Pacific Warriors II: Dogfight

a game by InterActive Vision White Eagle Sp. z o.o.
Platform: Playstation 2 (2004)
Editor Rating: 7.5/10, based on 1 review, 2 reviews are shown
User Rating: 9.3/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Download Simulator Games, WW2 Games, Military Games, Flight Games
Pacific Warriors II: Dogfight
Pacific Warriors II: Dogfight
Pacific Warriors II: Dogfight
Pacific Warriors II: Dogfight

Pacific Warriors II: Dogfight drops players into the cockpit of WWII fighter planes in the Pacific theater. Choose to fight for the USA or Japan across 50 missions ranging from intense dogfights to strategic bombings. While the environments are gorgeously rendered, the limited plane selection leads to repetitive gameplay.

In the two opening campaigns, pilots take to the skies to dominate the Pacific Ocean in the name of their chosen faction. Missions range from defending friendly fleets to seeking out and decimating enemy bases. While objectives shake up the action, the game's core remains aerial dogfighting.

The developers beautifully rendered sprawling island chains and realistic weather effects. Sunlight glares over the horizon, limiting visibility in an immersive touch. While scouting enemy fleets I often found myself distracted by the picturesque scene stretching endlessly before me.

Dogfighting Dynamics

Beyond the graphics, the game nails the feeling of piloting an agile fighter. Shoulder button controls keep the experience accessible while still allowing for complex maneuvers. Tight turns, loop-de-loops, and daring dives kept me on the edge of my seat.

Dogfights feel authentic, with the occasional mid-air collision when two planes get too close. The only thing limiting the aerial action is the tiny selection of aircraft. With just two planes per faction, I quickly grew bored of the repetitive playstyle. Expanding the roster could have added more dynamic face-offs.

Compared to the vast customization of Ace Combat, the limited planes in Pacific Warriors II were a letdown. However, the combat still surpasses Crimson Skies thanks to the realism of the flight mechanics.

Smart Enemy AI

What Pacific Warriors II lacks in customization, it makes up for with intelligent enemies. The opposing force actively seeks out weaknesses instead of flying in predictable patterns. Enemies will tail your plane, waiting for the perfect shot. Or they will flee a dogfight if low on health, setting up an ambush around the next island.

This kept me thinking on my toes during every confrontation. However, their advanced tactics highlighted the limited ally AI. Wingmen felt like dead weight, useless in battle. Though allies disappoint, enemies impress with their ruthless commitment to victory.

Authentic Objectives

Between dogfights, the game had me bombing enemy bases, scouting naval fleets, and defending ally ships. Unlike some flight games, objectives go beyond simple enemy elimination.

Missions capture the broader strategies employed during WWII. Aside from providing variety, objectives influence dogfighting dynamics. For example, a damaged engine from an anti-aircraft turret might force you to depend on wingmen during the next confrontation. The context around combat scenarios stayed fresh and engaging across the game's 50 missions.


Pacific Warriors II: Dogfight excels at capturing the tense aerial battles between the US and Japan in WWII. While the limited aircraft selection was underwhelming, the game still delivers an incredible dogfighting experience.


  • Gorgeous island environments
  • Realistic flight mechanics
  • Dynamic objectives


  • Only 2 planes per faction
  • Useless ally AI
  • Aircraft weaponry lacks variety

Download Pacific Warriors II: Dogfight

Playstation 2

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Pacific Warriors II: Dogfight is a military simulator in which you can choose your own side in the armed Pacific conflict known as World War II. Become the pilot of one of the legendary planes of that era and go on long missions to destroy enemy combat units.

Pros of the game:

  • Fifty huge missions. Destroy enemy ships, aircraft, and tanks
  • Extensive list of accurately recreated aircraft that have made history: Hellcat, Dauntless, Zero
  • Bonus Point Buying System

Snapshots and Media

Playstation 2 Screenshots

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