talents may prove the wiser strategy.

Each monster is guided with a different control system. Players have a choice of using either of the joysticks, two different keyboard modes or customizing their own keystroke input system.

The participants choose their monsters and control systems with the keyboard from the Option Screen prior to the actual start of the game. A special news page then describes the start of the monsters' attack on the next city.

The destruction takes place on a non-scrolling screen that depicts cities, monsters and defenders in excellent side-perspective animation. A player may move his or her creature left and right along the city's single street and climb up the sides of buildings. Once the ape, lizard or wolf has inched up the structure, the punch/chomp button can either knock a gaping hole in a wall or allow the creature to grab people and objects through the windows.

The player must be selectively greedy to amass a high score for leveling cities. Snatching objects like toast, turkeys, hamburgers and water jugs increases the monster's energy. Poison, cactus, candles, toasters and television sets (when they are turned on) are some of the things that drain energy.

Soldiers, sharpshooters firing from windows, helicopters and vehicles provide the main opposition. The computer-controlled defenders attempt to keep the disaster within bounds and try to kill the menace.

The marauders start with awesome power, but getting hit by thrown dynamite, a hail of machine gun bullets or a fellow rampager drains energy quickly. If the level falls far enough, the monster reverts to its puny human form. Life expectancy can be measured in seconds when that happens.

On the other hand, the monsters earn lots of points for eliminating foes. Thus the defenders represent both a danger and an opportunity. The gamer must keep dodging attacks while putting the monster in position to exact a heavy toll in casualties.

Punching a hole in a building is only worth 50 to 250 points, but it adds up. Each structure can take a tremendous pounding before it falls to rubble, so this form of destruction really makes those scores climb. Picking up money, flowers, a safe or a light bulb earns as much as 1,000 points, making them the most valuable bonus objects in Rampage.

Monarch Development has brought the Bally quarter-snatcher home with a faithful translation. The Amiga edition should especially please those who enjoyed Rampage in the arcades, and the MS-DOS edition is also a fine translation. Rampage for the Apple II suffers because of the crude graphics, but it is still above average for the machine.

Rampage isn't very subtle, but it's a monstrous good time when you've in the mood for a little mindless aggression

  • Manufacturer: Data East
  • Machine: Nintendo Entertainment System

Like many fellow arcades, Rampage reminded me of one thing when I first discovered it in the arcade: those incredibly bad monsters - devouring - Tokyo flicks with the atrocious English dubbing. My friends and I used to watch these "movies" on television during those long summer vacations between elementary school years. Yeah, those were keen days.

Essentially, what you get with Rampage is the opportunity to play a movie monster, pillaging city block after city block to your heart's delight. Here, you'll find virtually all the things you've seen in those Japanese monster films: attacking helicopters, army soldiers and policemen; innocent bystanders getting eaten; and, of course, collapsing skyscrapers. In fact, about the only things that are not in Rampage are English dubbing and a lousy screenplay.

Rampage's motto is simply "Let's trash this place!" This is a game of pure destruction. Period. The giant George the Ape and the equally large Lizzy the Lizard must tear down buildings through 128 different screens of city blocks. You do this by moving George or Lizzy onto a building and having him or her punch out as many of the story windows as possible. This gradually weakens the building's structure, eventually bringing it to a collapse.

Points are awarded for anything that you can get George or Lizzy to destroy. But you have to watch out for the policemen and military soldiers who are shooting and bombing your monster from the building windows and the street. Then there are the missile-firing helicopters and tanks and electrical signs that George and Lizzy should avoid coming into contact with. All injuries sustained show up on a damage bar. When this bar reaches its maximum length, George and Lizzy transform back to their human forms, respectively, and briskly walk off the screen.

In order to avoid having your trashing party brought to an end, you can make George or Lizzy grab handfuls of innocent bystanders and devour them. Not eating enough citizens, or accidentally swallowing poison, however, will affect the damage bar. Some who are weary of violence in video games will probably declare that the people-eating and building-bashing will induce impressionable young minds to violence. But playing Rampage hasn't turned me or my friends into destructive cannibals.

Like the original Mario Bros., this is one of those games best played with two people - each player controls his/her own monster. If you're playing by yourself, the adversaries are tougher to deal with alone, yet you get to choose between assuming the role of George or Lizzy.

The graphics are good, and the animation is surprisingly flicker-free most of the time. Music and sound effects are equally great and complement the on-screen action nicely. You'll wear a satisfying sneer every time you see and hear a building crumble down to the ground due to your demolition.

Perhaps the greatest thing about Rampage is that it makes for an excellent stress reliever. Had a bad day at the office? Then fantasize for the moment that you're George the Ape wrecking down your office skyscraper and chewing up your editor - I mean, boss.

About the only complaint that can be made about Rampage is its hefty price tag - $45 - but that's because this is a two-megabyte game pak. Still, this is sure to be one of the hottest NES games of 1989. Rampage's success will rest on the fact that it is the epitome of what every good video game should be: fun.

And, oh, in case you're wondering, you won't miss the English dubbing and lousy screenplay.

Snapshots and Media

Atari Lynx Screenshots

NES/Famicom/Dendy Screenshots

Sega Master System Screenshots

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