War of Rights

a game by Campfire Games
Platform: PC (2018)
Editor Rating: 8.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 7.5/10 - 4 votes
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See also: Download First Person Shooter Games, Best Indie Games, Download Strategy Games, Military Games, Games Like Arma
War of Rights
War of Rights
War of Rights
War of Rights

It is kind of crazy that War of Rights is still listed as being in early access on Steam as it feels like this has been out for ages! This is a huge multiplayer first person shooter that is set during the American Civil War which is really cool. I cannot think of too many other games that take place during this time period so that was one of the main things that made me want to check this game out. I have actually spent quite a bit of time with it so I thought I would share my thoughts on the game with you guys.

One Battle At A Time

One area where I think that War of Rights could be better is with an actual campaign. Instead of a campaign, we have many different classic and historical battles that we can play through. These are all based on real battles and they do a pretty solid job of playing history teacher and letting you know the ins and outs of each battle before it takes place.

I found this really interesting, but a proper campaign I think is something these guys would really excel at. I say that because this is a great looking game and they have tried to be as realistic as possible with pretty much everything.

A Cog In The War Machine!

As far as the classes that you can play as in War of Rights go, it is pretty impressive. You can play as all kinds of classes such as private, noncommissioned officer, officer, and also a flag bearer (I think more classes may be coming) and they each have their own play style as well as strengths and weaknesses. It makes playing as each one to see which you like best well worthwhile. Another cool thing about the way you play the game is that you can rise up through the ranks, going as far to be a colonel, barking orders at the rest of the players. I have played with a few people who take a lead role on a squad and it is pretty cool to see.

This Is My Rifle, This Is My Gun!

If you get that reference, give yourself a pat on the back Private Pyle! As far as the actual first-person shooter gameplay of War of Rights goes it is very solid. It is a fast-paced FPS and the kind of game that is very easy to get to grips with. Those of you who have played any kind of FPS before such as Call of Duty or Overwatch will have no trouble at all jumping in here and getting to grips with it. The one thing that can be hard is just how massive these battles are, with over 100 players it can get rather intimidating. There is a great selection of weapons in the game and I had fun with the way they were all old timey weapons. I thought that War of Rights was a fantastic game. I was pretty addicted to it for a whole weekend as my and my buddies easily put ten hours plus into it!


It is the kind of game that is just a lot of fun to play and I hope that they have not abandoned it and they plan on adding many of the features that they have on their roadmap for the game. If you like first-person shooters, you have to give this one a try.


  • I liked the American Civil War setting
  • It is cool how different each class feels
  • I liked the way you could rise through the ranks of the military
  • The gameplay is fast paced and a lot of fun


  • I really wish that there was some kind of campaign
  • Not sure how often they are actually going to update this.

Download War of Rights


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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