Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment

a game by Bandai Namco Games, and Aquria
Platform: PC (2014)
Editor Rating: 6/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Download Anime Games, Manga Games, RPGs, Sword Art Games
Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment
Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment
Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment
Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment

Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment is a spin off of the popular anime series. The game starts us off trapped in an online world the same as in the anime, but on the 76th floor. The game branches off from there. Just like in the anime you’ll be starting off at level 100, but to make the game more challenging your weapons mastery starts at 0 and you’ll have to grind for a few hours to get the best weapons and gear. This provides some challenge, while also keeping at least a little to the script.

Lots to do

If you’ve played other games in the series, such as Sword Art Online: Lost Song, you have an idea of what to expect from this game. One of the best parts of the game is that it has an expansive world map. There are plenty of different dungeons to visit, and while they are all similar, there are enough differences to keep things interesting. On the combat side of things, there’s also an enormous number of different mobs to fight, and almost as many skills to learn. This alone gives you a lot to do in the game, but there’s also a secret section of the game added that you can unlock called “The Hollow Area.” Inside is a bunch of quests and other tasks you can do to keep busy.

Improved English Translation

In earlier versions of the game, most reviews centered around how terrible the English translation was for the game. Phrases like, “Klein became to one who did the fight without everyone noticing it,” was one of the easier to translate phrases. The developers worked hard to improve this in the 2018 version, with an all Japanese voice cast and much better translations. This is a big relief to players who sometimes didn’t even know how to make positive progression in the game due to how confusing the speech was.

Confusing plot and poor character development

If the developers had simply left the game as a kind of themed sandbox, this game might have been okay. Instead, the plot twists and turns an odd directions, most of which make no sense if you’re at all familiar with the popular anime it derives from. Awkward fan service is clean of anything inappropriate but makes it very clear what Karita is going to do with each of the harem members you can interact with. One of the harem members includes Karita’s “daughter” for an uncomfortable twist.


Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment has a lot going for it, but it could also still be improved. The game features plenty to keep you busy, and a solid number of gaming hours for its price. Unfortunately, this is balanced with so much dialogue it feels like a slog just to get to the action, and characters that act or behave strangely throughout the game. If you’re a fan of SAO you may enjoy this game, but grabbing some of the others in the series first may be a better use of your time.


  • Decent combat system
  • Improved translations
  • Large world map


  • Way too much dialogue
  • Harem fan service feels out of place

Download Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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